Anyone else getting blown to bits today?


Staff member
Holy hell it's been stupid windy this morning! The power pole at the end of the street had been arcing and had given us about a dozen brownouts and finally blew about half an hour ago - been without power since. Anyone else out there getting blown to bits?
Sorry, but I cannot seem to look at this thread think anything other than "That's what she said."

Had to do it.
Yep chico is getting hit pretty good. Haven't lost power yet here but have heard a ton of sirens. Quite a bit of flooding around here as well.
Sure is crazy how warm it is today too. The high for the day was something like 60 deg at 6am. It's finally starting to cool off a bit now.


Gonna have to get colder still before any white stuff comes.
Power went out first thing this morning in Pville. Getting ready for work with no power is no bueno. But hell, the more rain the better. Snow levels should come down tonight/tomorrow.
Winds were strong and gusty all the way down the hill from the desert this afternoon. But it's warm and calm in downtown San Bernardino.
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