Jeeps stinger seriously injures girl in crash

Don't take my post as a position statement. I'm merely stating it as a fact that if I were the prosecuting lawyer I would go after, that's his job, it's how he feeds his family and affords his big home. I love stinger bumpers, mines being delivered in 6 days. I hope no one is ever so unfortunate enough to pull out in front of me going 60 mph with all my armor. It's a sad situation either way.

I hear you, but when you use the word prosecute, it makes it criminal. And being an inadvertent participant in an accident is not a crime (right?). I'm no lawyer so I may be way wrong, but I don't think there's a prosecutor in a civil suit either.
Your assuming you know the height of that particular stinger. In order to know that you need to know what suspension,size tires, and exact bumper it is,, then you need to be clairvoyant as to weather the collision occurred while the jeep driver was on the gas or emergency braking,,, because when you slam on your brakes,, the front end dips significantly. Also,, if the stinger was forward of the victim at time of impact,, remember, the white sedan is not stagnant,, it is also moving forward, which is why you see deeper penetration at the door,, then it gets shallower toward back half of the car. also,, as the driver is moving forward, lets assume she is centered in her seat, as most of us drive. At the moment of impact her car rapidly moves toward the passenger side. Her body and head are not attached to the car in such a fashion that she moves that way also,, so at the speed of the collision her head would have moved rapidly toward the glass of the door.(This is why automakers developed side curtains) If her head went straight toward the window,, at the same time the stinger was coming through the window,, there is no way the air bag could have stopped it,, not counting the fact that if the stinger was through the window first,, that would not have set off the side curtain, the side air bag would not deploy till the main body of the bumper struck the car.

Now please tell me where anything I said does not make sense.

You're wrong by saying the driver of the Nissan is the victim. In fact, the driver of the Nissan cause the accident and therefore is not the victim.

I'm out and done with this.
That PePe guy is a tool :grayno:

It's no doubt that aftermarket cause somewhat worse collisions as opposed to factory. That's just the nature of a big heavy chunk of metal on the front of a Jeep. I know this for a fact, because I rear ended a van about two years ago at only about 10 miles an hour and the damage to it was much much greater than what would have been done by a factory bumper.

Now to blame the stinger for the severity of her injuries is just absurd. That's like saying that if you get burnt during the summer, it is a more severe burn than you would get in the winter because it's hot outside.
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