
Staff member
:cheesy: Don't know if any of you saw this when it was released but Jeep put out a video promoting their all new Compass and it's called "RECALCULATING". Essentially, it's highlighting trends and ideas that people today have latched onto today and throws them into the wind. In one scene about 30 seconds in, there's a guy eating a juicy steak and loving it when the female computer voice says "Be a vegan... recalculating". Needless to say, this didn't sit well with vegans.

Here's just a taste of the comments being left on their page - check it out :crazyeyes:

Haha that's great! A bet a few of our past vegan and crossfit vocalists are the ones in an uproar
And vegans wonder why they are constantly ridiculed... :crazyeyes:

For fucks sake, it's implied that he just mad the decision to join their movement.
People are such pussies. Seriously...a "movement"? Perhaps "trend" would be a better word, like skinny jeans or man-buns.
Too funny. Amazing how people get all pissed off about that one word in the whole commercial. Too funny. I bet most of the commenters don't even know why their vegans, they just jumped on the latest trend. I hope Jeep tells them all to fuck off.
:cheesy: Don't know if any of you saw this when it was released but Jeep put out a video promoting their all new Compass and it's called "RECALCULATING". Essentially, it's highlighting trends and ideas that people today have latched onto today and throws them into the wind. In one scene about 30 seconds in, there's a guy eating a juicy steak and loving it when the female computer voice says "Be a vegan... recalculating". Needless to say, this didn't sit well with vegans.

Here's just a taste of the comments being left on their page - check it out :crazyeyes:

View attachment 257776
View attachment 257777
:cheesy: OMG roflmfao! That was too funny and the comments rofl
When I first saw the commercial, which I think is brilliant, I knew that one 5 second clip would be trouble. Pretty damn funny to see the reaction.

On the flip side, you usually try not to offend anyone in advertising. Unless that is the actual goal. If I were Jeep, I'd have just left it out.

My daughter loves a good steak though, so at the end of the spot, she still told me that's her car. Lol. [emoji51][emoji23][emoji23]
Looks like the Marketing Manager had a thing for VEGANS..:cheesy: Quietly snuck it in there and got caught.. LMAO
When I first saw the commercial, which I think is brilliant, I knew that one 5 second clip would be trouble. Pretty damn funny to see the reaction.

On the flip side, you usually try not to offend anyone in advertising. Unless that is the actual goal. If I were Jeep, I'd have just left it out.

My daughter loves a good steak though, so at the end of the spot, she still told me that's her car. Lol. [emoji51][emoji23][emoji23]

And who are you some sort of advertising messiah?...haha:crazyeyes:

"Movement"? WTF! As its been mentioned before, Veganism is a first world problem. People without a ready supply of food would eat what ever they could get their hands on. I hate these hipster trends. Albeit environmental responsibility goes a long way. I mean look at the Dust Bowl (Great documentary on Amazon by the way) greed combined with the depression fueled the worst man made environmental disaster in US history and those were plants...;). Diets for health reasons (gluten free, weight loss, etc.) absolutely agree, diets because you saw it on facebook or your friends wife told your wife, fuck off I'll eat what ever I want. I have three rules to food, 1. Has to taste good. 2. Will not hurt me or make me sick. 3. The food is not made from humans (Soylent green). OK end rant!

I'm just happy because I got to drive the Jeep today for the first time in 3 month..:D
Looks like the Marketing Manager had a thing for VEGANS..:cheesy: Quietly snuck it in there and got caught.. LMAO

The Jeep ad agency bringing in millions on the account is about to help pay the bill for the Jeep PR firm. Lol.
People are such pussies. Seriously...a "movement"? Perhaps "trend" would be a better word, like skinny jeans or man-buns.
Fuck you Sharkey! My man bun wearing, vegetable eating, crossfit doing is a lifestyle!

Makes me wonder if I could cross fit in skinny jeans?! [emoji12] Hahaha
Fuck you Sharkey! My man bun wearing, vegetable eating, crossfit doing is a lifestyle!

Makes me wonder if I could cross fit in skinny jeans?! [emoji12] Hahaha

You're on your way to your own special bathroom, lol.
They should've thrown something in about CrossFit and manbuns to make this commercial complete! 😂😂

The steak looked delicious. 😎
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