Jeeps stinger seriously injures girl in crash

Amazing how many people can be so outraged over reality.

How many people are outraged? :idontknow: The reality is there are people who have better judgment than others. I saw the picture on another forum and thought it was tasteless to post it there too. Frankly, I think it's tasteless to post it anywhere. Just my :two cents:
How would you feel if my bumper killed your daughter and your wife?

I would feel absolutely no sympathy for the Jeep owner. And hope he gets prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and financially ruined in civil court. It seems a little unnecessary to post the pic of the young girl. But it does make a hell of a statement.
I would feel absolutely no sympathy for the Jeep owner. And hope he gets prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and financially ruined in civil court. It seems a little unnecessary to post the pic of the young girl. But it does make a hell of a statement.

Mike Brown deserves the memorial plaque too right? :crazyeyes:
I would feel absolutely no sympathy for the Jeep owner. And hope he gets prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and financially ruined in civil court. It seems a little unnecessary to post the pic of the young girl. But it does make a hell of a statement.

I bet you blame guns for killing people and McDonald's getting people fat.

The only statement made was that you're a piece of crap just like the person that first posted it where ever that was. Doesn't matter if it was family or someone else. Respect the privacy of those that cannot control their own and that patient sure as hell cannot do it for the biggest reason that she's a minor. And sure as hell you failed at being a civilized human.
I would feel absolutely no sympathy for the Jeep owner. And hope he gets prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and financially ruined in civil court. It seems a little unnecessary to post the pic of the young girl. But it does make a hell of a statement.

This says a lot about you as well.
Oh yeah you're that guy, who likes name calling (immaturity). Bad Apple: There's one in every bunch.

Name calling? Just pointing out that you already have a track record of bad choices in only 65 posts. Going on like this isn't helping your case either.

It just seems strange that you're very content with ruffling feathers and not actually being a positive addition to his community.

Why are you even here?
When two large objects make contact at speed, people often get hurt. I find no pleasure in people getting hurt (well, most people anyway). Apart from that, this entire thread is effing lame.
Failure to yield was ENTIRELY her fault. The issue here is that without the stinger, the outcome would have been a lesser (lower) degree.

You could also assume that lesser damage would have occurred had the Jeep been a Civic, or that it could have been worse if it had been an F350. What's your point?
....and if she had pulled out in front of a train it would've likely been worse. But both theories are just that, a theory and speculation. It is a sad accident, but I just can't understand a mindset where the level of injury is the other person's fault (who is agreeably not at fault for the accident).
Name calling? Just pointing out that you already have a track record of bad choices in only 65 posts. Going on like this isn't helping your case either.

So whenever someone else haves a different opinion or worldview in any thread, it is best to use 'name calling' to point it out. Good to know how YOU do things around here. Are you the RECORD keeper?
Name calling? Just pointing out that you already have a track record of bad choices in only 65 posts. Going on like this isn't helping your case either.

So whenever someone else haves a different opinion or worldview in any thread, it is best to use 'name calling' to point it out. Good to know how YOU do things around here. Are you the RECORD keeper?

Fuck you're dumb! I'll say it.
When two large objects make contact at speed, people often get hurt. I find no pleasure in people getting hurt (well, most people anyway). Apart from that, this entire thread is effing lame.

Couldn't have said it any better. This has gone way off the deep end.
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