Gay Talk

And I can tell who gets offended by everything they read on the Internet. Perhaps this isn't the place for you.

I'm not surprised you don't have a problem with him admittedly unapologetically disparaging someone. See, when I offended someone, when it was brought to my attention I apologized. And that's the difference between you and I.
But don't think my feelings are hurt. I suffered no delusions. I expected at least one response in his support. I'd be disappointed if at least a few of you didn't all chime in on how I'm wrong in this situation.
I'm not surprised you don't have a problem with him admittedly unapologetically disparaging someone. See, when I offended someone, when it was brought to my attention I apologized. And that's the difference between you and I.
But don't think my feelings are hurt. I suffered no delusions. I expected at least one response in his support. I'd be disappointed if at least a few of you didn't all chime in on how I'm wrong in this situation.

Jesus Christ are you really that much of a pussy?
I'm not surprised you don't have a problem with him admittedly unapologetically disparaging someone. See, when I offended someone, when it was brought to my attention I apologized. And that's the difference between you and I.
But don't think my feelings are hurt. I suffered no delusions. I expected at least one response in his support. I'd be disappointed if at least a few of you didn't all chime in on how I'm wrong in this situation.

So you know me? Lol

Just go away.
What the hell do you care what he thinks about certain types of people he's allowed to have his own opinion asshat don't like it, pound sand
And didn't you know that not everything that is legal should be

Anyone else? I wouldn't want to go on a trail with someone I can't count on. If you could all just clearly and concisely indicate you don't like gay people, I would know who not to associate with.
Anyone else? I wouldn't want to go on a trail with someone I can't count on. If you could all just clearly and concisely indicate you don't like gay people, I would know who not to associate with.

Nobody ever said they had a problem with gay people.
Anyone else? I wouldn't want to go on a trail with someone I can't count on. If you could all just clearly and concisely indicate you don't like gay people, I would know who not to associate with.

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