Military Service Advice

DO what makes you happy.

With that said...

The military can be an absolute crapshoot. Some guys are very fortunate and go their entire careers getting great assignments, dealing with minimal bullshit, and overall living a pretty good life. Others are not so lucky. There are a lot of problems with the Army which are being augmented right now by the sequester and political atmosphere. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend anyone join the military, especially the Army (Go Air Force and be a PJ if you must). I was aviation, and my husband currently still serves as a pilot. I took a lot of positive things from my service but I also had some exceptionally bad experiences. I'm talking serious abuse, medical mapractice, fraud, you name it. My husband has arguably the best job in the Army, is incredibly passionate about it, and yet the sheer stupidity of the Army can take away almost every enjoyable aspect of it. I absolutely loved my job, but the Army failed to meet every single one of my expectations.

You will meet some incredible people... and for every one of them there are atleast 10 selfish, ignorant bastards that have no business wearing the uniform. You will go interesting places, get shot at, and miss your family. But you will have a "new" family. Your pay will get fucked up because some 18 year old kid that had no other choice but the Army or jail post your paperwork 3 times. You will work for douchebags that only obtained their rank because they came in when the Army was desperate for people and managed to stick around while all the sane people got out. You will be treated like a child, your leadership as your babysitters (this is getting worse every day). The very best soldiers I served with all got out without reenlisting more than once, if that.

Every job has its downfalls, but the military is a LOT of sacrifice, and not just on deployments. If it is all you want to do and your passion lies in the mission, then do it. Just know that it isn't all everyone makes it out to be. There are a LOT of forums that will give you a true perspective of the Army Life. Hell, just go to the Army WTF Moments page on facebook and bask in all the absolute stupidity.

Again, I am not totally sour on my experience but I hate seeing people sign their life away without knowing every side of the machine.

Good luck, whatever you decide to do.
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LadyJeeper, thank you for your raw truth about what it can be. I have heard my fair share of horror stories when it comes to serving and I'm sure I will have my days when I feel like I f*cked up by joining. I know, probably more than most, how horrible people and the system can be. I know I'll just be a number and a lot of times surrounded by those who joined for the wrong reasons and just shouldn't be there. Unfortunately that is just the raw reality of life and it us discouraging to me. But that is why I have set my goals in the military so high and have made them so specific. Besides the personal satisfaction I will achieve by doing it, I will be at a point where those who don't belong have been weened out. At least that is what I believe at this point. I don't think an ignorant 20 year old who joined to get out of going to jail will commit enough to go through everything necessary to get to where I want to be. A large aspect of why I want to join in to be a part of something and to meet and surround myself with like minded people. I'm not saying I think every operator in Delta Force is the same but I believe to want to be a part of such a unit means that you would have a lot in common in terms of personality, thought processes, and perspectives. I guess for me the bottom line is its much more worth taking the chance of being miserable in the service to try and truly feel fulfilled in what I do than to be any kind of content doing something that I feel is meaningless. I do appreciate you trying to make sure I'm aware of the reality of what I will go through and thank you and your husband for your service.
LadyJeeper, thank you for your raw truth about what it can be. I have heard my fair share of horror stories when it comes to serving and I'm sure I will have my days when I feel like I f*cked up by joining. I know, probably more than most, how horrible people and the system can be. I know I'll just be a number and a lot of times surrounded by those who joined for the wrong reasons and just shouldn't be there. Unfortunately that is just the raw reality of life and it us discouraging to me. But that is why I have set my goals in the military so high and have made them so specific. Besides the personal satisfaction I will achieve by doing it, I will be at a point where those who don't belong have been weened out. At least that is what I believe at this point. I don't think an ignorant 20 year old who joined to get out of going to jail will commit enough to go through everything necessary to get to where I want to be. A large aspect of why I want to join in to be a part of something and to meet and surround myself with like minded people. I'm not saying I think every operator in Delta Force is the same but I believe to want to be a part of such a unit means that you would have a lot in common in terms of personality, thought processes, and perspectives. I guess for me the bottom line is its much more worth taking the chance of being miserable in the service to try and truly feel fulfilled in what I do than to be any kind of content doing something that I feel is meaningless. I do appreciate you trying to make sure I'm aware of the reality of what I will go through and thank you and your husband for your service.

The higher you shoot, the less shitbags you find... To an extent. It's still a severely flawed organization and the higher up you get, the more dark politics are involved. Its a good ol boys club... and then there are the masons too. Either way, you can join and see how it goes for yourself and if you aren't satisfied while nearing the end of you initial enlistment, you can always get out. It's good you are shooting for a more exceptional path than most. Hopefully, those programs aren't suffering as much as aviation is right now because of budget cuts and other government fuckery. I'd still consider some other branches as well. There are many types of specialized units out there. Keep an open mind to be sure you don't omit all of your options.

