I agree there are a bunch assholes on this website


New member
I agree there are a bunch assholes on this website I thought this was to help people out and I thought all jeepers were supposed to be nice to each other they'll like to wave to each other

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I agree there are a bunch assholes on this website I thought this was to help people out and I thought all jeepers were supposed to be nice to each other they'll like to wave to each other

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Well you're welcome to GTFO also? Pretty simple if you ask me. If you don't like us assholes then why feel the need to post up saying how much of an asshole we are, and not just leave?
ban me will ya, I gota get off of this shitty forum

I agree there are a bunch assholes on this website I thought this was to help people out and I thought all jeepers were supposed to be nice to each other they'll like to wave to each other

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What is everyone carrying their feelings in their front pockets this morning?who's this fucking 🤡

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Thanks for your support of the forum, the owners, and their rules. Surely we should just bend over and be a doormat for everyone who has their own agenda here, especially the ones who want this to be their own personal flea market. :naw:
I agree there are a bunch assholes on this website I thought this was to help people out and I thought all jeepers were supposed to be nice to each other they'll like to wave to each other

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Oh yay new thread!! As I said in the previous thread, if you don't like us assholes then why do you feel the need to post up to tell us assholes? If you don't like it, GTFO.
I agree there are a bunch assholes on this website I thought this was to help people out and I thought all jeepers were supposed to be nice to each other they'll like to wave to each other

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They're mean because they enforce the rules that the owner put in place and not just let everyone sell stuff willy-nilly? Man you need to toughen up.
Thanks for voicing your feelings on a free forum thanks to Eddie for all of us to hear and care for. Now let's move on does anyone know where my drain plug is on my headlights? I can't seem to find it.

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I agree there are a bunch assholes on this website I thought this was to help people out and I thought all jeepers were supposed to be nice to each other they'll like to wave to each other

I think you may have confused this internet forum with your church. All I saw was a guy who went off the deep end just because a handful of people gave him a little grief for trying use this community without being a part of it first. Why that makes them assholes is beyond me but if you find their behavior so offensive, nobody is forcing you to be here.
Now there's the first asshole of the day

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I like to think of myself as more of "call it as I see it" guy as opposed to an asshole. But I guess sheer stupidity brings the asshole out in me :thankyou:
I'm not mad at all a lot of people don't know all your rules

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That's why you take the time to READ THE RULES. Holy shit! Now there's an idea for ya!
What do you consider an active member I'm on these forms all day every day

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Somebody who has more then 16 posts within 8 months. Somebody that takes part in multiple discussions, and mostly, somebody who doesn't label the members here as assholes. Why would you wanna be active in a group of assholes anyway? Seems to be against your agenda, whatever that may be.
What do you consider an active member I'm on these forms all day every day

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Ha. This is my favorite reply in these threads.

If I sat in the corner of your living room and listened to all your conversations but never spoke a word for 9 months and no one knew I was even there, would you consider me an active part of your family? I hope not. You sir are lurking. You exist, you consume, you read, but you never engage. We have no idea who you are.

Build thread: http://wayalife.com/showthread.php?t=32769
Ha. This is my favorite reply in these threads.

If I sat in the corner of your living room and listened to all your conversations but never spoke a word for 9 months and no one knew I was even there, would you consider me an active part of your family? I hope not. You sir are lurking. You exist, you consume, you read, but you never engage. We have no idea who you are.

Build thread: http://wayalife.com/showthread.php?t=32769

His screen name is fairly fitting of your description :cheesy:
What do you consider an active member I'm on these forms all day every day

So do a lot of bots. Cindy and I made WAYALIFE to be our home on the internet. Guys like you are our guests and we're happy to provide it for you to use for free. All we ever ask is that you be a part of this community - NOT just selfishly USE it. I'm not sure why that's so hard for guys like you to understand.
If I sat in the corner of your living room and listened to all your conversations but never spoke a word for 9 months and no one knew I was even there, would you consider me an active part of your family? I hope not. You sir are lurking. You exist, you consume, you read, but you never engage. We have no idea who you are.

LOL!! I guess I didn't need to respond after all. Well said :crazyeyes:
So do a lot of bots. Cindy and I made WAYALIFE to be our home on the internet. Guys like you are our guests and we're happy to provide it for you to use for free. All we ever ask is that you be a part of this community - NOT just selfishly USE it. I'm not sure why that's so hard for guys like you to understand.

Because they're mooches. They're the same people who would take advantage of you if you opened up your actual home to them for free. Let them stay free, cook for them, etc, all while they sit around and watch, but as soon as something doesn't meet their agenda, its everyone's fault but theirs.
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