Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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We might be making some progress here in Wisconsin. The WI Supreme Court voted 6-1 to hear the case against Gov. Evers stay at home order. Arguments start Tuesday.

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Hopefully the people that will be there will have some Constitutional balls and aren't just brainwashed slaves. At least it's a step in the right direction.
Looks like Facebook does Fact-Check for us now. I shared this article this morning and FB covered it stating it to be Partly False: Reporting lag on Death Certificates. 60,000 to 37,000 that;s a lot of Lag.

Lol. As if facebook has more scientific resources than the CDC.
Meanwhile in Santa Cruz....
If the beach parking lots aren’t completely closed they are bastardized like this. As if the residents wanted more people parking in the neighborhoods and side streets. lol
Total joke
This is how it's done. It's a little long but bravo to this guy

Wow. Just wow. That was awesome. Well worth the 11 minute watch.

The 'powers that be' want us to think it's us against the government when in reality, it's us AND the government against tyranny and corruption.
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