Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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Trump's tryin but it's like a pack of coyotes are constantly trying to pull him down.

Look, at times I'm not a giant fan of Trump. He can certainly be, ummm, let's call it boisterous. But damn, he turns out to be correct on a lot of stuff that the press is loath to give him credit for.
He's been right on China all along though. I hope when this shit all settles down there's a worldwide push to pull away from Chinese made goods and he whacks them with tariffs again.

Well said!:thumb::thumb::thumb:
Ask law enforcement in Ohio what they think of that piece of shit.

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Ok I am also guilty of calling a police officer an idiot after giving me a ticket...but I never would have said that in public, nor was I the governor...nor would I have said that to my dad, who was a Leo for 24 years...
It would be the last thing the Republicans would want...any chance of splitting the vote would hurt Republicans taking the WH again...and there is a faction of Republicans who do not back Trump, and wish any other Republican would run...but you can't ignore the incumbent. Back in '92 Ross Perot ran as an Independent, which took votes away from H.W Bush (the incumbent), allowing another Clinton to win the election. They absolutely do not want a repeat of that...

My vote was a protest vote against Trump, but there was no way I could vote for in essence it helped Trump get elected.

I voted for trump, honestly not because I loved him, but it was a big NO vote against Hillary. Sometimes our only choice is to vote against something as much as for something

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You’re great at interpreting the Constitution. Does total authority hold water?

I'm assuming you're referring to Trump saying he has 'total authority' in regards to re-opening the country?

I don't find the statement that was made by him to be fully true myself (my opinion), but I also think it could be interpreted different ways depending on the context of the actual statement that was made and of course what particular laws he is basing that statement on. Of course, with the media, no matter what Trump says, they'll argue against him and find some way to point out that he's 'wrong' because of their bias against him.

In regards to who has the authority to re-open the country, I've seen a few news articles today that say that the 10th amendment gives the states authority to re-open the country and that the president does not have a national authority to do so.

Now IMO, the tenth amendment "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." was clearly put in place to LIMIT federal power from over-reaching. How I interpret the 10th is basically in modern language "We've already laid out the freedoms and rights of the people in this Constitution, but just in case some bozo tyrant shows up and tries to say something otherwise (that we haven't thought of nor mentioned), he doesn't have the power to override this; the power goes right back to the people." I believe the 10th amendment was put in place to make sure that power could not be centralized and rather the power was distributed among the people as much as possible.

With that being said, look at what's been taken from us in the last few weeks in regards to our freedom. And look at how many laws and executive orders have been signed in the last decade that take more and more away from us. I'm sure both sides could argue well based on what's been penned in paper way back when and what's been penned in paper recently.

Rather than my own interpretation, I would really like to know Sharkey's thoughts on this.
I'm assuming you're referring to Trump saying he has 'total authority' in regards to re-opening the country?

I don't find the statement that was made by him to be fully true myself (my opinion), but I also think it could be interpreted different ways depending on the context of the actual statement that was made and of course what particular laws he is basing that statement on. Of course, with the media, no matter what Trump says, they'll argue against him and find some way to point out that he's 'wrong' because of their bias against him.

In regards to who has the authority to re-open the country, I've seen a few news articles today that say that the 10th amendment gives the states authority to re-open the country and that the president does not have a national authority to do so.

Now IMO, the tenth amendment "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." was clearly put in place to LIMIT federal power from over-reaching. How I interpret the 10th is basically in modern language "We've already laid out the freedoms and rights of the people in this Constitution, but just in case some bozo tyrant shows up and tries to say something otherwise (that we haven't thought of nor mentioned), he doesn't have the power to override this; the power goes right back to the people." I believe the 10th amendment was put in place to make sure that power could not be centralized and rather the power was distributed among the people as much as possible.

With that being said, look at what's been taken from us in the last few weeks in regards to our freedom. And look at how many laws and executive orders have been signed in the last decade that take more and more away from us. I'm sure both sides could argue well based on what's been penned in paper way back when and what's been penned in paper recently.

