Ryldup thought this was different than all the other douchebag sites out there

Ahh who gives a shit. If there are threads that don't intrigue you then don't read them. Nobody can dispute that this is the most informative forum on the Internet.
It's better than the public "I'm leaving and I hope you all feel like shit about it!" comments you see in FB groups.

I get it all the time in real life though. I'm a firefighter and in the fire station we are savages. NOTHING is off limits, we make fun of one guy who has a domestic charge on his record, another guy who has a panel van (mobile locksmith on the side) for being a pedo, our Captain for getting caught having an affair at work, me for being asian and having homosexual tendencies (not legitimate just really secure in my sexuality), another guy for having a lisp, and the last for being a Lumbee (local native american/black slave descendants). We talk to each other like we're enemies in war, not a thing goes unnoticed. If you eff up, you're getting called out on it and will be made fun of for at least the rest of the day. We cock block in front of pretty girls, play pranks on eachother, and generally ruin eachother's lives for 24hrs at a time.

THEN, when I get around my wife and our "sensitive" friends, everyone thinks I'm a raging Asshole. My wife has to explain to everyone that is just how I treat my friends. People have left my house because "they didn't feel like I wanted them around."

SO... Some people can't handle the constant shit talking and Asshole comments. To them I say, gotta have thick skin to internet bruh!

^^^This^^^ Except now we have to be careful because we can have "third" parties file complaints about nothing that even pertains to them. They way I treat my coworkers is something we have an understanding of. Honestly if were not messing with you then chances are your the outsider and aren't long for this profession. Kinda like this forum.
^^^This^^^ Except now we have to be careful because we can have "third" parties file complaints about nothing that even pertains to them. They way I treat my coworkers is something we have an understanding of. Honestly if were not messing with you then chances are your the outsider and aren't long for this profession. Kinda like this forum.

Haha exactly! if you're not being picked on it's cause we don't fuckin like you. But open your mouth and say some dumb shit and we will make you wish you hadn't.
I have a lot of friends in the PD and they love giving me shit about being a Fireman. I just tell them to study a little better and retake the civil service exam and they could be firemen too! lol.

I have a buddy who's a firefighter, I give him the grinds about being an overpaid city caretaker. hits his nerve every time. lol
I'm not gonna lie, it's been pretty rough around here lately. The users who show up just to sell can suck it. I don't think we've had a troll from another site in a while. I've seen a few threads where I think the OP was a serious a-hole, but I've also seen a few where I think a newbie made a mistake & went on the defensive after they got mobbed on. I know I'm not the only regular who thinks we could use a slightly lighter touch in some cases.
I don't know who the guy was that wanted to start the Hawaii app, but I think he may have been technologically illiterate. The first few posts were just jerking his chain, but his response is what got him hammered.
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I don't know who the guy was that wanted to start the Hawaii app, but I think he may have been technologically illiterate. The first few posts were just jerking his chain, but his response is what got him hammered.

That guy went off the deep end. That was absolutely nuts.
I'm not gonna lie, it's been pretty rough around here lately. The users who show up just to sell can suck it. I don't think we've had a troll from another site in a while. I've seen a few threads where I think the OP was a serious a-hole, but I've also seen a few where I think a newbie made a mistake & went on the defensive after they got mobbed on. I know I'm not the only regular who thinks we could use a slightly lighter touch in some cases.

I agree with this.

I'm sorry, but sometimes stupid people need to be told they're stupid.

I've never seen telling someone stupid that they're stupid make them smarter, nicer, or more likely to contribute. If your only goal in doing so is to get them to leave, this is a viable strategy. However, it does assume that you're a perfect judge of stupid and can decide who stays and who should be shamed into leaving.
That guy went off the deep end. That was absolutely nuts.

I stopped reading around page 2 & don't remember seeing a reply, but my first reaction was: All this guys wants is to have some cool stuff in Hawaii & he's about to get slaughtered.
I stopped reading around page 2 & don't remember seeing a reply, but my first reaction was: All this guys wants is to have some cool stuff in Hawaii & he's about to get slaughtered.

The problem with that guy was that he wanted his own hawaiialife instead of a local sub forum like the rest of us have. Then he just lost his shit when he was called out about it. Good riddance. That kind of thin skin aint going to last long here.
The problem with that guy was that he wanted his own hawaiialife instead of a local sub forum like the rest of us have. Then he just lost his shit when he was called out about it. Good riddance. That kind of thin skin aint going to last long here.

^^ Exactly. Instead of starting an "All things Hawaii" folder here he wanted to be separate. Again, stupid people need to be told no, you're stupid every once in a while....
I stopped reading around page 2 & don't remember seeing a reply, but my first reaction was: All this guys wants is to have some cool stuff in Hawaii & he's about to get slaughtered.

The problem with that guy was that he wanted his own hawaiialife instead of a local sub forum like the rest of us have. Then he just lost his shit when he was called out about it. Good riddance. That kind of thin skin aint going to last long here.

^^ Exactly. Instead of starting an "All things Hawaii" folder here he wanted to be separate. Again, stupid people need to be told no, you're stupid every once in a while....

Maybe he was misinterpreted. Maybe not. I think a lot shit people get blasted about would have been comments/posts better left un-typed or perhaps done via a PM. If I'm still around and these other guys are getting butt hurt, they are seriously soft. Got to take the shit at least on some level around here. The ones that stick are the ones that come back with an "oh shit, my bad" mentality and work to be active member here to have fun.

For those viewing, if it is a bit much, just move along to other threads in the feed. Threads like this usually die down after a day or two.....just like this one has. If you can't do that, then maybe Wayalife isn't for you. You aren't going to change grown men at this point.
Some people just don't get it! They post "buy my shit" or "hey bitches" etc. You can try to be nice and mention that they should back it up and at least introduce themselves before acting like they own the place, but time and time again it's the same thing "it's the internet and I'll say what I want" or "it's a free public forum so fuck you". You know they are going to get the bums rush and most times I'm sorry to say it can't be helped. Sad, but since they put so little thought or care into their post, they probably would never have anything worthwhile to contribute anyway.
My point has less to do with how treat something like that & more about avoiding it in the first place.

:::edited. sorry, I tried to quote off the post that referenced his meltdown, but I screwed up:::
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My point has less to do with how treat something like that & more about avoiding it in the first place.

:::edited. sorry, I tried to quote off the post that referenced his meltdown, but I screwed up:::

No, I get it. I read them more than I post on them. Some intentionally poke the hornets nest, and some don't.
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