Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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Making fun of Biden is an easy target. It really is. Somewhere around 70 million of my fellow Americans will disagree with me. So be it.

I can honestly say that even during the years of Obama and Clinton, as much as I disliked and disagreed with those fuckers, they had support and reasonable arguments for the people that followed them. It is what it is.

But Biden?! C'mon man! There ain't a single fucker that actually voted for him that has confidence in him as a leader IMO. I have more confidence in my vacuum cleaner. I'm serious. If someone seriously has hope and confidence in Biden, I have no words, really, no offense to anyone, no words.

I get it. There's a fair amount of Americans that don't like Trump (or think they don't like Trump because the media directs their every brain cell step), so Biden is their lord and savior. It is what it is, but supposedly 70 million people voted for this clown to lead the greatest country on earth. Again, I have more trust and confidence in my vacuum cleaner than the general american public. So I'll just keep vacuuming my fucking house and hope for the best.
I would trust a fart after taking ex-lax more than I would ever trust a Biden.

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There is increasingly more evidence that the virus actually did originate from a lab in Wuhan and did not occur naturally.

It will be interesting to watch national media trip on its collective dicks explaining why they treated such “lab creation” claims as far right, xenophobic conspiracy theories when many mainstream experts are now saying they are 90% sure the virus was lab created.

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So... It might have been an actual attack on the world, that was resisting the Chinese Communist Party??? A global resistance to China, led by possibly... Donald J. Trump???
I never could have dreamed such a thing!


Making fun of Biden is an easy target. It really is. Somewhere around 70 million of my fellow Americans will disagree with me. So be it.

I can honestly say that even during the years of Obama and Clinton, as much as I disliked and disagreed with those fuckers, they had support and reasonable arguments for the people that followed them. It is what it is.

But Biden?! C'mon man! There ain't a single fucker that actually voted for him that has confidence in him as a leader IMO. I have more confidence in my vacuum cleaner. I'm serious. If someone seriously has hope and confidence in Biden, I have no words, really, no offense to anyone, no words.

I get it. There's a fair amount of Americans that don't like Trump (or think they don't like Trump because the media directs their every brain cell step), so Biden is their lord and savior. It is what it is, but supposedly 70 million people voted for this clown to lead the greatest country on earth. Again, I have more trust and confidence in my vacuum cleaner than the general american public. So I'll just keep vacuuming my fucking house and hope for the best.

A testament to how stupid, 50% of Americans are...
I think you’re referring to the 52%, although the other 48% that voted for the loser is equally stupid, as it turns out.

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I'd really like to have a conversation with someone who voted and believes he was the right choice. I want to hear what they like about his proposals other than "I don't like trump!"

Sent from my SM-G973U using WAYALIFE mobile app
I'd really like to have a conversation with someone who voted and believes he was the right choice. I want to hear what they like about his proposals other than "I don't like trump!"

Sent from my SM-G973U using WAYALIFE mobile app

YES! Me too...
But, they won't speak up, on here...
And, yes, I know they are out there...

Honestly, in my opinion y’all are just as bad as the far left. You presume that anyone who might have a different opinion than you is somehow defective, uninformed, or unintelligent.

I’m sorry to break the news to you, but not everyone (clearly, not even a majority of the country) believes in the social policies and positions upon which the fervent right has stood its ground over the last 30+ years. (How much money was wasted by the right fighting about gay marriage?)

People vote for (or against) candidates for a variety of reasons. Some people care most about social policies, some people care most about economic policies, and some people care about more intangible things like honesty, integrity, and the ability to be a leader that people respect and want to follow.

Every candidate we have ever had, for any office, is flawed. That is to be expected because they are humans and humans are, by nature, flawed. Different flaws carry different weights to different people.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE
Honestly, in my opinion y’all are just as bad as the far left. You presume that anyone who might have a different opinion than you is somehow defective, uninformed, or unintelligent.

I’m sorry to break the news to you, but not everyone (clearly, not even a majority of the country) believes in the social policies and positions upon which the fervent right has stood its ground over the last 30+ years. (How much money was wasted by the right fighting about gay marriage?)

People vote for (or against) candidates for a variety of reasons. Some people care most about social policies, some people care most about economic policies, and some people care about more intangible things like honesty, integrity, and the ability to be a leader that people respect and want to follow.

