Jeeps stinger seriously injures girl in crash

I would feel absolutely no sympathy for the Jeep owner. And hope he gets prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and financially ruined in civil court. It seems a little unnecessary to post the pic of the young girl. But it does make a hell of a statement.

Prosecuted for what? you DIP SHIT. In order to prosecuted the jeep owner would of had to something criminal. Equipping your jeep with an after market bumper isn't a crime dumb ass. The statement the posting of the picture, says I'm a DICKHEAD
Prosecuted for what? you DIP SHIT. In order to prosecuted the jeep owner would of had to something criminal. Equipping your jeep with an after market bumper isn't a crime dumb ass. The statement the posting of the picture, says I'm a DICKHEAD

Obama is trying to change that lol hahahaha
Prosecuted for what? you DIP SHIT. In order to prosecuted the jeep owner would of had to something criminal. Equipping your jeep with an after market bumper isn't a crime dumb ass. The statement the posting of the picture, says I'm a DICKHEAD

Just don't tell him to stop being a Pussy
This coming from someone that also has aftermarket bumpers. View attachment 145479

And larger tires, and higher suspension, and huge anchor on the bumper (winch) all of which add several hundred pounds to the vehicle resulting in more momentum and longer distance to stop.

Hrm... perhaps he should sell this vehicle and purchase a bone-stock bicycle.
And larger tires, and higher suspension, and huge anchor on the bumper (winch) all of which add several hundred pounds to the vehicle resulting in more momentum and longer distance to stop.

Hrm... perhaps he should sell this vehicle and purchase a bone-stock bicycle.

His Hypocrisy knows no bounds.
where did the idea that an aftermarket bumper is illegal come from? Or that a stinger is "off road only", if the bumper is fine?

Sounds like a lot of conjecture based on ignorance, so the idea of any responsibility for the extent of the injuries is ridiculous on several levels.
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