Rather than my own interpretation, I would really like to know Sharkey's thoughts on this.

Thanks WJCO. I knew you’d have some in-depth insight on the topic and you didn’t disappoint.

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Thanks WJCO. I knew you’d have some in-depth insight on the topic and you didn’t disappoint.

I'm no expert nor lawyer, but I do love my country and I think The Foundations of this nation and the people that penned the Constitution wanted nothing more than for each individual to be left alone and free. I don't personally think the Executive Branch has the authority to shut down the country if the States disagree, but I may be wrong.

However, although that press conference was long, I do think that the way Trump and Pence explained (near the end) why Federal and States were working together may be a greater benefit to the nation as a whole, maybe there's truth in that. I don't trust government in general, so I always tend to be skeptical when any of them speak.
Hey Notnalc - can you shed any light of this drug cocktail that an awful lot of doctors are touting? I know you're not a doc, but you know the drug interactions I would imagine...

It apparently works. My buddy prescribed for a positive person with symptoms. Within 4 hours, symptoms were markedly improved. Hydroxychloroquine is an immunosuppressant, so it blocks some of the immune response that is causing a good bit of the problem, in severe cases. As to what the Z-Pak is doing against a virus? I have no clue. Antibiotics don’t kill viruses.

There is a potentially deadly drug interaction between the two, called Torsades de Pointes. It’s a severe heart dysthymia. It would not occur in everyone, but could be more risky for people already suffering from cardiac arrhythmia or dysfunction.

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It apparently works. My buddy prescribed for a positive person with symptoms. Within 4 hours, symptoms were markedly improved. Hydroxychloroquine is an immunosuppressant, so it blocks some of the immune response that is causing a good bit of the problem, in severe cases. As to what the Z-Pak is doing against a virus? I have no clue. Antibiotics don’t kill viruses.

There is a potentially deadly drug interaction between the two, called Torsades de Pointes. It’s a severe heart dysthymia. It would not occur in everyone, but could be more risky for people already suffering from cardiac arrhythmia or dysfunction.

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I was listening to a Rogan podcast apparently some Dipshit confused this drug with a pond treatment(poison) and drank it.

So what the spelling on those drugs. 🤣

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I was listening to a Rogan podcast apparently some Dipshit confused this drug with a pond treatment(poison) and drank it.

So what the spelling on those drugs. 🤣

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Yeap here is part of the news report....

"An Arizona man has died after ingesting chloroquine phosphate — believing it would protect him from becoming infected with the coronavirus. The man's wife also ingested the substance and is under critical care.

The toxic ingredient they consumed was not the medication form of chloroquine, used to treat malaria in humans. Instead, it was an ingredient listed on a parasite treatment for fish."
Yeap here is part of the news report....

"An Arizona man has died after ingesting chloroquine phosphate — believing it would protect him from becoming infected with the coronavirus. The man's wife also ingested the substance and is under critical care.

The toxic ingredient they consumed was not the medication form of chloroquine, used to treat malaria in humans. Instead, it was an ingredient listed on a parasite treatment for fish."

Not only that but a You Tube channel (Louder with Crowder) is investigating the possibility of the wife poising the husband and the media never reported or failed to do any research. I know it sounds like the usual fake news conspiracy but Crowder didn't have to dig very deep to discover some Tiger King level shit going on. Yet the only thing the media reports on is Orange man said to drink fish tank cleaner...
Not only that but a You Tube channel (Louder with Crowder) is investigating the possibility of the wife poising the husband and the media never reported or failed to do any research. I know it sounds like the usual fake news conspiracy but Crowder didn't have to dig very deep to discover some Tiger King level shit going on. Yet the only thing the media reports on is Orange man said to drink fish tank cleaner...

Yeah I heard that as well. I am pretty sure it was Utah.
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