Every candidate we have ever had, for any office, is flawed. That is to be expected because they are humans and humans are, by nature, flawed. Different flaws carry different weights to different people.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE

Lol. I think you meant to reply to me too. I started this mess. And yes I agree with you 100%. I'm still dumb-founded by our president being Joe Biden more than any other president in the past though.
Honestly, in my opinion y’all are just as bad as the far left. You presume that anyone who might have a different opinion than you is somehow defective, uninformed, or unintelligent.

I’m sorry to break the news to you, but not everyone (clearly, not even a majority of the country) believes in the social policies and positions upon which the fervent right has stood its ground over the last 30+ years. (How much money was wasted by the right fighting about gay marriage?)

People vote for (or against) candidates for a variety of reasons. Some people care most about social policies, some people care most about economic policies, and some people care about more intangible things like honesty, integrity, and the ability to be a leader that people respect and want to follow.

Every candidate we have ever had, for any office, is flawed. That is to be expected because they are humans and humans are, by nature, flawed. Different flaws carry different weights to different people.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE

VERY well spoken as usual.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
Lol. I think you meant to reply to me too. I started this mess. And yes I agree with you 100%. I'm still dumb-founded by our president being Joe Biden more than any other president in the past though. was not my intent to be either over nor under inclusive. Lol.

I'm just sick and tired of people presuming that anyone with a different viewpoint has to be an idiot. That kind of tribalism, and the resulting failure to govern from the middle, will be the death of our constitutional republic. was not my intent to be either over nor under inclusive. Lol.

I'm just sick and tired of people presuming that anyone with a different viewpoint has to be an idiot. That kind of tribalism, and the resulting failure to govern from the middle, will be the death of our constitutional republic.

Once again, Mr. Attorney, you NEVER SAY, where YOU stand, personally on any issue.
Are you waiting for someone to pay your retainer, and tell you where you stand?
Why dont you pick 5 issues, and enlighten us?
I'm guessing you not a social conservative.
You seem to be non-union, but, what about e-verify, and the employment of illegals?
Go ahead... fire away.
Once again, Mr. Attorney, you NEVER SAY, where YOU stand, personally on any issue.
Are you waiting for someone to pay your retainer, and tell you where you stand?
Why dont you pick 5 issues, and enlighten us?
I'm guessing you not a social conservative.
You seem to be non-union, but, what about e-verify, and the employment of illegals?
Go ahead... fire away.

Ha! That's easy Mr. Flyboy, and I won't even charge you a dime.

(1) Abortion - I think it is unfortunate and sad that some people use abortion as a means of birth control, but I am absolutely against making abortion categorically illegal because doing so makes zero economic sense. If you want abortion outlawed, fine, then you can be on the hook for paying for the social services for 18+ years of all of the unwanted children (in the millions each year), many of whom will be born into poverty, single-parent households, and emotional squalor. I already pay enough in taxes and have no interest in paying more. Frankly, I don't understand how anyone who cares about long term economic policy can reasonably be in favor of making abortion illegal.

(2) Death Penalty - I have no moral problem with putting someone to death. I believe there are certain people who are so defectively wired that they have no place in our society. That said, I think the death penalty should be abolished. It makes no economic sense because it costs far more to put someone to death than it does to keep them alive and in prison forever. I could easily say that we should just apply it far less often (in less situations) but far more swiftly (with limited right of appeal) but, in reality, I know that will never happen because our Constitution requires a certain amount of due process. So, in the end, the death penalty does not make dollars and sense (see what I did there?)

(3) Illegal Immigration - neither party really cares about illegal immigration because both parties benefit from it. Frankly, the American people benefit from it. You want to stop it? Start putting the business owners and individuals who hire illegal immigrants in jail. Moreover, the immigration system is a train wreck because there is a huge incentive to come here illegally. It should be profoundly easier to come here legally and profoundly harder to come here illegally. In addition to that, unless you are willing to start paying $15 for a head of lettuce, we need to seriously look at expanding our migrant worker programs (don't tell me that jobs are being taken from Americans...I haven't met an American yet that is willing to pick vegetables in the hot central valley heat, or clean toilets and rooms at hotels, for $5 an hour).

