Texas School Shooting Today


New member
Funny thing, this piece of shit that killed 10 people today did it without an AR-15... He used a shotgun and a 38 revolver. Can’t wait to hear the anti-gun douche bags on this one.

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Senseless and even more senseless that everyone is too afraid to come together and actually do something about the safety of our children. Let’s all continue to stand behind our pulpits, as clearly that is working.
Senseless and even more senseless that everyone is too afraid to come together and actually do something about the safety of our children. Let’s all continue to stand behind our pulpits, as clearly that is working.

It's becoming tiresome...we now have over twenty-something school shootings this year...and we aren't even out of May yet.
^^For sure.

I believe there have been 22 but since facts matter, it is important to point out that the statistics tracked by most sources define school shootings incredibly broadly.

Of the 22, one was with a B.B. gun, one was at a party that happened to be on campus at Winston-State University, one was accidental discharge, another one was an accidental discharge through a dorm room wall, one was an accidental discharge by a teacher, one was just a random man getting shot in a parking lot, one was at an apartment complex at a university, etc., etc. So, if shots are fired on school/university grounds, regardless of the time or who is involved, it is counted as a “school shooting” if someone is injured. That is incredibly misleading.

There shouldn’t be any! But the numbers aren’t nearly as high as the media portrays.

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Sure is sad. I've had a CCW for about 10 years now and truthfully the first couple years I didn't carry near as much as I should have. I hardly leave the house now without it. Just not worth it. Too many violent crazy assholes out there and I feel it's responsible to at least carry and have the potential to stop some jackass from killing people. The media feeds on these shootings, and the crazies are influenced by the attention.
Sure is sad. I've had a CCW for about 10 years now and truthfully the first couple years I didn't carry near as much as I should have. I hardly leave the house now without it. Just not worth it. Too many violent crazy assholes out there and I feel it's responsible to at least carry and have the potential to stop some jackass from killing people. The media feeds on these shootings, and the crazies are influenced by the attention.

I’ll bet Eddie didn’t know it, but I had one in my pocket, when I met him.

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I’ll bet Eddie didn’t know it, but I had one in my pocket, when I met him.

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He probably thought you were just happy to see him.

I pretty much Carry this little guy these days. 22 Magnum packs a punch for what it is and I can jog in gym shorts without even knowing it's there. Very comfortable. : https://wayalife.com/showthread.php/10907-Show-your-guns?p=1019656&viewfull=1#post1019656
This is horrible. Heard on the radio that it is almost one a week for the whole year. Just another reason I don’t leave the house with out my S&W .40!

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This fuckstick used a .38 revolver and a shotgun, stolen from his dad and targeted students he didn’t like.

How to help prevent this BS:

1. Lock up Your Firearms when kids are present. It’s not that F’n hard.

2. Educate your kids. Teach Respect, how to deal with rejection, how to communicate, and the Value of Life.

3. Listen to your kids. Pay attention to what they are telling you.... All the signs are there.

4. Engage with your kids. They need your time, give it to them. Otherwise you will never really know who they are.

5. Discipline your kids. Participation awards and turning heads are raising a generation of pussified assholes.

6. Restrict your kids social media, TV, & Video Games. Tell your kids to call a friend and Go Outside.

If you can’t handle 1-6 then don’t have kids, you’re part of the problem.

Only my opinion.
This fuckstick used a .38 revolver and a shotgun, stolen from his dad and targeted students he didn’t like.

How to help prevent this BS:

1. Lock up Your Firearms when kids are present. It’s not that F’n hard.

2. Educate your kids. Teach Respect, how to deal with rejection, how to communicate, and the Value of Life.

3. Listen to your kids. Pay attention to what they are telling you.... All the signs are there.

4. Engage with your kids. They need your time, give it to them. Otherwise you will never really know who they are.

5. Discipline your kids. Participation awards and turning heads are raising a generation of pussified assholes.

6. Restrict your kids social media, TV, & Video Games. Tell your kids to call a friend and Go Outside.

If you can’t handle 1-6 then don’t have kids, you’re part of the problem.

Only my opinion.

So restricting access to firearms (1) would have helped prevent this. Interesting. [emoji6]

We could continue the list to many other things, but until our legislature takes the kitty gloves off and makes a complete list, nothing will happen. We are literally in a deadly cycle that is pure insanity.

I agree with you on all 6 which is a good start. That too is just my opinion.
This fuckstick used a .38 revolver and a shotgun, stolen from his dad and targeted students he didn’t like.

How to help prevent this BS:

1. Lock up Your Firearms when kids are present. It’s not that F’n hard.

2. Educate your kids. Teach Respect, how to deal with rejection, how to communicate, and the Value of Life.

3. Listen to your kids. Pay attention to what they are telling you.... All the signs are there.

4. Engage with your kids. They need your time, give it to them. Otherwise you will never really know who they are.

5. Discipline your kids. Participation awards and turning heads are raising a generation of pussified assholes.

6. Restrict your kids social media, TV, & Video Games. Tell your kids to call a friend and Go Outside.

If you can’t handle 1-6 then don’t have kids, you’re part of the problem.

Only my opinion.

Bingo on all. Agreed.
So restricting access to firearms (1) would have helped prevent this. Interesting. [emoji6]

We could continue the list to many other things, but until our legislature takes the kitty gloves off and makes a complete list, nothing will happen. We are literally in a deadly cycle that is pure insanity.

I agree with you on all 6 which is a good start. That too is just my opinion.

Guns don’t kill people. There has never been a gun that walks outside and starts killing. If the whack job wants to kill he will find a way.

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