Jeeps stinger seriously injures girl in crash

If you know anything about accident investigations at all, you'd understand that the picture does NOT tell the story at all. In fact, the picture tells a totally different one. Like the whole story is bullshit.

well then show us your skills young padawan
Stop being a pussy

I understand, you are just narrow-minded bro (i get it), and I simply don't engaging in name calling is straight up childish. PM if you have something else to say to me personally. Or let others use the thread, for what was intended for (debate the stinger) with all kinds of opinions not only yours.
If you know anything about accident investigations at all, you'd understand that the picture does NOT tell the story at all. In fact, the picture tells a totally different one. Like the whole story is bullshit.

I'm not sure what your experience is,, but I investigate traffic collisions every day,,,,, for about 17 years,, the picture looks exactly as I would expect from a T-bone type collision.
well then show us your skills young padawan

Look at the impact damage vs. the claimed injuries vs. the height of what we know the stinger to be. At the moment of impact the stinger would've been well far forward of said victims injury areas and air bag deployment plus side curtain deployment would've absolutely precluded injuries from a stinger at that angle.
I understand, you are just narrow-minded bro (i get it), and I simply don't engaging in name calling is straight up childish. PM if you have something else to say to me personally. Or let others use the thread, for what was intended for (debate the stinger) with all kinds of opinions not only yours.

Someone calls you out and you start crying? You are what's wrong. You would rather someone else take the blame/punishment than have a person take responsibility for their own actions.
Look at the impact damage vs. the claimed injuries vs. the height of what we know the stinger to be. At the moment of impact the stinger would've been well far forward of said victims injury areas and air bag deployment plus side curtain deployment would've absolutely precluded injuries from a stinger at that angle.

When you spoke your brakes does your front end not nose dive?

The scene looks pretty straight forward to me.
Look at the impact damage vs. the claimed injuries vs. the height of what we know the stinger to be. At the moment of impact the stinger would've been well far forward of said victims injury areas and air bag deployment plus side curtain deployment would've absolutely precluded injuries from a stinger at that angle.

im no expert but what if the pull out was a right hand turn and the impact was more of a side t bone then a straight on t bone
Look at the impact damage vs. the claimed injuries vs. the height of what we know the stinger to be. At the moment of impact the stinger would've been well far forward of said victims injury areas and air bag deployment plus side curtain deployment would've absolutely precluded injuries from a stinger at that angle.

Triple word score for PRECLUDED.
Look at the impact damage vs. the claimed injuries vs. the height of what we know the stinger to be. At the moment of impact the stinger would've been well far forward of said victims injury areas and air bag deployment plus side curtain deployment would've absolutely precluded injuries from a stinger at that angle.

Your assuming you know the height of that particular stinger. In order to know that you need to know what suspension,size tires, and exact bumper it is,, then you need to be clairvoyant as to weather the collision occurred while the jeep driver was on the gas or emergency braking,,, because when you slam on your brakes,, the front end dips significantly. Also,, if the stinger was forward of the victim at time of impact,, remember, the white sedan is not stagnant,, it is also moving forward, which is why you see deeper penetration at the door,, then it gets shallower toward back half of the car. also,, as the driver is moving forward, lets assume she is centered in her seat, as most of us drive. At the moment of impact her car rapidly moves toward the passenger side. Her body and head are not attached to the car in such a fashion that she moves that way also,, so at the speed of the collision her head would have moved rapidly toward the glass of the door.(This is why automakers developed side curtains) If her head went straight toward the window,, at the same time the stinger was coming through the window,, there is no way the air bag could have stopped it,, not counting the fact that if the stinger was through the window first,, that would not have set off the side curtain, the side air bag would not deploy till the main body of the bumper struck the car.

Now please tell me where anything I said does not make sense.
What the hell? When did it become a crime to not have enough time/distance to avoid a collision due to an inattentive driver pulling out in front of you?

Don't take my post as a position statement. I'm merely stating it as a fact that if I were the prosecuting lawyer I would go after, that's his job, it's how he feeds his family and affords his big home. I love stinger bumpers, mines being delivered in 6 days. I hope no one is ever so unfortunate enough to pull out in front of me going 60 mph with all my armor. It's a sad situation either way.
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