Ugly Ass Bugs

We get cicadas in Palm Springs too. Ours look a little different than your picture and don't have red eyes. They seem to come out every year here. Do yours climb up the trees and shed their exo skeletons. I've seen trees with columns of shedded cicada exoskeletons on them.

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Yeah, these do the same thing. We do get a different breed that comes out every year but those are green and nowhere near the quantity. These black ones are the 17 year brood.
When I was stationed in Korea the whole barracks got the crabs! Talk about a nasty bug! The joke was " How do you get rid of the crabs? Shave off half your hair, lite the other half on fire and get them with an ice pick when they try to escape" I don't know, for the life of me, why I thought that was funny when I was eighteen!

I would take those over those nasty ass Palmetto COCKROACHES!

My mom lived in Clearwater, FL well before I was born. She told me a story about some gardeners doing work outside her apt. She woke at night to do something and flipped on the light. Her whole wall was covered in them. She did what she thought would help and sprayed them with Raid. Big mistake they then all flew off the wall, getting tangled in her hair and now everywhere. I can only imagine what that must have been like.

I found a hand sized tarantula once on the drapes in our Palm Springs house. I was able to coax it outside peacefully.

We find scorpions around here occaisionally. They freak some people out.View attachment 328341

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I hate scorpions. Ugly ass creepy bugs, same with potato bugs (Jerusalem crickets), and wind scorpions (sun spiders, mistakenly called vinegaroons). Actually had one in my pack yesterday and had to try and flush it out with a big ass screwdriver..haha
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