Anyone else getting blown to bits today?

Light winds in Palmdale/Lancaster. Just the calm before the storm. High Wind advisories for the AV tonight. :crazyeyes:
We got hit with a lot of wind last night causing a few power outages. It's calm right now, but it is supposed to kick up again tonight with expected 70mph gusts.
It's pretty bad in Reno as well. I was supposed to fly to Vegas and back today. Southwest not only cancelled all morning flights, last night they flew all of the planes to other airports so they wouldn't be getting pounded with wind at the Reno Airport.

I am supposed to fly out tomorrow morning for Utah. I'm hoping the wind at least dies down so I can make the flights.:naw:
Holy hell it's been stupid windy this morning! The power pole at the end of the street had been arcing and had given us about a dozen brownouts and finally blew about half an hour ago - been without power since. Anyone else out there getting blown to bits?

We thought we were going to get the wind in Vegas today but luckily it has been calm. It might pickup tonight with the rain coming tomorrow.
Ok, because we can, we decided to take a trip up the hill today...

Down by the water, there wasn't much snow yet but it sure felt like the ocean today...

Regarding the surfing comment, San Harbor had 3 ft swells rolling in.
Is that going towards Lake Tahoe? I had my first ever snowboarding experience out there and I have been hooked ever since!

Yup, Lake Tahoe is just 15 min away from my house :yup:

Snowboarding up here is a lot of fun when there's snow and last year, there wasn't any. Hoping this is a good sign of things to come :rock:
Yup, Lake Tahoe is just 15 min away from my house :yup:

Snowboarding up here is a lot of fun when there's snow and last year, there wasn't any. Hoping this is a good sign of things to come :rock:

man I wish I lived that close to a mountain! The time I was there it dumped a foot of snow on the way there and was clear and beautiful the entire time we were on the slopes. couldnt have asked for better conditions!
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