ProRock Paint Problems?

Your logic is flawed. Looks like some people here might need to read Dynatracs warranty statement but here's the cliff notes.

12 mo warranty from when it ships
10 days to notify them once defect is found
Owner responsible for shipping charges to/from Dynatrac
All repairs to be performed at Dynatrac in Huntington Beach

It's pretty clear Dynatrac is the issuer of the warranty, not the shop that installed the part, so while ORE might have a better working relationship with Dynatrac than other shops they still are not responsible for honoring the warranty.

I think Aermotor did the right thing by contacting Dynatrac directly before posting in the forum. Unfortunately he didn't get the result he was looking for. Clearly Dynatrac makes a quality product and hopefully they take care of him if in fact there was an issue. If they determine it to be something else or normal wear and tear I'd like to hear that to.

I'm curious to see how this turns out as I'm not 100% pleased with Dynatrac's service. In my case I purchased their Hardcore Axle package and was quoted 8 weeks. Axles were ordered 2/17 and I received them 6/ do the math. To be fair my original set was ready 2nd week of May but I was asked if they could give my order to another customer who's set wasn't going to be ready in time. I did so under the agreement that I would get my order no later than 6/1. Even then it took a phone call to Steve to put a rush on one of the axles. Anyways it would appear they bit off a little more than they could chew in an attempt to regain some of the sales they were losing to the Ultimate Dana offerings. I'm just hoping this paint issue is not a sign of cutting corners since they are back logged.

Lol. No my logic is not flawed. I said nothing about said installing shop being on the hook for warranty work. What I meant was that if I have a problem with a part that's flawed I'm going to contact both my shop and the manufacturer if necessary to get things resolved. But clearly your brain is way to big for any of us. I don't think anybody has received their orders in the quoted time. I was quoted 8 weeks and it was 11.5 weeks when they finally shipped out. But hey I made due and everything worked out!
Maybe use that big brain of yours and return your pr 60's for the next guy and and give Dana a call!

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2nd week of May still put them a month behind schedule, instead of 6 weeks, and I know of at least 2 other people that placed orders that did not arrive in time including one member here who had to reschedule his appointment for work at ORE because of the delay. Dynatrac may be a sponsor of the forum but people need to know they aren't perfect and there have been some hiccups along the road for some of us. I'm not bad mouthing Dynatrac I'm just stating some facts and concerns I have come to realize after placing my order. Eddie your option of canceling and buying something else isn't realistic especially when you are 8 weeks into the wait and have appointments made. While I am disappointed with the timeline issue I will say that all my communications with Dynatrac have been pleasant including meeting them in Moab during EJS.

You've never waited on a Jeep part before? I certainly wouldn't chime in on a Jeep forum to bitch about waiting a little while, for something that is being built for me. Especially if after they were ready, I let them go to someone else.

I agree...First World Problems.

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The chassis paint Eddie mentioned is good stuff. I'm not going to get into the politics of this thread, but I will say in my experience I have had to modify or fix problems on a lot of different parts over the years. A mechanical issue is one thing, but if my axle paint starts peeling off, I'm going to look at it as an excuse to work on my Jeep. In fact, I hand sanded and painted the entire undercarriage on my old CJ just because I wanted it to look nice again. I wonder how many people find joy in doing that kind of thing any more? A Jeep shouldn't just be something you own but don't have time for, I don't know why I feel like I wan't to say "but that's just me".
that's the problem with dry lake beds, they look fun but depending on its history they can be pretty corrosive from the concentrate of minerals.

hope you've already done some rust prevention to stop it from spreading/getting worse as that looks pretty minor for now.

I'd take a look at eastwood fast etch or rust dissolver then repaint with VHT wrinkle

I've used eastwood rust encapsulator and its holding up pretty good.

personally I'd chalk it up to lesson learned.

While it seems like a major thing - it's really just an inconvenience to deal with and move on.

