A Thank You to my Hater Fan 05 Impreza STI


Staff member
I would like to take a moment and thank all my haters for taking the time to watch our latest Wild Wild West video. The following comment was left on our YouTube channel.



In spite of the fact that you don't seem to care for me much, I am glad that you at least enjoyed our video. If you'd like, you're more than welcome to continue your rant about me here. :crazyeyes:
For those who were wondering, I had removed this post but, by popular demand, it is now back :D
Impressive talk from a guy driving an 05 Impreza. Probably had a mini-truck before that. :crazyeyes:
Wow this dude seems like a real class act.

Fact: You CAN in fact mention non forum-sponsor names.

Fact: People don't get banned for saying non forum-sponsor names.

Fact: Eddie doesn't have the time or the desire to read forum-member personal PM's unless they are sent to him.

Fact: People who have been banned from this forum (and his previous) were well deserving of a ban.

Fact: Your mom should've swallowed.

Fact: I know Eddie personally and he IS NOT a "piece of shit person." He actually is one of the nicest people I've had the pleasure to know. If you were an adult with some reason, common sense or general people skills you might come to the same conclusion.

What an :asshat:
Impressive talk from a guy driving an 05 Impreza. Probably had a mini-truck before that. :crazyeyes:

Well I don't know if you know this but..... He's kind of a big deal.

He drives this:


And his 05 ImprezziveImpreza is in the shop:

In all fairness, at least he had the balls to chime in. Most of my hater fans just give a thumbs down on :grayno:
Wow this dude seems like a real class act.

Fact: You CAN in fact mention non forum-sponsor names.

Fact: People don't get banned for saying non forum-sponsor names.

Fact: Eddie doesn't have the time or the desire to read forum-member personal PM's unless they are sent to him.

Fact: People who have been banned from this forum (and his previous) were well deserving of a ban.

Fact: Your mom should've swallowed.

Fact: I know Eddie personally and he IS NOT a "piece of shit person." He actually is one of the nicest people I've had the pleasure to know. If you were an adult with some reason, common sense or general people skills you might come to the same conclusion.

What an :asshat:

Well said! Best forum around hands down.
What a tool. I hope he goggles his YouTube account name and finds the thread lol

Disclaimer- my brother just bought a impreza wrx. Has a bunch of stage 2 motor upgrades (not listing them all). It's sick!

Disclaimer part two (lol)- he had been off roading with me and loves it! Can't wait for the next trip. But he rather drive fast as hell lol

Sent from my iPhone
In all fairness, at least he had the balls to chime in. Most of my hater fans just give a thumbs down on :grayno:

Just remember that all those "thumbs down" marks actually help your video. The likes versus dislikes need to be within a certain percentage. If it has too many likes and not enough dislikes you can get downgraded in both search results and popularity scoring because it would appear that the likes are harvested instead of naturally occurring. They take into account that you cant do anything without pissing off a few people.

So your haters are helping you out. :)
Definitely has WAY Too much time and most likely just got banned from whatever childish forum he was on...

Probably upset due to fact that this is a very successful JEEP Forum with Real People Providing Straight Forward Answers. 🍻
I normally do not get involved in all of the drama that the haters seem to give to this forum, but.... This guy is just straight full of crap. I have personally asked questions on here and received straight facts and personal experiences, I have personally mentioned other manufacturers that are not sponsors of the forum and have not been banned, I have read many posts of people bashing this forum that were just instigating trouble or not following the forum rules and then get butt hurt because they were called out. I have actually had Eddie recommend stuff from manufactures that were NOT sponsor forums because he felt that would be the best for what I was looking for. Really? This is how an adult acts now in our society? What a piece of shit person they are! As they say, I used to be a people person, but people ruined that for me.
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