Gay Talk

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Yeah the gay reference was towards the vehicle, but then who really gives a fuck? Nobody gives a shit that you're gay. Truth is everyone's pissed that you're making such a big deal out of some dumb shit just so you'll get some attention. I doubt anyone here's even a homophobe, but most likely enjoy pissing you off.

Would you use the N word in front of a black person and not expect outrage? It's disparaging just like saying something is Jewish or Niggerdly. If you don't see it that way, then I'm sorry your brain doesn't work.
This made me laugh. That long-time member likes to disparage ALL people. You just happened to get "butthurt" (no offense) because you are gay and he made a reference to "gay." It was nothing personal, but you turning it to be that way.

BTW, being gay is not NOW LEGAL. Gay people never went jail for being gay. Gay people have always had the right to vote, Gay people could sit anywhere they want on the bus. Gay people didn't get tattooed and forced to walk into an oven. So get the fuck over yourself.

Sodomy was illegal you moron. Lots of gay people went to jail for it. The supreme court only overturned that a few years ago.
Gay people are still being killed in Uganda just for being gay.
Gay people were put in mental institutions for over 100 years just for being gay.
Gay people were marked and imprisoned and killed by Nazis. Do some research before you run your mouth.
I'm sorry you over think shit it wasn't directed at you or any gay people in general get the fuck over it you stupid fuck
I'm sorry you over think shit it wasn't directed at you or any gay people in general get the fuck over it you stupid fuck

You don't have to direct it at a person for it to be offensive. It's disparaging to use it as a derogatory word in any way shape or form. It's our fucking word now. If you use it expect a fight.
Don't get me wrong this is a free county. You are free to use it. And I'm free to point out what a piece of shit you are for doing so.
Really that almost sound like reverse discrimination just saying, like I said your that guy that thinks cause your gay the world owes you something, no one cares that your gay we care the you are the biggest asshole we have ever fucking talked to
Can we move this thread already? Jesus Christ... if you are gay, fine, but nobody owes you anything for it. And if you were that offended by it, you would have left, but you havent. So really, its for the attention now. Have fun "fighting" on the internet.
Would you use the N word in front of a black person and not expect outrage? It's disparaging just like saying something is Jewish or Niggerdly. If you don't see it that way, then I'm sorry your brain doesn't work.

Sodomy was illegal you moron. Lots of gay people went to jail for it. The supreme court only overturned that a few years ago.
Gay people are still being killed in Uganda just for being gay.
Gay people were put in mental institutions for over 100 years just for being gay.
Gay people were marked and imprisoned and killed by Nazis. Do some research before you run your mouth.

You don't have to direct it at a person for it to be offensive. It's disparaging to use it as a derogatory word in any way shape or form. It's our fucking word now. If you use it expect a fight.

Fuck off already
Sodomy was illegal you moron. Lots of gay people went to jail for it. The supreme court only overturned that a few years ago.
Gay people are still being killed in Uganda just for being gay.
Gay people were put in mental institutions for over 100 years just for being gay.
Gay people were marked and imprisoned and killed by Nazis. Do some research before you run your mouth.

Guess it's good you don't fucking live in uganda then.
There's 100+ year old gay people in a mental institutions? Guess you have good life expectancy.
The Holocaust is a myth.

Can we play some more????

Holy hay zues!!! You are one sensitive SOB. Guess it's also true some gay people are just little bitches, like you. What exactly are you wanting here? You do realize this a JEEP FORUM made up of all people, including "the gays." And the "Ns" as you say. Out of the 20,000+++, there probably is even a "GAY N" in the mix too. But none have been so high and mighty as yourself to turn this into a personal agenda forum. Those that try usually don't last very long. Find another forum for your agenda pushing.

We all know nothing "personal" was meant. We don't all have to be so PC 100% of the time. You may not like it, so don't read it and move along to other threads/topics. Or just leave this site if it is not sensitive to your lifestyle/life choices.
Would you use the N word in front of a black person and not expect outrage? It's disparaging just like saying something is Jewish or Niggerdly. If you don't see it that way, then I'm sorry your brain doesn't work.

You're assuming I'm not a black Jew.
Guess it's good you don't fucking live in uganda then.
There's 100+ year old gay people in a mental institutions? Guess you have good life expectancy.
The Holocaust is a myth.

Can we play some more????

Holy hay zues!!! You are one sensitive SOB. Guess it's also true some gay people are just little bitches, like you. What exactly are you wanting here? You do realize this a JEEP FORUM made up of all people, including "the gays." And the "Ns" as you say. Out of the 20,000+++, there probably is even a "GAY N" in the mix too. But none have been so high and mighty as yourself to turn this into a personal agenda forum. Those that try usually don't last very long. Find another forum for your agenda pushing.

We all know nothing "personal" was meant. We don't all have to be so PC 100% of the time. You may not like it, so don't read it and move along to other threads/topics. Or just leave this site if it is not sensitive to your lifestyle/life choices.

"The Holocaust was a myth?" I'm actually surprised. We have hit a new unforseen low.
Can we move this thread already? Jesus Christ... if you are gay, fine, but nobody owes you anything for it. And if you were that offended by it, you would have left, but you havent. So really, its for the attention now. Have fun "fighting" on the internet.

I'm fighting for something I believe in. If you could relate to such a concept you'd know quitting is for the weak. I'll be here as long as it takes. I have at least another good 35 years left.
Bigot and intolerant of gay people because he used the word gay as a generic insult about a vehicle? "They built two of those gay ass rigs." Do you really expect pity or a bandwagon of support for whatever imagined hardships your eyes have had reading his two-line-post? You are a perfect example of how stupid and out of hand this PC crap has gotten. I am glad that shit does not fly here and that you are rightfully being told by many people to go f' off - add me to that list.
I'm fighting for something I believe in. If you could relate to such a concept you'd know quitting is for the weak. I'll be here as long as it takes. I have at least another good 35 years left.
Youll be where? Fighting for gay rights and equality on WAYALIFE jeep forum? I think you should take to youtube or something, that way you can reach a more broad demographic...
"The Holocaust was a myth?" I'm actually surprised. We have hit a new unforseen low.

And thus why you don't start shit on a FORUM. You have no idea who I am or what my family history is. Just about any person on this forum for a good part of the last several years saw right past that comment. Of course, you are about to school me on something....right?

I can't even begin to comprehend the stupidity of your comments.
I'm fighting for something I believe in. If you could relate to such a concept you'd know quitting is for the weak. I'll be here as long as it takes. I have at least another good 35 years left.

You're making up a fight... Every gay person I've met doesn't give a flying fuck that I've used gay describing something I don't see why you do.

I have no problem with gay people, and I doubt many people in this forum do... or at least the ones that aren't obnoxiously irritating, overly defensive, and fighting for the use of a word that you "own" last time I checked you weren't Merriam or Webster so who do you think you are?
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