(4) Gun Control - you do not have some "God" given right to own whatever the hell you want to own and use it in whatever the hell way you want to use it. We live in a nation of laws. Those laws were created by people...not by some benevolent "God". In a civilized society, people have to be willing to make compromises that balance social utility with social risk. That same balancing act must be applied to gun ownership. Sorry, but you don't get to have a rocket launcher...or armor piercing bullets.

(5) Gay Marriage - If you think gay marriage lessens the value and legitimacy of your own marriage, then I feel badly for your spouse. Regardless, it's difficult for me to hear people complain about the degradation of marriage when more than 50% of marriages end up in divorce and an even greater number of marriages suffer through physical and mental abuse, and infidelity. In my opinion, the government should not be in the business of marriage at all. I don't need local officials telling me that my love for my wife is real or legitimate any more than I need your church to do so.

I have a feeling that your God (and related teachings) guide who you are and what you think. That's great, I have no issue with that...until you start telling me that I have to have the same beliefs.

As an aside, I find it ironic that you continue to make quips about me being a lawyer, and about your belief that I don't have a position unless I am paid to have one. Of the two of us, you (the pilot and trucker) are the one who gets paid to take people where they want to go, or to haul people's shit to where they want it hauled. I'm pretty sure that makes you the bitch, not me.
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Ha! That's easy Mr. Flyboy, and I won't even charge you a dime.

(1) Abortion - I think it is unfortunate and sad that some people use abortion as a means of birth control, but I am absolutely against making abortion categorically illegal because doing so makes zero economic sense. If you want abortion outlawed, fine, then you can be on the hook for paying for the social services for 18+ years of all of the unwanted children (in the millions each year), many of whom will be born into poverty, single-parent households, and emotional squalor. I already pay enough in taxes and have no interest in paying more. Frankly, I don't understand how anyone who cares about long term economic policy can reasonably be in favor of making abortion illegal.

(2) Death Penalty - I have no moral problem with putting someone to death. I believe there are certain people who are so defectively wired that they have no place in our society. That said, I think the death penalty should be abolished. It makes no economic sense because it costs far more to put someone to death than it does to keep them alive and in prison forever. I could easily say that we should just apply it far less often (in less situations) but far more swiftly (with limited right of appeal) but, in reality, I know that will never happen because our Constitution requires a certain amount of due process. So, in the end, the death penalty does not make dollars and sense (see what I did there?)

(3) Illegal Immigration - neither party really cares about illegal immigration because both parties benefit from it. Frankly, the American people benefit from it. You want to stop it? Start putting the business owners and individuals who hire illegal immigrants in jail. Moreover, the immigration system is a train wreck because there is a huge incentive to come here illegally. It should be profoundly easier to come here legally and profoundly harder to come here illegally. In addition to that, unless you are willing to start paying $15 for a head of lettuce, we need to seriously look at expanding our migrant worker programs (don't tell me that jobs are being taken from Americans...I haven't met an American yet that is willing to pick vegetables in the hot central valley heat, or clean toilets at rooms at hotels, for $5 an hour).

(4) Gun Control - you do not have some "God" given right to own whatever the hell you want to own and use it in whatever the hell way you want to use it. We live in a nation of laws. Those laws were created by people...not by some benevolent "God". In a civilized society, people have to be willing to make compromises that balance social utility with social risk. That same balancing act must be applied to gun ownership. Sorry, but you don't get to have a rocket launcher...or armor piercing bullets.

(5) Gay Marriage - If you think gay marriage lessens the value and legitimacy of your own marriage, then I feel badly for your spouse. Regardless, it's difficult for me to hear people complain about the degradation of marriage when more than 50% of marriages end up in divorce and an even greater number of marriages suffer through physical and mental abuse, and infidelity. In my opinion, the government should not be in the business of marriage at all. I don't need local officials telling me that my love for my wife is real or legitimate any more than I need your church to do so.

I have a feeling that your God (and related teachings) guide who you are and what you think. That's great, I have no issue with that...until you start telling me that I have to have the same beliefs.

As an aside, I find it ironic that you continue to make quips about me being a lawyer, and about your belief that I don't have a position unless I am paid to have one. Of the two of us, you (the pilot and trucker) are the one who gets paid to take people where they want to go, or haul people's shit to where they want it hauled. I'm pretty sure that makes you the bitch, not me.
Damn that was a whole lotta sense. Well said.
Ha! That's easy Mr. Flyboy, and I won't even charge you a dime.

