LOVE IT or HATE IT? JEEP's New Slogan - “Zero Emission Freedom”

Interesting ideas. Not sure how the nation is going to support all of these electric vehicles. The nation can’t support the electric vehicles that exist now. What’s going to happen when the power goes out. Yes, I know the same could happen with gas and Diesel engines, but with those you can store fuel and just rotate the old into the vehicle when you get new. To convince me to go electric, you will need to fix the infrastructure first and then I might, I said might, think about an electric car for a local driving vehicle only. I routinely will drive 8-10 hours one way to visit the grandkids. There isn’t an electric car that can give me that distance. And I won’t even get into the cost to replace a battery.

Going electric is just a hype by those that don’t know what they are talking about. Research what it takes to make a battery for an electric vehicle. Plus wind and solar is not going to provide enough energy to charge the number of electric vehicle these wishers want. You are going to still need oil. The amount of oil byproducts used to make a battery will shock you.

You will still need the power to charge these vehicles and since the nation does not want to increase the nuclear energy plants, it will be interesting to say the least.
I bet the assine environmentals don't know if you put 150,000 miles on your gasoline engine the gasoline used is the same amount of energy it takes to make a lithium battery. But you won't here this from dimwit AOC!
The only "reasonable" power source for today seems to be in PHEV vehicles...Jeep probaby has it right but European greens will try to phase those out too. I really believe hydrogen and fuel cell technologies are in the futur, for now 392 and all new editions of big gas and diesel engines: RIP :(
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For those of you who don't know, July 8th is Stellantis Day and today, they held a press conference to share their "comprehensive electrification strategy" for the next 10 years. Among other things, they explained how they will be "targeting over 70 percent of sales in Europe and over 40 percent in the United States to be low emission vehicle (LEV) by 2030." And really, this makes sense being that the EPA is set to change emissions standards in 2025. Stellantis also revealed new slogans for each of their 14 iconic brands to express their electrification approach. For Jeep, it will be "Jeep - Zero Emission Freedom”. Needless to say, I think we can effectively say goodbye to the 392 and really, any HEMI options in the future. You can read all about it here:

With all that said, I'd love to hear your thoughts about all this. Are you happy about the news or hate it?

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I believe we need alternative solutions. However this is not realistic or truthful. We can't supply enough electricity now. And it's not zero emissions. Big lie... Energy has to be produced and current solar and wind are not fully reliable or efficient enough to provide at current technology. Hydrogen and nuclear are needed to make this reduction in fossil fuels realistic. Our resources are limited and needs to be addressed. However this is not the complete answer by any means.
In a perfect world it would be cool
but In reality long charging time, lines at the trail chargers with a 4 hr wait per jeep, and you have no choice.
Also short battery charge for what you would need.
So no
It's hard for me to not think that someday, maybe in 50 years or so, people will look back at all this electric hype and finally realize what a mistake it was. I mean, things like this used to be a good idea and one that was worthy of publishing in Popular Science.


And, because I know it'll be missed by the proponents of electric, I am referring to the BATTERIES needed to make electric work here.
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In a perfect world it would be cool
but In reality long charging time, lines at the trail chargers with a 4 hr wait per jeep, and you have no choice.
Also short battery charge for what you would need.
So no
As you know, Cindy and I do a LOT of driving up and down 95. People with electric cars are lucky in that it is a highway that does have charging stations and typically, located in or near gas stations. On our last trip home, it was upwards of 120° out and as I pulled up to a gas station, I looked over and saw a lady in a sundress partly sitting in a Tesla with the door open. Of course, she was charging up her car and she looked HOT and not in a sexual way. After topping off the tank, I got back in our Jeep and as I drove off, I started to think... how long had that lady been sitting there like that and in this stupid heat? How much longer will she still need to be sitting there before she can start driving again. Yeah, no thanks.
There will always be a waste to some form of energy. I love nuclear, but there’s waste to deal with - which can be recycled/reused (France does it). Batteries can too, and slowly companies are figuring this out. With ICE, the waste is breathed in - visit Phoenix and you’ll see and know. I have ZERO issues with a private company making decisions for themselves, which seems to be the case here and elsewhere - actually I am not sure if the gov’t has forced any companies to go EV. And as off-road enthusiasts, aren’t we for ensuring a cleaner environment to play in? Plus, deep down, I think we are all scared that EVs are going to perform better than ICE on the trails. Im not sure if EVs are solely (or even remotely) to blame for grid issues, that’s a way deeper issue than most can understand. That being said, I’m for from a liberal but I am for common sense. When I can afford one, I’ll most likely buy an EV - most likely an R1T because the pros of owning an EV outweigh the cons and keep my Jeep for funnsies.
LOL - Apparently, you're too young to remember Los Angeles back in the 70's and not familiar what Bejing is like today.

