Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

People who pretend to be “disabled” to take advantage of the system.
Yep, like them 300lb behemoths riding through Walmart on their little carts while they haven’t bothered to even get out of their damn pajamas yet.
Only thing wrong with them is HoHos and Jerry Springer.
Still not a pet peeve, I just walk around.
What JimLee said and I would even go a step further and say that I tried to throw in a little humor at the whole thing. As in, it's a pet peeve but kind of funny at the same time.

Lighten up, we're just shooting the shit on the internet (y)
You did, and it was funny, I’m just implying don’t get huffy and puffy with the little old ladies, in jest of course. We’re all gonna be in their shoes someday.
Don’t you have handicapped plates on your jeep? Isn’t that a little hypocritical?
Well closest I’ve ever been to 300lbs was when I was paralyzed and they lifeflighted me, said I was 260lbs when they rolled me into the helicopter. Muscle atrophy from being laid up in the hospital had me down to a hideous 225 when I was discharged a couple months later.
Don’t do HoHos or Jerry Springer. Don’t leave the house in my pajamas, much less go out in public in them.
The VA rates me at 170% disabled so yes sir I do have handicap plates. However, I park way out in the empty parts of the parking lot so as not to have my truck rammed by shopping carts and as a courtesy to those handicap folks who are way worse off than me. The extra walk probably does me good.
So if that makes me a hypocrite in your eyes, then guilty.
I hope some of y’all remember your words when you’re old, crippled, and disabled. At least they’re/we’re not throwing in the towel and giving up. Still trying to have a functional life.
Really if your elders irritate you that much you don’t even have to leave your house. Amazon, UPS, FedEx, etc are at your service.🤷‍♂️

I didn't even know stores took checks anymore.

The problem I have is those who wait till the end to start and then insist on handwriting the check. In most large stores, if you hand them a blank check, they will print out the front of the check for you and hand it back to you to review and sign.
The problem I have is those who wait till the end to start and then insist on handwriting the check. In most large stores, if you hand them a blank check, they will print out the front of the check for you and hand it back to you to review and sign.
Some old folks may no know that. Or have forgotten that that’s how it worked last week. Or may just be set in there ways.
I’m not a crotchety old fucker (yet) and try not to let the little things bother me god damned some debit cards. We had a Taco Bell on base and every fucking Marine under 30 I swear to God had no fucking idea on how to use cash. Each transaction took two to three minutes. My turn, I say I’d like a number 7, hand ol girl a $10, she hands me .83, 15 seconds done. Next.
Same thing with the base theater. Gotta stand in line twenty minutes for six Marines to fiddle fuck around with some damn plastic card. I walk up, hand the window person two one dollar bills and I’m on my way.
Not many pet peeves but people’s addiction to plastic is mind numbing. The fuck are they gonna do when the powers out? Cash is king.👍
Some old folks may no know that. Or have forgotten that that’s how it worked last week. Or may just be set in there ways.
I’m not a crotchety old fucker (yet) and try not to let the little things bother me god damned some debit cards. We had a Taco Bell on base and every fucking Marine under 30 I swear to God had no fucking idea on how to use cash. Each transaction took two to three minutes. My turn, I say I’d like a number 7, hand ol girl a $10, she hands me .83, 15 seconds done. Next.
Same thing with the base theater. Gotta stand in line twenty minutes for six Marines to fiddle fuck around with some damn plastic card. I walk up, hand the window person two one dollar bills and I’m on my way.
Not many pet peeves but people’s addiction to plastic is mind numbing. The fuck are they gonna do when the powers out? Cash is king.👍
I agree cash is king; until about ten years ago, my grandma used only cash; we asked her not to carry so much cash and pleaded for her to switch to plastic or check. I took her to the store; she pulled out her checkbook, the clerk explained the process, and I reassured her it was safe. I remember it was just being rolled out at Safeway back in 1991. Now, my 97-year-old grandmother hates writing checks for her bills; the stores have spoiled her. 😃
People who try to pass really really slowly on a 2-lane highway, over solid lines and to the point where they force on-coming traffic to drive in to the shoulder to avoid a head on collision! Just saw this happen right in front of me on the 395 - AGAIN!! And of course, the dumbfuck was from California.

Oh, did I mention, California drivers piss me off!!
I got ran off the road in my XJ with some idiot doing this in Utah a few years ago. Fortunately I saw her coming from a long ways so I was able to slow down and move off the road.
I agree cash is king; until about ten years ago, my grandma used only cash; we asked her not to carry so much cash and pleaded for her to switch to plastic or check. I took her to the store; she pulled out her checkbook, the clerk explained the process, and I reassured her it was safe. I remember it was just being rolled out at Safeway back in 1991. Now, my 97-year-old grandmother hates writing checks for her bills; the stores have spoiled her. 😃
My wife's great aunt pays cash for everything. About thirty years ago she went to buy a new conversion van. At the first dealer no one even acknowledged her. She looked about 95 when she was 70 and she always wore sweat suits. She went across the street and bought one. I bet the salesman was stunned when she pulled 30K in cash out of her purse!
The problem I have is those who wait till the end to start and then insist on handwriting the check. In most large stores, if you hand them a blank check, they will print out the front of the check for you and hand it back to you to review and sign.
I see a lot of this at the grocery stores near me (largely a retired population in my area); the cashier will even tell them to just sign the check and their machine will do the rest; but the person will often insist on hand writing the entire thing out.

I'm a fairly patient person, so doesn't bother me. Just noting a common observation.
Has anyone tried pairing your phone to the Jeep uconnect lately? When you do the jeep computer asks you to enter the “PIN Number” on your phone. 😞
My cell phone is connected via blue tooth, I wouldn't let them "pair" it to the Uconnect or online apps for the JT.

None of their business if I'm watching midget cowgirl porn on my cell......
My cell phone is connected via blue tooth, I wouldn't let them "pair" it to the Uconnect or online apps for the JT.

None of their business if I'm watching midget cowgirl porn on my cell......
Well uconnect is Bluetooth. I don’t have the online apps either. You have to use the screen to connect the phone on the JK.
Well uconnect is Bluetooth. I don’t have the online apps either. You have to use the screen to connect the phone on the JK.
No, the salesman wanted to load the apps on my phone for the Uconnect, allows the infotainment center to access all of the phone. All I did was connect via bluetooth and the only access the JT has is my phonebook.
No, the salesman wanted to load the apps on my phone for the Uconnect, allows the infotainment center to access all of the phone. All I did was connect via bluetooth and the only access the JT has is my phonebook.

I know reading isn’t my strong suit but copy and pasting is.

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