(1) Abortion - I think it is unfortunate and sad that some people use abortion as a means of birth control, but I am absolutely against making abortion categorically illegal because doing so makes zero economic sense. If you want abortion outlawed, fine, then you can be on the hook for paying for the social services for 18+ years of all of the unwanted children (in the millions each year), many of whom will be born into poverty, single-parent households, and emotional squalor. I already pay enough in taxes and have no interest in paying more. Frankly, I don't understand how anyone who cares about long term economic policy can reasonably be in favor of making abortion illegal.

(2) Death Penalty - I have no moral problem with putting someone to death. I believe there are certain people who are so defectively wired that they have no place in our society. That said, I think the death penalty should be abolished. It makes no economic sense because it costs far more to put someone to death than it does to keep them alive and in prison forever. I could easily say that we should just apply it far less often (in less situations) but far more swiftly (with limited right of appeal) but, in reality, I know that will never happen because our Constitution requires a certain amount of due process. So, in the end, the death penalty does not make dollars and sense (see what I did there?)

(3) Illegal Immigration - neither party really cares about illegal immigration because both parties benefit from it. Frankly, the American people benefit from it. You want to stop it? Start putting the business owners and individuals who hire illegal immigrants in jail. Moreover, the immigration system is a train wreck because there is a huge incentive to come here illegally. It should be profoundly easier to come here legally and profoundly harder to come here illegally. In addition to that, unless you are willing to start paying $15 for a head of lettuce, we need to seriously look at expanding our migrant worker programs (don't tell me that jobs are being taken from Americans...I haven't met an American yet that is willing to pick vegetables in the hot central valley heat, or clean toilets and rooms at hotels, for $5 an hour).

(4) Gun Control - you do not have some "God" given right to own whatever the hell you want to own and use it in whatever the hell way you want to use it. We live in a nation of laws. Those laws were created by people...not by some benevolent "God". In a civilized society, people have to be willing to make compromises that balance social utility with social risk. That same balancing act must be applied to gun ownership. Sorry, but you don't get to have a rocket launcher...or armor piercing bullets.

(5) Gay Marriage - If you think gay marriage lessens the value and legitimacy of your own marriage, then I feel badly for your spouse. Regardless, it's difficult for me to hear people complain about the degradation of marriage when more than 50% of marriages end up in divorce and an even greater number of marriages suffer through physical and mental abuse, and infidelity. In my opinion, the government should not be in the business of marriage at all. I don't need local officials telling me that my love for my wife is real or legitimate any more than I need your church to do so.

I have a feeling that your God (and related teachings) guide who you are and what you think. That's great, I have no issue with that...until you start telling me that I have to have the same beliefs.

As an aside, I find it ironic that you continue to make quips about me being a lawyer, and about your belief that I don't have a position unless I am paid to have one. Of the two of us, you (the pilot and trucker) are the one who gets paid to take people where they want to go, or to haul people's shit to where they want it hauled. I'm pretty sure that makes you the bitch, not me.
Finally... Thank you. I understand your position. This country was founded on the freedom to have and express whatever belief you have. We even agree on a couple things, but, yes, I believe in GODS holy word to be the ultimate guide. I fall short, alot of the time. I understand that I cannot, and should not try to force my views on anyone else. My vote, is always weighted by my Christian worldview. I will not compromise that.
My career in aviation is very, "unusual", and I never had a desire to haul, people, anywhere.
My main occupation, as a trucker, was also a specialized area, and I have always been very picky about what I did. As a 20 year old, I turned down a lucrative job, hauling for a printing company in Indianapolis, because they printed pornograhic magazines. You remember... before people could find anything on their smart phones.
Funny... my own brother used to tell me I was the same as a prostitute. Haul anything as long as somebody paid me enough. He knew better, but, sort of funny.
He also says, too much diesel smoke is what made me retarded...
My gouges, to you about lawyering are just tweeking you. One of my best friends from high school, is now our County Judge. I hammer him, all the time. Hope I never get to see him in the courtroom.
Ha! That's easy Mr. Flyboy, and I won't even charge you a dime.