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Damn! Lady Jeeper has the big Raspberries! This is what I didn't want to air in public due to retribution from others.
My service was a great experience. But I was one of those she speaks of who got out instead of staying. It got to the point where I was just angry everyday until I committed to getting out. Then it all became clear.... and I was OK.... Anyway we will talk more. I think you got the right mindset but you still need a bit of guidance. I will do my best to let you know all I can.
Damn! Lady Jeeper has the big Raspberries! This is what I didn't want to air in public due to retribution from others.
My service was a great experience. But I was one of those she speaks of who got out instead of staying. It got to the point where I was just angry everyday until I committed to getting out. Then it all became clear.... and I was OK.... Anyway we will talk more. I think you got the right mindset but you still need a bit of guidance. I will do my best to let you know all I can.

Meh, I never worry about being judged for telling it like it is. I wish someone would have done the same for me instead of paint a pretty picture of a motivated, professional organization held to the very highest standards!

Anyone who thinks the Army is sunshine and puppies and the best thing to ever happen to them is either extremely delusional (never go full hooah) or they just haven't yet realized their potential outside of the organization. Don't get me wrong I definitely had some good experiences but I am destined for bigger things that the Army could have never given me, despite how hard I worked, how intelligent I am, or how bad I wanted something. I tend to feel that when people show that kind of dedication and interest before enlisting they probably have the aptitude for bigger and better things too.

And if anyone is offended, you should have joined the girl scouts! :yup:
The higher you shoot, the less shitbags you find... To an extent. It's still a severely flawed organization and the higher up you get, the more dark politics are involved. Its a good ol boys club... and then there are the masons too. Either way, you can join and see how it goes for yourself and if you aren't satisfied while nearing the end of you initial enlistment, you can always get out. It's good you are shooting for a more exceptional path than most. Hopefully, those programs aren't suffering as much as aviation is right now because of budget cuts and other government fuckery. I'd still consider some other branches as well. There are many types of specialized units out there. Keep an open mind to be sure you don't omit all of your options.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LadyJeeper is kinda right some love it and stay in... some love it for a while and then hate it ... and some hate it from the start... its not for everyone that is for sure. Kinda like a jeep some love it and keep one forever.. some love it for awhile and then hate it... and some never like them.... It is all a personal preference. I love the military but not enough to be active army for 20 years i did 3 years and got out but the guard is a perefect fit i get to be a part of the military without it consuming my whole life. Just something to think about..
Well another aspect of this for me, and maybe this is just my old fashion way of thinking, but I more or less feel its something I'm supposed to do even if I don't want to or hate it. Considering how I feel now since I haven't gone in yet I think that I will regret it for the rest of my life if I don't, even if I achieve all else I set out to do. It hurts me knowing that men and women, those my age or even younger, were deployed going through what they were going through while I sat in a classroom with AC learning about shit that I will never use and forget in a year. I mapped out what I would want to do because it interests me especially the SF part of it. I was obsessed with them and Delta Force before Bin Laden was killed and what they do just fascinates me. I feel obligated to do that for many reasons and I think its regardless if I will actually like it or not. Not sure if this makes any sense lol
LadyJeeper is kinda right some love it and stay in... some love it for a while and then hate it ... and some hate it from the start... its not for everyone that is for sure. Kinda like a jeep some love it and keep one forever.. some love it for awhile and then hate it... and some never like them.... It is all a personal preference. I love the military but not enough to be active army for 20 years i did 3 years and got out but the guard is a perefect fit i get to be a part of the military without it consuming my whole life. Just something to think about..

I wish I would have known about the Guard. I have a friend who will retire with both a federal AND a state pension thanks to the National Guard! And they did the exact same job during the week that they did on drill weekends, just wearing different clothes! That is the way to go, haha!
You are most welcome and I applaud you for you for joining up bc it is getting more rare these days! Good luck and God Bless; SEMPER FIDELIS
Well another aspect of this for me, and maybe this is just my old fashion way of thinking, but I more or less feel its something I'm supposed to do even if I don't want to or hate it. Considering how I feel now since I haven't gone in yet I think that I will regret it for the rest of my life if I don't, even if I achieve all else I set out to do. It hurts me knowing that men and women, those my age or even younger, were deployed going through what they were going through while I sat in a classroom with AC learning about shit that I will never use and forget in a year. I mapped out what I would want to do because it interests me especially the SF part of it. I was obsessed with them and Delta Force before Bin Laden was killed and what they do just fascinates me. I feel obligated to do that for many reasons and I think its regardless if I will actually like it or not. Not sure if this makes any sense lol

makes all kinds of sense..... I hear it every day being part of something bigger than yourself and part of a brotherhood that no one can take away from you is awesome.. granted most MOS's dont have the bond that combat MOS's have because they dont have to to survive... If you are looking at being part of an elite group there is no stronger bond. I have freinds that are rangers and they are a very close nit group and will be for life even after their ETS.. I say go for it and make the best of every opportunity you get, be prepaired to go to training schools at all times (sometimes they come quick like if someone drops out of a school like sniper, ranger, airborne,air assult, pathfinder...ect)they may come to you and say "you want to go" and it would suck for you to say no because you werent ready( see this alot) and that opportunity may not come back.....

