Texas School Shooting Today

I’ll take my security in my own hands with my own tools thank you, I don’t believe in a police state and I don’t believe in having a group of armed people controlling my life under the guise of “watching out” for my safety

You misunderstand my comment. I don’t believe in a police state either, I believe in self reliance. But children are unable to protect themselves.

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We used to drive to school with guns in our trucks, windows down and the doors unlocked. Gun laws have only become more “strict” if you want to call it that. So what happened to cause this to become trendy? That’s what’s this is and that’s why it’s happening.

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We used to launch small boats from the beach from this one particular spot in Waimanalo...after launching, I'd unhitch my trailer on the beach and park my truck with the windows down and the keys in it so a few of my friends could use my truck to launch their small skiffs. Occasionally, I'd find my truck parked in a slightly different location.

This was over 35 years ago...if I tried that today, my truck would have been stolen. Times are different...and require us to rethink what we always use to do in order to adapt to the changes...
You could probably quadruple the money spent on school security if someone stopped playing so much fucking golf.

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I could quote just about every one of your posts in this thread and expose how fucking ignorant you are, but I'm not going to waste my time. You obviously have no clue WHY REAL AMERICANS are so passionate about keeping the individual unalienable right to keep and bear arms as our founding fathers intended. The foundation of this country was that the 2nd Amendment is unlimited and not to be touched. Yes, I'm aware of tyrannical judges that want to change that, however if you read even a small portion of the Federalist Papers, you'll find that the founding fathers wanted it untouched. It's obvious you have not studied that nor care to because you've absorbed all of the stupid shit that you've been taught. I suggest if you don't like America, move to a country that doesn't have guns and live in that perfect utopia.

Oh and as far as presidents playing golf, let's go there too: https://www.golfdigest.com/story/we...nt-obama-played-a-lot-of-golf-while-in-office

Out of all the stupid shit you posted, I will agree with you on one thing: The problem is culture, not guns.
Oh look, the same "guns aren't the problem" argument thats been repeated since Columbine 19 years ago.


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Did you seriously just quote the onion? The website know for being one of the internet's forefront in satirical and untrue reporting? At least quite reputable news to push your agenda.

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I could quote just about every one of your posts in this thread and expose how fucking ignorant you are, but I'm not going to waste my time. You obviously have no clue WHY REAL AMERICANS are so passionate about keeping the individual unalienable right to keep and bear arms as our founding fathers intended. The foundation of this country was that the 2nd Amendment is unlimited and not to be touched. Yes, I'm aware of tyrannical judges that want to change that, however if you read even a small portion of the Federalist Papers, you'll find that the founding fathers wanted it untouched. It's obvious you have not studied that nor care to because you've absorbed all of the stupid shit that you've been taught. I suggest if you don't like America, move to a country that doesn't have guns and live in that perfect utopia.

Oh and as far as presidents playing golf, let's go there too: https://www.golfdigest.com/story/we...nt-obama-played-a-lot-of-golf-while-in-office

Out of all the stupid shit you posted, I will agree with you on one thing: The problem is culture, not guns.

TIL Antonin Scalia was a tyrannical judge. Lol. You're a comedian.

I never voted for Obama so I don't care what you have to say about him but the fact you even bring up his golf when Trump has played more golf inside of two years then Obama played in eight just shows how completely devoted to tribalism you are. Sad!

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And thank God he didn't have an AR-15 or he may have killed 3x more. And where did he get the revolver and the shotgun? His father... you know, one of those "law abiding gun owners" y'all talk about.

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No you're right the AR 15 would have been much worse. Any other "assault rifle" though? Wouldn't have been an issue. Step one is educating yourself. You're probably one of those guys who think people can get ahold of full auto rifles and call them fully semi-automatic. And you don't read too good either do you? He stole the guns from his father. Now was the father an idiot for not keeping them locked up of course but that doesn't put the blame on the father either.

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Jesus Christ dude. It's satire. That was the whole point.

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I think you're going to enjoy the midterms much more when you're fending off an intruder in your home who statistically will be an immigrant your party illegally let in, using a weapon he illegally obtained no matter what legislation is passed., without a weapon yourself since your so against constitutional self defense. It's anavalanche effect the left is keeping rolling by allowing more and more dangerous people in while limiting the people's own ability to defend themselves.

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I think you're going to enjoy the midterms much more when you're fending off an intruder in your home who statistically will be an immigrant your party illegally let in, using a weapon he illegally obtained no matter what legislation is passed., without a weapon yourself since your so against constitutional self defense. It's anavalanche effect the left is keeping rolling by allowing more and more dangerous people in while limiting the people's own ability to defend themselves.

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Lol so much stupidity here. Home Invaders are statistically likely to be an immigrant? Please cite your source for that. My party? I'm not a Democrat lol. I own guns and am not against gun ownership.

