Rausch Creek 10/03/15

Ill be curious to see what you think of those tires, In the spring I think itll be time for me to get a new set...but not sure if im gonna stick with the trail grapplers since my spare is basically new so I would only really need 4, or sell that one and switch to a diff nitto or something.
Ill be curious to see what you think of those tires, In the spring I think itll be time for me to get a new set...but not sure if im gonna stick with the trail grapplers since my spare is basically new so I would only really need 4, or sell that one and switch to a diff nitto or something.

well ill be in the market in spring for 2 new nittos so keep that in mind!
Well its not "new" but prolly only has like 3k on it. I do love the trail graps, but I thinking the exo may be a better choice that will hold up longer but I cant decide. I just get really lazy with rotating them which is my problem. I may end up just getting toyos actually cuz I think eddie has said many times they are just as good and last a little longer.
Please check in with me that you are still coming!!! I don't want to be waiting around for a person not coming!! As stated before we are leaving the parking lot and head into the woods at 8:30AM! So be there before and get your rigs ready, ask for help or directions on how to do anything you have limbering in your mind now! Recurve??? what is your plan have you found a new seat or do we need to get you on? Please ask questions no I will not be around for most of the night today and have packing to do in the am.

1)Noroad- (Andrew)& youngfire-(Julie) ................... Check
5)jnabird333 (jay) .......................Check
6)Cozdude (steve)
7)kgw350 (B&R)

Blues group
Filled at 10

Green group
1)Leader is being recruited
2)scull20-(ryan) .......................Check
3)09blackruby .......................Check
4)RjSkippy .......................Check
5)Rhin0247 (Ryan) ..................... Check
6)Rhin0247 wife ...................... Check
8)72blubyu & RJSkippy Friend.......................Check
Filled at 10
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Not to be that guy, but did anyone call to make sure this storm wont make them close the park? Just thinking ahead
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