After all, it's not like the axle structurally failed
6 weeks or 8 weeks? You've said both now. You place your order on 2/17 which was a Friday. You order didn't even get processed until mid week the following week just like any other order from any other company.
The first set was ready approximately 4 weeks late and since I planned in advance I gave myself a cushion which is why I allowed them to swap my order. Overlander we'll round it down to 4 weeks for the sake of conversation that's more than a mere week and a half. Will I be happy with the axles when it's all said and done? More than likely and I'll be happy to share that experience here but the fact still remains it's still bad business practice to over promise and under deliver. You guys can defend them any which way but I am not spreading malicious gossip just stating the facts so that when other members consider placing an order and are told 8 weeks that they are not caught off guard when making arrangements.

Appointments can certainly be rescheduled but when you are driving from multiple states away sometimes it takes more planning (but what do I know :taunt:). For the record I did have that conversation with Steve while I was there Eddie.

Again I'm interested to see if the paint issue is widespread or isolated. I'm sure it's the latter of the two but we'll see.
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2nd week of May still put them a month behind schedule, instead of 6 weeks, and I know of at least 2 other people that placed orders that did not arrive in time including one member here who had to reschedule his appointment for work at ORE because of the delay. Dynatrac may be a sponsor of the forum but people need to know they aren't perfect and there have been some hiccups along the road for some of us. I'm not bad mouthing Dynatrac I'm just stating some facts and concerns I have come to realize after placing my order. Eddie your option of canceling and buying something else isn't realistic especially when you are 8 weeks into the wait and have appointments made. While I am disappointed with the timeline issue I will say that all my communications with Dynatrac have been pleasant including meeting them in Moab during EJS.

"But Daddy I want an Oompah Loompah Now!"

The first set was ready approximately 4 weeks late and since I planned in advance I gave myself a cushion which is why I allowed them to swap my order. Overlander we'll round it down to 4 weeks for the sake of conversation that's more than a mere week and a half. Will I be happy with the axles when it's all said and done? More than likely and I'll be happy to share that experience here but the fact still remains it's still bad business practice to over promise and under deliver. You guys can defend them any which way but I am not spreading malicious gossip just stating the facts so that when other members consider placing an order and are told 8 weeks that they are not caught off guard when making arrangements.

Appointments can certainly be rescheduled but when you are driving from multiple states away sometimes it takes more planning (but what do I know :taunt:). For the record I did have that conversation with Steve while I was there Eddie.

Again I'm interested to see if the paint issue is widespread or isolated. I'm sure it's the latter of the two but we'll see.

I'd be willing to bet the shipping dates are estimated not exact guaranteed dates. I'm not sure of many companies which would guarantee dates on a manufactured product.

Personally I'd have just cleaned it up, primed and repainted it. I'd rather not remove the axle ship or drive it down to Hunnington Beach for paint. Thats just me.
The first set was ready approximately 4 weeks late and since I planned in advance I gave myself a cushion which is why I allowed them to swap my order. Overlander we'll round it down to 4 weeks for the sake of conversation that's more than a mere week and a half. Will I be happy with the axles when it's all said and done? More than likely and I'll be happy to share that experience here but the fact still remains it's still bad business practice to over promise and under deliver.

I could be wrong but I've only seen Dynatrac give "estimates" - NOT "promises". Of course, maybe you're special and they made an exception for you.

You guys can defend them any which way but I am not spreading malicious gossip just stating the facts so that when other members consider placing an order and are told 8 weeks that they are not caught off guard when making arrangements.

Funny, I don't recall anyone "defending" Dynatrac but I do thank you for being a forum messiah. I think all the members here are now fully aware that their axles might take a bit longer to get than what is stated on their estimate. :rolleyes2:

Appointments can certainly be rescheduled but when you are driving from multiple states away sometimes it takes more planning (but what do I know :taunt:).

Just like it can take some planning to give away an ordered axle that's completed and ready to be installed. Guess sometimes, it's just more satisfying to whine about how things don't always go exactly how you want them to even though you're the one who changed things up. But hey, what would I know.

For the record I did have that conversation with Steve while I was there Eddie.

Apparently, you didn't do a very good job of sharing how you really feel. If you had, maybe he would have told you what you wanted to hear or done something to compensate you for your trouble. Of course, it could very well be that you just like whining on the internet while pretending to be some kind of forum messiah.

Again I'm interested to see if the paint issue is widespread or isolated. I'm sure it's the latter of the two but we'll see.

