For I have not the words, nor the tears to express the pain and sorrow in my heart…
Scars that have bared themselves upon my soul sear into my eternity…
Faces of friends…
Screams of the innocent…
I kneel and offer myself in their stead…
Free me from this torment…
I miss my friends, my family…
Too many have said farewell to me…
Our lives we gave freely…
Our souls to each other…
In the memories of the few we survive….
Our sacrifice will never be forgotten…
Nor will it ever be uttered…
In an existence of solitude we reign alone, as one…
Honor is in the heart…
Valor in the deed…
Eternity is in our souls…
Raise your hands with me and salute…
To my fallen brothers, tears of life fill your goblets to share with me again in memory…
For I have not the words, only the love…