It doesnt matter what anyone else says on here or on any other site the decision is yours and yours only and i wish you the best of luck:beer:
I had a great time for the most part. Liked the hua hua BS, the adventure, the job, and comeraderie. My last 9 months sucked cause I had a squad leader who didnt like me and the feeling was mutual. Not being able to tell your boss he's a flaming prick because you might get locked up is a drag. Anyways my :twocents:

Good luck
Meh, I never worry about being judged for telling it like it is. I wish someone would have done the same for me instead of paint a pretty picture of a motivated, professional organization held to the very highest standards!

Anyone who thinks the Army is sunshine and puppies and the best thing to ever happen to them is either extremely delusional (never go full hooah) or they just haven't yet realized their potential outside of the organization. Don't get me wrong I definitely had some good experiences but I am destined for bigger things that the Army could have never given me, despite how hard I worked, how intelligent I am, or how bad I wanted something. I tend to feel that when people show that kind of dedication and interest before enlisting they probably have the aptitude for bigger and better things too.

And if anyone is offended, you should have joined the girl scouts! :yup:

Oh I feel ya! I'm doing the same thing when we get together this weekend
Delta Force is a hard one to get into. My cusin has been in SF for about 16yrs now and has tried out and pass the DF test 7 yrs in a row and still has not got to join the team. I would suggest since you already have a BA is to go thru Officer Candidate School, take a commision and go that route. There are few officers in elite forces. You also may want to look more into the CIA and figure what part of it you want and you can groom your mitilary career for it. The better CIA jobs you only get recruited into so your record book needs to be noticably above the average joe in your field. Something to consider too is your personnel life. If you want to be on top of your game in an elite force I would highly recommend not having a family especially in Delta Force & CIA. One guy in the team I was in went thru 5 wives during his career.
Delta Force is a hard one to get into. My cusin has been in SF for about 16yrs now and has tried out and pass the DF test 7 yrs in a row and still has not got to join the team. I would suggest since you already have a BA is to go thru Officer Candidate School, take a commision and go that route. There are few officers in elite forces. You also may want to look more into the CIA and figure what part of it you want and you can groom your mitilary career for it. The better CIA jobs you only get recruited into so your record book needs to be noticably above the average joe in your field. Something to consider too is your personnel life. If you want to be on top of your game in an elite force I would highly recommend not having a family especially in Delta Force & CIA. One guy in the team I was in went thru 5 wives during his career.

Bam. That last little bit is an important point.

It ain't the movies. It's not COD or Battlefield. Those guys sacrifice more than anyone on earth. It is extremely difficult, if not next to impossible, to have a family and live that life. I too know guys who just couldn't make it happen. You might not think its important to you know, but it might be some day down the road and you need to be prepared for that. It's not a job. It's your life.

There have got to be some operator dudes on this forum that you can get a better idea from. Hopefully they message you.
Bam. That last little bit is an important point.

It ain't the movies. It's not COD or Battlefield. Those guys sacrifice more than anyone on earth. It is extremely difficult, if not next to impossible, to have a family and live that life. I too know guys who just couldn't make it happen. You might not think its important to you know, but it might be some day down the road and you need to be prepared for that. It's not a job. It's your life.

There have got to be some operator dudes on this forum that you can get a better idea from. Hopefully they message you.

I already 100% understand that and already mentioned I am 100% comfortable not having a family of my own. There are quite a few personal aspects that factor into that but let's just say my experiences in that field have lead me to believe more that this is something I am supposed to do. As for what I would want to do in the CIA, the special activities division caught my eye. I have not research into it as much as the military yet but without trying to sound like some ignorant movie fan, I more or less want to keep doing all the clandestine, dirty stuff. If not then there's always Black Water haha
Look into the Guard as some people have already stated.

I am noticing there are a lot of Army guys on here.... talking deployments and so on.

I come from a very Air Force family, my parents are retired my grandfather is retired and my brother is in. But I come from a very Officer family as well, not Enlisted besides my grandfather. Both my parents retired as 05 Lt. Col. and my brother is a Lt. KC-135 Pilot in Oklahoma. So my experiences may be different.

You can Enlist after college, I have thought about it. You can also apply for OTS, Officers Training School and go in as an Officer, it is much harder to do but you can keep applying till you are 35. But you have to have a college degree. It helps if you have one that they find useful and not like Art or something.

You are welcome to PM me if you would like some information on the Air Force / Officers side of things as well.
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