ProRock Paint Problems?

You still don't know, with 100% certainty, that Dynatrac painted the axle. I guess that is really neither here nor there though.

Like Eddie said, this isn't a powder coated part and I'm not really sure what you expect to be done about it. Maybe it was a bad paint job.

Fix it, or even better, I'll trade you straight across for my Mopar 44 since you seem to think it is a superior product. :yup:
The purpose of this thread was to see if anyone else having an issues like this or if it was isolated.

I don't expect Dynatrac to do anything.

Oh, okay. I guess when you said "Dynatrac's response was not helpful at all, it was canned frankly, and they didn't respond to your follow up email", I took that as meaning you were wanting them to tell you something. My mistake.

Also, I should note that I only chimed in on this thread because my name was brought up and with the note that my presence was somehow expected. Being that I may have misunderstood that as well, I will now sign off. :cool:
What I expect to be done about it, is that if Dynatrac is at fault, they will learn from their mistake, and fix it for future customers. That is all. I don't expect anything personally. If a company does have QC problems, you would think they would want to know so they can make their products better—we already know this is Dynatrac's moto.

Sure thing let's trade.
Oh, okay. I guess when you said "Dynatrac's response was not helpful at all, it was canned frankly, and they didn't respond to your follow up email", I took that as meaning you were wanting them to tell you something. My mistake.

Also, I should note that I only chimed in on this thread because my name was brought up and with the note that my presence was somehow expected. Being that I may have misunderstood that as well, I will now sign off. :cool:

Yes, I wanted them to tell me something—that something wasn't right. Also, the Dynatrac person who responded here already said my axle doesn't look right. So, two different people from the same company saying two very different things.

And again, I didn't make this post to get them to do anything. I made it to see if others were having a similar issue. They chimed in.
I have bought a Dynatrac PR44 axle through River City Offroad, although it actually shipped from a different supplier... It has not lost any of the paint that I can notice except where rocks have brutally taken the paint away... I would just chime up that sometimes it sticks and sometimes it doesn't...

Now coming from being in the US Navy for 6 years and on ship for 3 1/2 of those I can tell you that SALT, even just a little spray, will take paint off anything... Even items that are powder coated or special resistant 2 part epoxy paints do not stand up to the gruel of mother nature... Also, I have seen items that were properly prepped and painted showing rust only weeks later, while something right next to it looks new that hasn't been painted in multiple years... The VHT that Eddie suggested would probably do wonders. Just make sure to prep and remove the rust as much as possible first... Also, I know that Por-15 makes some great products that can be had in a rattle can if you want to spend a few more bucks....

In the end it is just paint and we will always be re-touching it up as long as we drive the vehicle... Also, to say you live in LA does not say anything other than you probably do not deal with road salt... However, if you are within a mile of the ocean the salt in the air will take its toll on your vehicle.

My 2 cents......
It's paint. And surface rust. Look back at mine- it's the same. It's an axle built with 1/2" thick axle tubes that will outlast the body of your jeep. I didn't want to dogpile on this thread but man this seems like a total non-issue to me. I'm surprised dynamically even answered. Say a lot that they take something so minor so seriously.

Sent from my iThingie
It's paint. And surface rust. Look back at mine- it's the same. It's an axle built with 1/2" thick axle tubes that will outlast the body of your jeep. I didn't want to dogpile on this thread but man this seems like a total non-issue to me. I'm surprised dynamically even answered. Say a lot that they take something so minor so seriously.

Sent from my iThingie

Actually, thinking about the 1/2" wall thickness... Do you even realize how long it takes for rust or otherwise to eat that much metal... I remember diving a wreck in the Gulf of Thailand that is known as the "Vertical Wreck" because it was a small tanker that was actually sitting in the ocean pointing straight up. The top of the wreck (the bow of the ship) was within 15 feet of the surface while the bottom was in the sand at 200 feet. The reason the wreck was sitting vertical was due to it was a repurposed propane gas tanker that had 2 spherical shaped tanks on its deck that were holding air. It was originally used by the Japanese for propane but repurposed by a Thai company to haul manure. It was told to me at the time that they expected it to take the Ocean 20 years to eat through the 1" steel walled tanks and then the wreck would finally topple over to lie at the bottom...

If it take the salty ocean 20 years to chew through 1" of steel imagine how long it would take normal air, in LA (LOL), to chew through 1/2" wall to any noticeable amount. Even the brackets I think DynaTrac uses something like 1/4" steel for those... At most the rust is ugly and should be treated / painted. I really do not think it will hurt the axle anytime soon... give it 10 years, maybe....
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