Jeep Photo Challenge

I think I saw a Hummer on a trail about 5 years ago. I've never seen a FJ on any of the trails we drive on. I know they are out there somewhere.
I think I saw a Hummer on a trail about 5 years ago. I've never seen a FJ on any of the trails we drive on. I know they are out there somewhere.

People take those off road? You're kidding right?

I think an FJ showed up for a warmachines702 run one time. I wasn't there but I heard he was insistent on going despite being warned and spent the better part of the night being dragged over obstacles.
Damn Greg! I hope you bought that Extended Warranty!?!

Sent by Pony Express

All is well with EVOJEEP :rock: Those were easy on the jeep, you should see a few of the hard landings that are in my photo album. I canceled out my warranty about 3 1/2 years ago when I dropped the jeep off at Off Road Evolution, maybe the radio/navigation is still covered :thinking:
Well so far I can't play but it's a cool thread.

As for the FJs I have seen 2-3 out on some of the easier Colorado trails I've been on but never on the harder trails. of the guys that comes in to the station in the morning has a hummer!!! Maybe I can get him to get it stuck in the ditch so I can get a little photo op before I go home!
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