(1) Abortion - I think it is unfortunate and sad that some people use abortion as a means of birth control, but I am absolutely against making abortion categorically illegal because doing so makes zero economic sense. If you want abortion outlawed, fine, then you can be on the hook for paying for the social services for 18+ years of all of the unwanted children (in the millions each year), many of whom will be born into poverty, single-parent households, and emotional squalor. I already pay enough in taxes and have no interest in paying more. Frankly, I don't understand how anyone who cares about long term economic policy can reasonably be in favor of making abortion illegal.

(2) Death Penalty - I have no moral problem with putting someone to death. I believe there are certain people who are so defectively wired that they have no place in our society. That said, I think the death penalty should be abolished. It makes no economic sense because it costs far more to put someone to death than it does to keep them alive and in prison forever. I could easily say that we should just apply it far less often (in less situations) but far more swiftly (with limited right of appeal) but, in reality, I know that will never happen because our Constitution requires a certain amount of due process. So, in the end, the death penalty does not make dollars and sense (see what I did there?)

(3) Illegal Immigration - neither party really cares about illegal immigration because both parties benefit from it. Frankly, the American people benefit from it. You want to stop it? Start putting the business owners and individuals who hire illegal immigrants in jail. Moreover, the immigration system is a train wreck because there is a huge incentive to come here illegally. It should be profoundly easier to come here legally and profoundly harder to come here illegally. In addition to that, unless you are willing to start paying $15 for a head of lettuce, we need to seriously look at expanding our migrant worker programs (don't tell me that jobs are being taken from Americans...I haven't met an American yet that is willing to pick vegetables in the hot central valley heat, or clean toilets and rooms at hotels, for $5 an hour).

(4) Gun Control - you do not have some "God" given right to own whatever the hell you want to own and use it in whatever the hell way you want to use it. We live in a nation of laws. Those laws were created by people...not by some benevolent "God". In a civilized society, people have to be willing to make compromises that balance social utility with social risk. That same balancing act must be applied to gun ownership. Sorry, but you don't get to have a rocket launcher...or armor piercing bullets.

(5) Gay Marriage - If you think gay marriage lessens the value and legitimacy of your own marriage, then I feel badly for your spouse. Regardless, it's difficult for me to hear people complain about the degradation of marriage when more than 50% of marriages end up in divorce and an even greater number of marriages suffer through physical and mental abuse, and infidelity. In my opinion, the government should not be in the business of marriage at all. I don't need local officials telling me that my love for my wife is real or legitimate any more than I need your church to do so.

I have a feeling that your God (and related teachings) guide who you are and what you think. That's great, I have no issue with that...until you start telling me that I have to have the same beliefs.

As an aside, I find it ironic that you continue to make quips about me being a lawyer, and about your belief that I don't have a position unless I am paid to have one. Of the two of us, you (the pilot and trucker) are the one who gets paid to take people where they want to go, or to haul people's shit to where they want it hauled. I'm pretty sure that makes you the bitch, not me.

Fucking lawyers....
Honestly, in my opinion y’all are just as bad as the far left. You presume that anyone who might have a different opinion than you is somehow defective, uninformed, or unintelligent.

I’m sorry to break the news to you, but not everyone (clearly, not even a majority of the country) believes in the social policies and positions upon which the fervent right has stood its ground over the last 30+ years. (How much money was wasted by the right fighting about gay marriage?)

People vote for (or against) candidates for a variety of reasons. Some people care most about social policies, some people care most about economic policies, and some people care about more intangible things like honesty, integrity, and the ability to be a leader that people respect and want to follow.

Every candidate we have ever had, for any office, is flawed. That is to be expected because they are humans and humans are, by nature, flawed. Different flaws carry different weights to different people.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE was not my intent to be either over nor under inclusive. Lol.

I'm just sick and tired of people presuming that anyone with a different viewpoint has to be an idiot. That kind of tribalism, and the resulting failure to govern from the middle, will be the death of our constitutional republic.

Actually I was being serious in wanting to talk to someone who voted for Biden. I am not saying their opinion is wrong because it may not align with mine nor will I comdem them for it. I don't agree with alot of his policy and I'd like to legitimately here why they agree with his policy. Maybe I'm missing something and thrive on info, especially that of difference of opinion. I share my beliefs and stances so people know where I stand not to try and convince them they are wrong. In the end I can always agree to disagree on certain topics and won't lose any sleep if someone I'm friends with agrees or disagrees with me. While I'd consider myself economically conservative I don't necessarily agree with the conservative position on "liberal" topics such as abortion, gay marriage, drug (marijuana) legalization, etc.

