New to off roading and building skills


New member
im a girl - I have a 2021 Rubicon - I’ve been practicing at Hollister Hills near my house. I’ve taken an off roading class from The Driving Company. Ive been doing lots of Black Diamond trails, and I’m prepping my Jeep for Jeepers Jamboree 2022. I am definitely a weekend warrior. What do you suggest for a budget lift and tires?
I ended up with the Metal Cloak game changer 3.5” lift and 37”Milestar Patagonia’s. Next step will be to regear to 5.13. Between the forum and your videos, I feel very confident with my decisions. Thank you so much for all you do for the Jeep community
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In hind site, I should have excluded the brands I chose and simply shared that I chose a 3.5” lift and 37s based on what I’ve learned reading the posts and watching the videos. The brands are irrelevant. I chose them for two reasons 1) it’s what I can afford now 2) I like to support local (to me) vendors
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In hind site, I should have excluded the brands I chose and simply shared that I chose a 3.5” lift and 37s based on what I’ve learned reading the posts and watching the videos. The brands are irrelevant. I chose them for two reasons 1) it’s what I can afford now 2) I like to support local (to me) vendors
For what it's worth, I too run those tires and absolutely love them (and have been beat up for it on here as well) I'll buy them again. It sounds like you've got a great setup. You'll be able to do any trail you want with that setup. Everything is controversial in motorsports (It can make the competition fun at times) People like different trails as they do parts and brands. Unfortunately it makes some feel better to degrade even the best thought out choice for you. Don't pay attention to the haters, pay attention to the doers and helpers. The family and community is what's important. Enjoy that Jeep, see you on the trail!
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For what it's worth, I too run those tires and absolutely love them (and have been beat up for it on here as well) I'll buy them again. It sounds like you've got a great setup. You'll be able to do any trail you want with that setup. Everything is controversial in motorsports (It can make the competition fun at times) People like different trails as they do parts and brands. Unfortunately it makes some feel better to degrade even the best thought out choice for you. Don't pay attention to the haters, pay attention to the doers and helpers. The family and community is what's important. Enjoy that Jeep, see you on the trail!
Thank you so much 😊 I really needed to hear that!
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Just remember opinions are like assholes. Do what works for you and your budget. Just remember when you ask a question especially on this site be prepared for some feedback that will be brutally honest from some don’t take it personal 👍
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In hind site, I should have excluded the brands I chose and simply shared that I chose a 3.5” lift and 37s based on what I’ve learned reading the posts and watching the videos. The brands are irrelevant. I chose them for two reasons 1) it’s what I can afford now 2) I like to support local (to me) vendors
No worries. Run what ya got til the tires wear out. You can wheel with us anytime.
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