Monache Meadows camping trip


New member
Myself, Moochie, Chris@OFE, JKRay, RockyJK07 and family took a camping trip up to Monache Meadows this past weekend. I have never been here before and I have to say, it was beautiful country and I will definitely go again. I think I never would have found this place if it wasn't for Moochie showing up with Smokey. Glad you saved my life Carl and I'm glad I was able to see Smokey and his new heart.

I also think my fiancé fell in love with wheeling. I let her drive offroad for the first time and she was all smiles. She even took on the only technical portion of the trail without hesitation. Not bad for her first time.

Here are some pics, and if anyone else has pics, feel free to upload them.

The trail in.




No fires allowed, so thanks Moochie for bringing this to help keep a little warmer.

Of course, we had some honey...

Me trying to catch dinner. No luck...
Old cabin we explored.
My boy Kimber taking a rest in the shade. Boy did he have fun up there.
My boy had so much fun, he fell asleep with his head in my hand. Lol
Chris got a flat...

It was a great trip and I hope you all enjoy the pictures.
Awesome pics guys it was a good time and can't wait to do it again! I'm surprised my dancing didn't make it on here haha

Ray ⛺
I notice this is in the Bakersfield area, if you dont mind sharing, what's the route you took to get there? (Exiting the freeway to getting to the river for camping) also, are there any fees to be payed or fishing licenses needed to camp there?

Looks like you had a great time but I have to ask, where is the dam you have pics of? I have been up there many times and have never seen it. DOH
I notice this is in the Bakersfield area, if you dont mind sharing, what's the route you took to get there? (Exiting the freeway to getting to the river for camping) also, are there any fees to be payed or fishing licenses needed to camp there?


Monache Meadows is in the Kern Plateau of Kennedy Meadows and not really in the Bakersfield area but here is one way for you to get there.

Take either hwy 14 or hwy 395 north, go past the 14/395 split, go past Pearsonville about 4 miles to Nine Mile Canyon and go left.
Follow NMC and go left and the General Store then at the Blackrock Ranger Station go right.
Go about 4-5 miles and bear right on the access road then left on the dirt road with the Monache Meadows sign.
Follow this dirt road for a while and you will end up in Monache Meadows.

No camping fees out there but you will need a fishing license. Now I know that these are simple directions but that will get you in the general area and where they camped is WAY WAY back in there but well worth it.
Great pics! Wish we could have joined you all on this one. Also, glad to hear you were able to take up Smokey, Moochie :thumb:
Monache Meadows is in the Kern Plateau of Kennedy Meadows and not really in the Bakersfield area but here is one way for you to get there.

Take either hwy 14 or hwy 395 north, go past the 14/395 split, go past Pearsonville about 4 miles to Nine Mile Canyon and go left.
Follow NMC and go left and the General Store then at the Blackrock Ranger Station go right.
Go about 4-5 miles and bear right on the access road then left on the dirt road with the Monache Meadows sign.
Follow this dirt road for a while and you will end up in Monache Meadows.

No camping fees out there but you will need a fishing license. Now I know that these are simple directions but that will get you in the general area and where they camped is WAY WAY back in there but well worth it.

Great, thank you very much. Hopefully I'll be able to check it out sometime in the next few weeks
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