Gay Talk

C'mon come out of the homophobia closet. Don't be ashamed just because the liberal media says you should. Be honest it will save us all a lot of trouble. And I'll respect you more.[/QUOTE]

Well at least you didn't all chant "Fag drag." Maybe there is a place for me in the jeep community after all. Lol
My partner brought it to my attention that I am being a bit of a troll. His analogy was "I sprinkled troll bait" But we both agree I am the good troll of the north. And for the record "Hook line and sinker!" Lol!
Wtf is your problem dude? Get over yourself and move on! If your gay than good for you! Move on and leave it be.

My problem is: A long time member likes to disparage gay people. Something only homophobes do. He doesn't have the balls to admit it. And you all respond by defending him and calling me a pussy. Get a fucking clue.
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