Ryldup thought this was different than all the other douchebag sites out there


Staff member
I've been out wheeling in Moab and out in my neck of the woods with good friends for the last 2 weeks so I'm a bit out of the loop when it comes to the silliness that seems to butthurt grown men here on the internet. That being said, I have no clue as to who Ryldup is or what got his panties in a bunch but apparently, he sent this farewell PM to me last night...

The following message was sent to you via the WAYALIFE Jeep Forum Contact Us form by Rick ( Ryldup ).


Not that you'll probably care since I'm not one of the people who posts a ton of things on here. I have thoroughly enjoyed the site for finding help on issues. But I'm a little tired of the worsening responses by people who really don't seem to care about others points of view or mis-steps. I came to this forum because I thought it was different than all the other douchebag sites out there. But it seems like they just follow from one site to the other. I'm not one to take offense to things, I'm often accused of my one feeling being hard to offend. It's more I'm tired of the juvenile comments on some topics. Call me old, that's fine. Thanks for all the help with my jeep. I really do like the write ups on repairs and upgrades. I'll be deleting the app and not using my user account. Take care and the best of luck with your future endeavors.


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User Name: Unregistered

To Rick, I wish you the best of luck and hope you can someday find a forum that's made in your perfect image. Take care :standing wave:
I've been out wheeling in Moab and out in my neck of the woods with good friends for the last 2 weeks so I'm a bit out of the loop when it comes to the silliness that seems to butthurt grown men here on the internet. That being said, I have no clue as to who Ryldup is or what got his panties in a bunch but apparently, he sent this farewell PM to me last night...

To Rick, I wish you the best of luck and hope you can someday find a forum that's made in your perfect image. Take care :standing wave:

Sounds like he picked the absolute worst user name if he got so easily offended :idontknow:
Shoulda been "mypntysreasilybunched"
You don't have to agree with every single post that happens on wayalife to be part of wayalife. If folks don't like a thread, move along. If something is truly offensive to you, shoot someone a PM. I don't get "trying to change the Internet."
You don't have to agree with every single post that happens on wayalife to be part of wayalife. If folks don't like a thread, move along. If something is truly offensive to you, shoot someone a PM. I don't get "trying to change the Internet."

Common sense has no place on the Internet. Get the hell outta here with that bullshit.
Who is she again? Never heard of her.

hey man girls have feelings to!

what I don't understand is being part of a club or forum and if you are new to the world of jeeps (as I am) your gonna take some shit, grow a pair of balls and get over it man. im so sick of the whiney old men that get their feelers hurt over a couple of comments! you really let some comments ruin your day like that?! pitiful!
hey man girls have feelings to!

what I don't understand is being part of a club or forum and if you are new to the world of jeeps (as I am) your gonna take some shit, grow a pair of balls and get over it man. im so sick of the whiney old men that get their feelers hurt over a couple of comments! you really let some comments ruin your day like that?! pitiful!

If most would just apply the same logic to the internet as they have in life they'd have the AH-HA moment. Life is dynamic and ever changing there is differences all over the world. The internet is no different. (Sorry just finished some of my required online diversity training..haha.) There are "Overlanders" in real life, they're called New Yorkers..;). I can't imagine how these people deal with the "debates" going on between or presidential candidates. They must go into convulsions if they accidentally turn the TV on.
If most would just apply the same logic to the internet as they have in life they'd have the AH-HA moment. Life is dynamic and ever changing there is differences all over the world. The internet is no different. (Sorry just finished some of my required online diversity training..haha.) There are "Overlanders" in real life, they're called New Yorkers..;). I can't imagine how these people deal with the "debates" going on between or presidential candidates. They must go into convulsions if they accidentally turn the TV on.

Did you know that asshole is from New York ? Lol!

He seems more like someone from jersey, but close enough
Did you know that asshole is from New York ? Lol!

He seems more like someone from jersey, but close enough

Yeah I did...;). Well having been to Boston can't we just lump all East Coasters together and say they are all assholes?..haha. Honestly Boston was awesome and can't wait to go back.
It's better than the public "I'm leaving and I hope you all feel like shit about it!" comments you see in FB groups.

I get it all the time in real life though. I'm a firefighter and in the fire station we are savages. NOTHING is off limits, we make fun of one guy who has a domestic charge on his record, another guy who has a panel van (mobile locksmith on the side) for being a pedo, our Captain for getting caught having an affair at work, me for being asian and having homosexual tendencies (not legitimate just really secure in my sexuality), another guy for having a lisp, and the last for being a Lumbee (local native american/black slave descendants). We talk to each other like we're enemies in war, not a thing goes unnoticed. If you eff up, you're getting called out on it and will be made fun of for at least the rest of the day. We cock block in front of pretty girls, play pranks on eachother, and generally ruin eachother's lives for 24hrs at a time.

THEN, when I get around my wife and our "sensitive" friends, everyone thinks I'm a raging Asshole. My wife has to explain to everyone that is just how I treat my friends. People have left my house because "they didn't feel like I wanted them around."

SO... Some people can't handle the constant shit talking and Asshole comments. To them I say, gotta have thick skin to internet bruh!
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It's better than the public "I'm leaving and I hope you all feel like sh*t about it!" comments you see in FB groups.

I get it all the time in real life though. I'm a firefighter and in the fire station we are savages. NOTHING is off limits, we make fun of one guy who has a domestic charge on his record, another guy who has a panel van (mobile locksmith on the side) for being a pedo, our Captain for getting caught having an affair at work, me for being asian and having homosexual tendencies (not legitimate just really secure in my sexuality), another guy for having a lisp, and the last for being a Lumbee (local native american/black slave descendants). We talk to each other like we're enemies in war, not a thing goes unnoticed. If you eff up, you're getting called out on it and will be made fun of for at least the rest of the day. We c*ck block in front of pretty girls, play pranks on eachother, and generally ruin eachother's lives for 24hrs at a time.

THEN, when I get around my wife and our "sensitive" friends, everyone thinks I'm a raging A-hole. My wife has to explain to everyone that is just how I treat my friends. People have left my house because "they didn't feel like I wanted them around."

SO... Some people can't handle the constant sh*t talking and A-hole comments. To them I say, gotta have thick skin to internet bruh!

Hahaha! We're the same way at the PD. Damn I miss that place. Our goal was to make someone cry at night, either from emotional abuse or physical.
Hahaha! We're the same way at the PD. Damn I miss that place. Our goal was to make someone cry at night, either from emotional abuse or physical.

HAha yup! We call it "Rage quitting" when someone goes to their room because we were so savage. I have a lot of friends in the PD and they love giving me shit about being a Fireman. I just tell them to study a little better and retake the civil service exam and they could be firemen too! lol.

hahaha Yup, that's the shit I deal with on the daily. Doesn't help I actually have micropenis.
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