Career Change at 30?

After a long talk with my significant other, I've decided to hold off for a year before scheduling an entry test date for the MSHP. One of the tests is a "fit for duty" test which requires a 1.5 mile run, sit-ups, and push-ups. I don't feel that I am physically fit to perform said tests at this point. I am willing to work hard for the next year to meet these physical goals. As many of you have said, "go prepared!", that's what I plan to do. I don't wanna be the guy lagging behind. The MSHP does their tests annually starting in March. So I'll have a solid year to whip my own ass into shape. Thank you all who responded to this thread, and wish me luck in the future to come.

I hate to say this, because I have spent a ton of time ripping on cross fit. I'd go to cross fit and get a membership. They really help to get you in shape fast and the types of exercises are very good at preparing for public safety or the military.

That was so painful.
Follow your dreams. But make the decision together. I am 45 yrs old and I am changing jobs after 20yrs with my company to move to Paso Robles and work for a brewery its a dream job and couldn't turn it down😄 my wife is happy and very supported I am so happy to have her.
After a long talk with my significant other, I've decided to hold off for a year before scheduling an entry test date for the MSHP. One of the tests is a "fit for duty" test which requires a 1.5 mile run, sit-ups, and push-ups. I don't feel that I am physically fit to perform said tests at this point. I am willing to work hard for the next year to meet these physical goals. As many of you have said, "go prepared!", that's what I plan to do. I don't wanna be the guy lagging behind. The MSHP does their tests annually starting in March. So I'll have a solid year to whip my own ass into shape. Thank you all who responded to this thread, and wish me luck in the future to come.

So this should be the big test. Set your goal for where you want to be in 1 year,, IE: weight, eating/drinking habits, regular physical activity, fitness, how far/fast you can run. If you succeed in meeting these goals, then you will succeed in the academy and career. If you fall short then you have to question your commitment to the lifestyle and dedication a career in law enforcement takes. I wish you the best of luck!!
I too often always have feelings of possibly wanting a career change. I feel like what your feeling is a Natural part of life, and like most said just follow your dreams!
Go for it, I've been a Federal law enforcement officer for 8 years now, love it, started wen I was 21yrs. You gonna love law enforcement.
Go for it, I've been a Federal law enforcement officer for 8 years now, love it, started wen I was 21yrs. You gonna love law enforcement.

Been in EMS as a Paramedic for almost 3 years now and about a year ago i started in Professional Firefighting. Love it, but my father in law is in law enforcement and i can't help but be curious and want to do it as well. :thumb:
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