I agree there are a bunch assholes on this website

Nice, I'm posting cuz' I usually just lurk around. Gotta get the post count up some kind of way. I can usually find an answer to an issue if I search around. I will try to randomly post so I can be considered an active member.
Nice, I'm posting cuz' I usually just lurk around. Gotta get the post count up some kind of way. I can usually find an answer to an issue if I search around. I will try to randomly post so I can be considered an active member.

:thinking: Nobody cares about your post count. I just took a look at your post history. You seem to post when needed. No need to defend yourself if you lurk without posting a lot. And no need to post more than you would like to in order to be accepted.
Nice, I'm posting cuz' I usually just lurk around. Gotta get the post count up some kind of way. I can usually find an answer to an issue if I search around. I will try to randomly post so I can be considered an active member.

dude, If I posted in EVERY thread I read... wow, I would be well over 20k post by now for sure... ACTIVE members can still "lurk" threads...
Nice, I'm posting cuz' I usually just lurk around. Gotta get the post count up some kind of way. I can usually find an answer to an issue if I search around. I will try to randomly post so I can be considered an active member.

I'm lurking right now....you had no idea I'm here...retreating back to the shadows...

Build thread: http://wayalife.com/showthread.php?t=32769

and I'm back to see what GraniteCrystal said...
Should I post about it? ...who knows... :cheesy:
Nice, I'm posting cuz' I usually just lurk around. Gotta get the post count up some kind of way. I can usually find an answer to an issue if I search around. I will try to randomly post so I can be considered an active member.

View attachment 235107

that's an original right there ^


"lol" :cheesy: :clap2: :thumb:

I'm just giving you shit Curtis :beer:
I lurk all day long. Wayalife stays pulled up in a tab on my work computer, and I post in maybe 25% of the threads that I read. I've actually used it as a sales tool a couple of times, once to sell a Renegade.
I made the mistake of not reading the rules and just ASSUMED this was like every other forum I've been on... I was promptly corrected by the members on here... It made me defensive at first, so I can kinda understand this guy, but once I put my pride aside, I realized I was just a consumer and not a contributor. So I apologized and started trying to contribute.

It seems to be a self-correcting system that weeds out the overly prideful.

Sent from my SM-G930V using WAYALIFE mobile app
Thanks for letting me know it ok to be a lurker! I really have saved a lot of heartache and dollars by searching answers to problems in this forum. It's quite valuable to me.;)
Aren't there a bunch of assholes on every forum?
It wouldn't be the same if there weren't assholes on forums!

I'm one of them and this is only my third post!
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