I've made the mistake of driving through mud in a dry lake back when I still had factory axles. This was on our 2009 JKU. I'll have to see if I can find a photo of it but after washing off the caustic mud with a power washer, it looked a lot worse than what the OP is showing. Guess I should have called Dana to whine about them cutting corners. Well, that and their booger for plug welds and brackets that I've torn off on more than one occasion. This is to say nothing about their end forgings that bend and housings that break in half even while running factory tires.
On a positive note.. I had a PR44 built from Dynatrac (I had a few changes so it wasn't an off the shelf order) a couple of weeks ago.
I called and spoke with Dynatrac and mentioned that I needed a quick turnaround as my JK is my daily and my old axle was in two pieces.
I had it on my doorstep a week and a half later, and I live in Canada.. That's service.
On a positive note.. I had a PR44 built from Dynatrac (I had a few changes so it wasn't an off the shelf order) a couple of weeks ago.
I called and spoke with Dynatrac and mentioned that I needed a quick turnaround as my JK is my daily and my old axle was in two pieces.
I had it on my doorstep a week and a half later, and I live in Canada.. That's service.

That is awesome! Thank you for sharing that with us :thumb:
On a positive note.. I had a PR44 built from Dynatrac (I had a few changes so it wasn't an off the shelf order) a couple of weeks ago.
I called and spoke with Dynatrac and mentioned that I needed a quick turnaround as my JK is my daily and my old axle was in two pieces.
I had it on my doorstep a week and a half later, and I live in Canada.. That's service.

I think that is the difference between a need and a want and it sounds like Dynatrac realized this and accommodated your need, that to me is good business. I own a business and sometimes you have to make decisions and do it and keep moving forward.

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I'd be checking the rest of the undercarriage because you are going to have more of the same in other areas of the undercarriage.

I've already touched up my pr44, I wouldn't call it a widespread issue though because I take my jeep to places I know will likely wear off the paint.

I spend more time washing the undercarriage than I do the body.

my stock axles looked like rust tubes within 6 months.

I've considered getting them powdercoated with the same stuff they use on oil pipe but don't want to tear the axle down
The rest of my entire Jeep and undercarriage is completely fine. The notion that that is was caustic mud is a bit silly. The 2012 stock rear Mopar axle has zero paint coming off it. EVO skids? Sliders? Bumpers? Warn Winch? No paint missing.

We also had my buddies JK and a Tacoma that were both completely covered in the stuff. Their vehicles are fine. No paint missing after multiple washes. 2 XR600s were also covered in the stuff. No paint missing. My buddy went down in it and I had to get my arms completely covered to get a friend out. No burning, no issues. It's not the mud.

To me, this was an issue of poor prep work which caused the paint to come off far too easily. I'm thinking I got a batch that was rushed out.
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The notion that that is was caustic mud is a bit silly.

LOL!! What's silly is you trying to play off how the paint on your axle just started peeling off in spite of the fact that you live in "Los Angeles of all places".

The rest of my entire Jeep and undercarriage is completely fine.... The 2012 stock rear Mopar axle has zero paint coming off it. EVO skids? Sliders? Bumpers? Warn Winch? No paint missing.

It's great to hear that rest of your Jeep's undercarriage is fine - It just goes to show that modern auto makers have made great strides over the years to improve corrosion prevention. As far as your skids, bumper, winch etc. go, unless you special ordered them painted, they should all be POWDER COATED. There is a difference.

We also had my buddies JK and a Tacoma that were both completely covered in the stuff. Their vehicles are fine. No paint missing after multiple washes. 2 XR600s were also covered in the stuff. No paint missing. My buddy went down in it and I had to get my arms completely covered to get a friend out. No burning, no issues. It's not the mud.

Ummm, salt and minerals that would be harmful to a vehicle would not cause "burning" of the skin. :naw:

To me, this was an issue of poor prep work which caused the paint to come off far too easily. I'm thinking I got a batch that was rushed out.

Well, you're the expert here. While the paint peeling off your axle isn't exactly something I'd lose sleep over, I get that you're unhappy with it. With that said, I'm a little confused as to what you're wanting Dynatrac to tell you. Of course, if you're just wanting to whine about their paint not holding up to the streets of L.A., the floor is all yours. :yup:
The purpose of this thread was to see if anyone else having an issues like this or if it was isolated.

I don't expect Dynatrac to do anything.
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