Well… I’m not super old, not super young either. But I will say I sure as heck don’t want to be anywhere near that, so I’d hope we would do something to curtail that. Even with all the EVs CA has some of the worst air quality, it’s because of the transportation sector - ICE cars/trucks.
Well… I’m not super old, not super young either.
Yeah, what I thought.
But I will say I sure as heck don’t want to be anywhere near that, so I’d hope we would do something to curtail that. Even with all the EVs CA has some of the worst air quality, it’s because of the transportation sector - ICE cars/trucks.
LOL - you sure are an enthusiastic product of the propaganda! You should spend some time educating yourself on facts and what places like Los Angeles were like back when the Spanish first arrived. There are a LOT of things that lead to poor air quality. Sure, cars are one of them but you're just ignorant if you really believe they're the biggest part of it or that things aren't 100% better here in America than back before you were born. But hey, feel free to believe whatever it is you want to believe.
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And, so that it isn't missed, I LOVE ELECTRIC! In fact, I really love how GM is taking it on with their new HUMMER - by promoting performance and not just "saving the planet".
Yeah, what I thought.

LOL - you sure are an enthusiastic product of the propaganda! You should spend some time educating yourself on facts and what places like Los Angeles were like back when the Spanish first arrived. There are a LOT of things that lead to poor air quality. Sure, cars are one of them but you're just ignorant if you really believe they're the biggest part of it or that things aren't 100% better here in America than back before you were born. But hey, feel free to believe whatever it is you want to believe.

I just like the fact the there are options for people to choose from and it’s nice to see private companies are making those options available on there own. I don’t see the issue with that, matter fact it’s private sector making their own decisions which is pretty darn free to me. I’m sure there’s a lot that leads to bad air quality, ICE being a big one - I’m skeptical on it changing the climate but you can’t deny a brown haze over cities being caused by ICE, which obviously causes bad air quality and shitty breathing for folks. And I should say this, I’m not for ICE going away or them being bought back or forced off the roads but the fact that we are making a move to more options that can clean up the air, is nice to see.
LOL - Apparently, you're too young to remember what Los Angeles was like back in the 70's and not familiar what Bejing is like today.
I remember...when my wife was in the film industry, we had an apt in Studio City near the Viacom lot and "commuted" from HI to LA on occasion. I still remember my first trip driving towards LA and the brown cloud...and couldn't make out the tall blds until we got much closer...

Beijing is another matter...the poor air quality in China's major cities are not primarily from auto emissions, it's from a cheap power source...coal.
I just like the fact the there are options for people to choose from and it’s nice to see private companies are making those options available on there own. I don’t see the issue with that, matter fact it’s private sector making their own decisions which is pretty darn free to me.
LOL - that's a negative my friend. As I point out in my original post, the EPA is mandating new emissions standards in 2025. Companies are being FORCED to make these half assed options available and on a time table set by the government.
I’m sure there’s a lot that leads to bad air quality, ICE being a big one - I’m skeptical on it changing the climate but you can’t deny a brown haze over cities being caused by ICE, which obviously causes bad air quality and shitty breathing for folks. And I should say this, I’m not for ICE going away or them being bought back or forced off the roads but the fact that we are making a move to more options that can clean up the air, is nice to see.
You live in Phoenix, a specific part of the Arizona desert that experiences night time inversion layers. This is a condition that's created when the air close to the ground cools faster than the air above and then cool air stacks on top of the warm air. What this does is traps the air closer to the ground, the one that contains things like carbon and nitrogen dioxide gas but ALSO construction related dust and fossil fuel particulates created from power plants, lawn mowers, leaf blowers, BBQ's, etc. This creates what you see and if you took the time, you could learn more about all this rather than just being sure of what you've been told.

Again, you're clearly too young to remember what a smog alert is and whatever you're seeing now is a far cry from what things used to be like. This is a good thing and something you should celebrate as science and technology made that possible.
I remember...when my wife was in the film industry, we had an apt in Studio City near the Viacom lot and "commuted" from HI to LA on occasion. I still remember my first trip driving towards LA and the brown cloud...and couldn't make out the tall blds until we got much closer...

Beijing is another matter...the poor air quality in China's major cities are not primarily from auto emissions, it's from a cheap power source...coal.
LOL - oh yeah, smog alert days. And yes, what we're seeing in Beijing is another matter altogether. What has been done here in America over the last 40 years is nothing short of amazing and it really makes me scratch my head as to why so many here are so willing to turn a blind eye on China.
And, none of this changes the fact that BATTERIES are a very real and TOXIC pollutant that NOBODY wants to talk about. It's always just brushed aside as, well, "there will always be some kind of energy waste" like it's no big deal.

In fact, I know someone who has an older model Prius. Apparently, it needs new batteries but the cost to replace them is significantly more than the value of the car. It's a real problem, with no good options and with nobody in power who seems to care.
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So, here's some more food for thought. In California, only 34% of electricity comes from renewable resources. In states like Arizona, it's only about 6% unless you include environmentally damaging hydroelectric power. These are FACTS and ones that you can verify for yourself if you take the time to look. Just because a car or Jeep is electric doesn't necessarily mean that less pollution is being created.
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