Animals under hood...


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I have recently noticed eaten pop tarts sitting on my washer tank. I'm not sure if it's a mouse, or squirrel, or something else. What's my best humane way to keep them out!? My jk sits alot since I drive a van for work so I'm guessing my jk is their winter home.
Maybe moth balls??
Knowing my luck they will eat wires or something crucial.
I'd rather chase them away vs kill them.. They haven't eaten any wires yet or I would kill them. Lol
I'm thinking it's a rodent. Here in Arizona, if you live on the edge of the desert, they're a way of life (no pun intended). Cute little guys with Mickey Mouse ears, but destructive as hell. They love 12v wiring which I have been told they like 'cause it messages their gums. Snakes help control the population, but a housecat is by far the best method. Good luck.:yup:
Get a cat. We have field mice by us and they seem to get in everything. The only other option that I use with my boat is to take dryer sheets and put them on the tires and around where they can get too. I put them in my jet intake on my boat and no issues since.
my roomate had half of his engine bay wiring eaten when he pulled he motor and was waiting for a new motor by squirels, they still tend to go under the car since its been outside again

ive heard mothballs work sometimes, but not really sure of any other ways
I've heard of using dryer sheets, also moth balls although they do smell bad... My two cents would be traps, if they have not eaten your wiring yet they will and trust me you don't want that. If you don't want to deal with the mess they make traps that are completly closed, you never see the "victim" you just throw it away if it gets sprung. I had a pickup that I didn't drive much, I noticed it was not running as good as possible so did some research and discovered I had an entire family of mice living in my air cleaner box, truck could not breath. Good luck...
I've never had them in my JK, but I did have one get in my boat.

It ate all the black wires in the console, left all the colored wires ???????

I killed it with an old school mouse trap. Used peanut butter for the bait (not cheese).

You don't want to use the mouse/rat poisons. The mouse will crawl up and die in your rig and it will stink for a month.

Plus if you have pets around there's a chance of them getting into the poison.

I had some wires eaten and the guy at the dealership suggested moth balls. It stunk up the whole jeep. It was pretty bad. I heard dryer sheets too. Haven't tried that yet, though.
Ya I heard Bounce bars work. In an RV or whatever, stick them where ever. I haven't tried it yet.

There's plenty of non lethal traps out there. Just remember its there the next time you drive off in the jeep.
It ate all the black wires in the console, left all the colored wires ???????

I killed it with an old school mouse trap. Used peanut butter for the bait (not cheese).

Racist mice? :cheesy:

I use mouse traps with peanut butter as well. For sure go with the old school metal kind! 👍
They eat the wires because the plastic insulation is vegetable based, hence food and yes dryer sheets do work, put them where they enter (around tires and springs).
Wow some great responses! I think I might try the dryer sheets. I'm thinking the vermint is entering through the wheel well. What ever it is it likes pop tarts!

Kaptkrappy that's one racist vermint u had!
if you can find it i hear coyote or fow urine works really well since it is their natural predator. just poor some around your jeep and they shouldnt go near it. havent tried it personally though.
Just checked my oil for a long trip and found this... Guess there onto bread now. I need to remedy this.


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RE: Animals under the hood......

Found out a squirrel had been stockpiling his booty in my air box last winter. The jeep is my daily driver so I cant figure how it was doing it :idontknow:


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Found out a squirrel had been stockpiling his booty in my air box last winter. The jeep is my daily driver so I cant figure how it was doing it :idontknow:

Wow! That's alot of nuts.
I am thinking mine is also a squirrel. We have most of the squirrels in nj by me, and besides cats that's all that I see now being winter..
Wow! That's alot of nuts.
I am thinking mine is also a squirrel. We have most of the squirrels in nj by me, and besides cats that's all that I see now being winter..

Seems like that's a reoccurring problem everywhere. No matter where you live, if there is a rodent within the area its decides to set up camp at your place.:misery: Might have to break out the .22 if it persists :thumb:
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