Ugly Ass Bugs


In Southwestern Pa this is the year of the return of our 17 year Cicadas. These bastards are creepy as hell but are harmless. They come out of the ground after 17 years to mate, lay eggs and then die. They make a godawful relentless buzzing noise all damn day long for almost a month. They fly all over the damn place and are shitty at it so they run into everything so it sucks working outside. They also make one helluva mess when you hit them with your vehicles :icon_crazy: I don't know if you guys out west have these, but this is what we will live with for a month til they're gone. I took these pics this morning along my field. No exaggeration, there are millions of these things coming out now. My dogs are gorging themselves on these things as I write this. Probably be yakking all over the sidewalk later on.


LOL, the part in this vid where they show these things booking up the tree is sped up - they aren't that fast. If they were I'd be hiding in the house!

We have them out here as well. I recall that if you fly fish, it's a good time to buy/tie a fly that resembles them and the trout are very fond of them.
We call them Locust. As kids we would catch them and tie sewing string around the legs and fly them. Lol yea I know!!

Or they look like them could be wrong I am getting old.

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We go get them that bad up here. That’s crazy how many are in that picture

1985 Jeep Scrambler
We have them out here as well. I recall that if you fly fish, it's a good time to buy/tie a fly that resembles them and the trout are very fond of them.

the trout will gorge on them...serious protein supplement
I found a hand sized tarantula once on the drapes in our Palm Springs house. I was able to coax it outside peacefully.

We find scorpions around here occaisionally. They freak some people out.20180822_094328-1.jpeg

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We get cicadas in Palm Springs too. Ours look a little different than your picture and don't have red eyes. They seem to come out every year here. Do yours climb up the trees and shed their exo skeletons. I've seen trees with columns of shedded cicada exoskeletons on them.
LOL, Gee, I wonder why....

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