Please though, don't let me stop your roll. I love seeing the ignorance that got us here on full display. It's enlightening.

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Lol so much stupidity here. Home Invaders are statistically likely to be an immigrant? Please cite your source for that. My party? I'm not a Democrat lol. I own guns and am not against gun ownership.

Please though, don't let me stop your roll. I love seeing the ignorance that got us here on full display. It's enlightening.

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Not a Democrat yet pushing the Democrat agenda of gun control. Gun control will solve nothing. The highest gun controlled states in the world have some of the highest crime rates gun control or not. The Australia example of how gun control has brought down gun violence always fails to show the huge increase in other forms of violence with other deadly weapons. While agree with Bubba that mental health is a slippery slope it is the only way to properly address the issue and stop the USERS from taking advantage of a TOOL. Nothing against you but you've got to see that gun control will have no positive effect.

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I’ll bite. It’s pretty lame that we protect our money with firearms, we protect our politicians with firearms, we protect buildings, celebrities, monuments etc with guns but when it comes to our most precious resource (children) we refuse to have the discussion about protecting them with the same ferocity and level of security. I teach firearms part time and offer ANY school faculty member or school security officer FREE classes. Violence is inherent to humanity, and violence requires an equal response in order to be contained and it is our individual responsibility to take our own security and that of our kids seriously. I attended a class recently and in big bold letters were written. “Nobody is coming to save you”. Couldn’t have said it better myself.
That it's satire doesn't mean its wrong. Do you know what satire is? Maybe you should read the damned article instead of foaming at the mouth.

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I never said it wasn't wrong, and I have read the article. Several times actually. I spend most of my off time reading both sides of the news since I'm a political psychology major. I may have come across pretty harsh as ones tend to do over the internet but most of my statements do still stand. The satire wasn't made by those who argue against gun control it was done by those who advocate for it. That shows some pretty shallow and low level writing and if anything just hurts their own agenda.

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I’ll bite. It’s pretty lame that we protect our money with firearms, we protect our politicians with firearms, we protect buildings, celebrities, monuments etc with guns but when it comes to our most precious resource (children) we refuse to have the discussion about protecting them with the same ferocity and level of security. I teach firearms part time and offer ANY school faculty member or school security officer FREE classes. Violence is inherent to humanity, and violence requires an equal response in order to be contained and it is our individual responsibility to take our own security and that of our kids seriously. I attended a class recently and in big bold letters were written. “Nobody is coming to save you”. Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Couldn’t agree with you more.

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Couldn’t agree with you more.

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Ditto to this as well though. As much as I hate to say it, the inner City schools have it figured out. Metal detectors and security guards are the best defense against a threat that will never be stopped with legislature. I havent heard of any recent school shootings that have happened in strict schools with these attributes and I don't believe I will. If I'm wrong though definitely someone correct me 🤷

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Not a Democrat yet pushing the Democrat agenda of gun control. Gun control will solve nothing. The highest gun controlled states in the world have some of the highest crime rates gun control or not. The Australia example of how gun control has brought down gun violence always fails to show the huge increase in other forms of violence with other deadly weapons. While agree with Bubba that mental health is a slippery slope it is the only way to properly address the issue and stop the USERS from taking advantage of a TOOL. Nothing against you but you've got to see that gun control will have no positive effect.

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A gun is not a tool. It is a weapon. And if you don't agree with that you shouldn't own one. A big part of the problem is gun owners not respecting what they have and treating weapons like toys. I would prefer a world in which everyone could be free to do as they pleased but given the world we live in, the reality is that stupid people hurt more than just themselves as a consequence of their actions, and there is no justice in anyone's kids dying because you couldn't keep track of your 30 firearms at all times and one of them was used to shoot up a school. Your right to bear arms is not > their right to live.

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A gun is not a tool. It is a weapon. And if you don't agree with that you shouldn't own one. A big part of the problem is gun owners not respecting what they have and treating weapons like toys. I would prefer a world in which everyone could be free to do as they pleased but given the world we live in, the reality is that stupid people hurt more than just themselves as a consequence of their actions, and there is no justice in anyone's kids dying because you couldn't keep track of your 30 firearms at all times and one of them was used to shoot up a school. Your right to bear arms is not > their right to live.

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But by that definition, anything could be a weapon. For God's sake a shovel in the right hands could kill many people. I'm not neseccarily disagreeing with you just sharing my opinion. You can get charged with assault with a deadly weapon if you knock someone into a coma with a textbook. And come on 30 guns? Talk about an extreme. I can trust that my 1 handgun, my 1 shotgun, and my 1 rifle, are locked up in a safe and not being used for a school shooting. It's just proper and responsible gun ownership.

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