The Official I Hate wayoflife / Eddie Thread

No worries. :beer: I knew you meant nothing by your post and I wasn't trying to bust your chops.

I didn't take it as such, you and notnalc68 were educating me! So thanks to you both! :beer::beer:

I nuked my own thread so another unsuspecting reader of the forum didn't give that site traffic.
^^^This right here is why most of us here get along. Realize the minor mistake when pointed out, understand there was not I'll intention with it being pointed out, take action to correct it, thank them, then move on. Pretty simple to me..:). Those that respond to this with "please delete my account, ete etc..." Don't belong here anyways.
They show up hoping something will happen & usually post some BS to start with, or can't take constructive criticism
Thanks fellas. Yeah, I don't get what some people need to prove, especially online. If the shit gets real, I can handle myself, but Internet forums aren't the place.

I lurk at most sites before officially joining and realize each has it's own history good and bad. I did figure out Eddie was either the original owner or highly involved with JKF and at some point started this forum. JKF was the first forum I found after buying my first Jeep almost 2 years ago. I've gotten more great information backed by evidence here than anywhere else. My account at JKF is going the way of my account at the WF...just not logging on at those places from now on.
They pulled all the tech stickies, after Catahoula & I pointed out Eddie wrote them

Wow... so did the irony of a forum that Eddie started and was still filled with his hard work finally catch up with all the Eddie haters that run it now? That is funny!
Wow... so did the irony of a forum that Eddie started and was still filled with his hard work finally catch up with all the Eddie haters that run it now? That is funny!

Someone wanted what they thought was the "old forum" sticker. I told him it was a Project JK sticker. Then some hate started. Not heavy bashing, but Catahoula and I pointed out that Eddie had done a lot of hands on research for Jeepers, and the the FAQ section was written by Eddie and they pulled all the tech stuff. At last look, they have none.
Found this gem tonight on a Teracrap thread. Of course Teracrap sucks because they don't give us free parts! Duh.

Oh and we all know Dennis IS the owner of Teracrap :rollseyes: :cheesy:
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Hey, I had one of those too today. Artec page about a broken axle they claimed wouldn't have happened if it was trussed. I called BS! This is what I got back
View attachment 137247

I just saw that post. Obviously the sleeve didn't help the axle, so I doubt a truss would have made much difference too. And judging by the rust, it was cracked for a while before it finally failed:

Let's put this in the proper perspective:
Hierarchy of Human Needs:
1) Food
2) Water
3) Shelter
4) Gas
5) Jeep
6) Family
7) Friends
8) Pets
9) Video Games
10) Chicks
11) Internet porn
12) Internet forums
13) Politics cracks me up that people get so butthurt over being banned from an internet forum that they would spend the time to actually waste paint to create something like that to express how butthurt they are. My God, some people live very trite and meaningless lives.

1- Food, Elk, Deer, whatever game one can hunt
2- Water
3- Shelter, Garage, includes tools, bow, things to hunt game
4- Fuel
5- 4x4's, Jeep, CanAm's, etc
6- Friends, not acquaintances
7- Family, you can choose your friends, but everyone is stuck with their family
8- Border Collies, much smarter than some of my family members
9- internet, research parts, forums, porn, etc
10- Fishing for pleasure, excuse to drink beer

I was removed from Facebook because I refused to use my name but rather used the name of my Kennel. FB stated I was running a business and wanted a $2500 annual fee so they deleted my account. Good for them, no butt hurt on my end, and I never missed a beat - they didn't get there $2500 annual fee either.
I like how everybody on other forums are always bitching about how Eddie receives free parts and then Invest2m4 here says he would make videos if vendors would give him free parts. What a douche. I bet a lot of people would gladly take free parts if offered to them.

If you have something to say about me, next time also say it to me and not just to your circle. My comment in no way took a dig at Eddie. It was a statement of fact that seems entirely reasonable and meant no disrespect (in fact, most sponsors request photo and video from any event they sponsor). And for the record, I've been offered a ton of free parts during my build over the past 6 months, none of which I accepted. I wanted to be sponsorship free. Apparently, I am not like a lot of people.
If you have something to say about me, next time also say it to me and not just to your circle. My comment in no way took a dig at Eddie. It was a statement of fact that seems entirely reasonable and meant no disrespect (in fact, most sponsors request photo and video from any event they sponsor). And for the record, I've been offered a ton of free parts during my build over the past 6 months, none of which I accepted. I wanted to be sponsorship free. Apparently, I am not like a lot of people.

Welcome to wayalife!
If you have something to say about me, next time also say it to me and not just to your circle. My comment in no way took a dig at Eddie. It was a statement of fact that seems entirely reasonable and meant no disrespect (in fact, most sponsors request photo and video from any event they sponsor). And for the record, I've been offered a ton of free parts during my build over the past 6 months, none of which I accepted. I wanted to be sponsorship free. Apparently, I am not like a lot of people.

I just want to climb on top of your ego and jump head first.
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