Ha! That's easy Mr. Flyboy, and I won't even charge you a dime.

(1) Abortion - I think it is unfortunate and sad that some people use abortion as a means of birth control, but I am absolutely against making abortion categorically illegal because doing so makes zero economic sense. If you want abortion outlawed, fine, then you can be on the hook for paying for the social services for 18+ years of all of the unwanted children (in the millions each year), many of whom will be born into poverty, single-parent households, and emotional squalor. I already pay enough in taxes and have no interest in paying more. Frankly, I don't understand how anyone who cares about long term economic policy can reasonably be in favor of making abortion illegal.

(2) Death Penalty - I have no moral problem with putting someone to death. I believe there are certain people who are so defectively wired that they have no place in our society. That said, I think the death penalty should be abolished. It makes no economic sense because it costs far more to put someone to death than it does to keep them alive and in prison forever. I could easily say that we should just apply it far less often (in less situations) but far more swiftly (with limited right of appeal) but, in reality, I know that will never happen because our Constitution requires a certain amount of due process. So, in the end, the death penalty does not make dollars and sense (see what I did there?)

(3) Illegal Immigration - neither party really cares about illegal immigration because both parties benefit from it. Frankly, the American people benefit from it. You want to stop it? Start putting the business owners and individuals who hire illegal immigrants in jail. Moreover, the immigration system is a train wreck because there is a huge incentive to come here illegally. It should be profoundly easier to come here legally and profoundly harder to come here illegally. In addition to that, unless you are willing to start paying $15 for a head of lettuce, we need to seriously look at expanding our migrant worker programs (don't tell me that jobs are being taken from Americans...I haven't met an American yet that is willing to pick vegetables in the hot central valley heat, or clean toilets and rooms at hotels, for $5 an hour).

(4) Gun Control - you do not have some "God" given right to own whatever the hell you want to own and use it in whatever the hell way you want to use it. We live in a nation of laws. Those laws were created by people...not by some benevolent "God". In a civilized society, people have to be willing to make compromises that balance social utility with social risk. That same balancing act must be applied to gun ownership. Sorry, but you don't get to have a rocket launcher...or armor piercing bullets.

(5) Gay Marriage - If you think gay marriage lessens the value and legitimacy of your own marriage, then I feel badly for your spouse. Regardless, it's difficult for me to hear people complain about the degradation of marriage when more than 50% of marriages end up in divorce and an even greater number of marriages suffer through physical and mental abuse, and infidelity. In my opinion, the government should not be in the business of marriage at all. I don't need local officials telling me that my love for my wife is real or legitimate any more than I need your church to do so.

I have a feeling that your God (and related teachings) guide who you are and what you think. That's great, I have no issue with that...until you start telling me that I have to have the same beliefs.

As an aside, I find it ironic that you continue to make quips about me being a lawyer, and about your belief that I don't have a position unless I am paid to have one. Of the two of us, you (the pilot and trucker) are the one who gets paid to take people where they want to go, or to haul people's shit to where they want it hauled. I'm pretty sure that makes you the bitch, not me.

To be honest my views are very similar to yours on these topics. I had never really thought about the economic and social impact of making abortion illegal. That is good info for me to look further into. As far as gun ownership is concerned. I live in CA, enough said...haha. New Federal laws won't really be much different than what is already in place here. I'm also not a gun owner, but I'm also not opposed to it. They honestly have never interested me. I've talked about getting one for several years now and still haven't. People may view me as naive or crazy for not owning one. Honestly if I bought one it would most likely sit locked up, and maybe fired once a year. I lose interest in target shooting after about 3 minutes, its just boring. Also I don't hunt. However I think I would enjoy that. Just have 0 experience and would need to go out with friends a few times before I did it myself.

Bottom line, if I got so worked up over anyone or anything that didn't align with me it'd be a pretty angry miserable life. Honesty, integrity, morals, standards, and ethics go along way in my book. Those tow a much stronger line than which political party one belongs to.

Sent from my SM-G973U using WAYALIFE mobile app
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