Rausch Creek 10/03/15

I'm definitely in. I was a maybe before. I'd like blacks/blues but honestly I'll join Jim's green group too if needed. Just looking forward to wheeling!

There really isn't a Black-Blue group. The group running Blacks will be running closer to and including Reds. Also, This group is very full. Even if people drop out we would prefer to not back-fill.

Do you still want in the Green Group?
Going to try and keep this on the last page....

This ride has gotten WAY bigger than I believe Andrew was planning (especially for the harder trails). That is great but I know there will be some parking lot restructuring of the groups and we will do our best to lay out a plan. (I've been tagged in to try and assist.)

For this reason, please be at RC.... and ready to roll by 8:30 (SHARP). Large groups always loose time getting rolling no one wants to loose half the day in the parking lot.

We are going to try this Eddie and Cindy style where we run a trail type as once group but have smaller sub groups and leaders to keep us moving better. (This worked very well on the Rubicon) As such, I have lumped the trail types below in a post I am able to edit. Please let me know if I am missing something or a change is needed. (NOTE: Maybes were left off the list to un-clutter it a bit)

Black - Red

This group will need to be broken into at least two preferably three smaller groups. We will all be in a line but this is for spotting and recovery purposes. We will stop and mix up the order at lunch or when we come off a trail around that time. The only time the whole group will stop is to ensure a mechanical problem is under control.

Moved list to last page
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