NORCAL: Rubicon Run - October 1-4

Roaring camp bro. We have a steak cook out with live music every Saturday night. This Saturday I will cook New York steaks, fried potatoes, corn on the Cobb, salad, and fry bread for about 160 people.

That sounds amazing! Need to make a trip up for that for sure!!
7 days till adventure!

You going all the way to Tahoe next Wednesday? My buddy from MI is flying out for this. He fashions himself a "craft beer drinker" and asked if we could hit Russian River Brewery for some damn elderly beer. So, he flies in the 30th around noon, and I'm off work next Thursday (Oct 1), so we talked about hitting R.River and then heading over to Loon from there. Any interest? You can even stay with me Wed night if you want. Bobby say's you're cool, so that's enough for me.
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OK OK .. I have been ignoring the thread since work has been kicking my butt... and well I was traveling for fun too. So I am trying to catch up on everything. Is anyone wanting to use my garage for storage for next weekend? (next weekend only Scott. No you can't store it there all summer). Also I don't know what time everyone is going up on Thursday but was gonna try to caravan with a few. Maybe a stop at Uncle Toms Cabin

OK OK .. I have been ignoring the thread since work has been kicking my butt... and well I was traveling for fun too. So I am trying to catch up on everything. Is anyone wanting to use my garage for storage for next weekend? (next weekend only Scott. No you can't store it there all summer). Also I don't know what time everyone is going up on Thursday but was gonna try to caravan with a few. Maybe a stop at Uncle Toms Cabin


Can I store all my Christmas decorations there too?
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