Why was my thread deleted?

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I push people when they go off. If someone posts a question I don't go off on them.

While I don't like rtguy1 I will say him and I got into, he left the forum and came back and it is what it is. Same with cpowill, I know he doesn't like me but it is what it is. My original comment was a joke, personally if I had a Facebook I probably would have voted for her because I do agree that it would be cool to have someone into jeeps get picked. But this thread started on a bad note so I went with it. She got super defensive when she was in the wrong. If she said "I can't find my thread, digit get deleted, why?" I wouldn't have said anything or posted a link to the rules but that's not the way it went down.

Well we all agree, including her, that she could of handled the situation better, but why aggravate it further? For your entertainment as per according to you, which like I said is the trademark of a troll. I may feel slightly...... slightly different if you were responding to someone else who didn't belong here, but I don't think she at all deserved that especially after she apologized for it. Like I said, I don't know you, I don't make this personal, I just have the overall state of the forum in mind. I'm not here to change anyone's "personality" either, but with the goal of ending this and moving forward would it be so difficult just to calm it down a bit? I mean she apologized and if you responded with an apology or even just a ya what, no worries, we would be so far past this already.
For the love of god, is this thread still going on? Look, LadyJeeper, I deleted your post because I don't like people using my forum to pimp themselves just so that they can win thousands of dollars in product. Pay for and start your own website to do that. Don't like it, don't let the door hit you in the ass as you leave. You try calling me out on my forum in this way again and I'll personally send you on your way.

As for those of you who don't like what you're seeing on this thread, DON'T READ IT. It's really that simple. Preaching at me to delete this thread or white wash it won't change the fact that there are still people here that you don't like. Don't like the way I run this forum, nobody is making you stay. I have more important things to do like go wheeling than to babysit a bunch of easily offended self-righteous Internet guys.

For anyone who cares, I'm attending the Jkx.
I push people when they go off. If someone posts a question I don't go off on them.

While I don't like rtguy1 I will say him and I got into, he left the forum and came back and it is what it is. Same with cpowill, I know he doesn't like me but it is what it is. My original comment was a joke, personally if I had a Facebook I probably would have voted for her because I do agree that it would be cool to have someone into jeeps get picked. But this thread started on a bad note so I went with it. She got super defensive when she was in the wrong. If she said "I can't find my thread, digit get deleted, why?" I wouldn't have said anything or posted a link to the rules but that's not the way it went down.

Dude seriously in the first one, "the one deleted" your first response was to insinuate she was too fat to win. How is it ever ok to treat our WOL family members like that.
So can you blame her for seeing you in a negative light?

Maybe you need to take a step back and look at your "jokes" from another perspective.
I just want Wayalife to acknowledge that Adam is an instigator, disrespectful to women, and somehow is not held to the RULES as others are. That is all. You can ban me if you'd like. I'd be more than happy to keep correspondence with the REST of you outside of this forum!

What I did wrong was accidentally post a contest having missed that in the rules. I apologized. THEN I apologized for being a bitch when one of your members made sexist remarks to me, and others followed with sexual derogatory remarks.

They, however, never apologized INCLUDING your sexist moderators.

Also, it wasn't Wayalife that deleted the thread. Moochie did apparently. So... exactly why is Wayalife jumping at me??? I'm confused....
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I just want Wayalife to acknowledge that Adam is an instigator, disrespectful to women, and somehow is not held to the RULES as others are. That is all. You can ban me if you'd like. I'd be more than happy to keep correspondence with the REST of you outside of this forum!

And I want you to know that YOU instigated this by starting this thread and being disrespectful to me. If you were offended by what others have said to you, by all means, be pissed off at them. I will not be held responsible for the actions of others.
And I want you to know that YOU instigated this by starting this thread and being disrespectful to me. If you were offended by what others have said to you, by all means, be pissed off at them. I will not be held responsible for the actions of others.

How was I disrespectful to you? I didn't say anything to you?

So, you are ok with sexists attacking members with derogatory remarks? That's nice.
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How was I disrespectful to you? I didn't say anything to you?

And still nothing addressing the sexists here?

You started with the sexist comments!!! Look here,

Whatever dude. If you had a vagina that qualified you to possibly win $1,000 towards PSC parts you would do the same thing. Or maybe you do have a vagina and asked my thread to be deleted so you can win. The internet may never know.

I stated I like "0" girls in the other thread. That was it. I never said they would win/should win/will win. You stated that (above if you forgot) which is sexist! I will even post it again and highlight the sexist parts.

Whatever dude. If you had a vagina that qualified you to possibly win $1,000 towards PSC parts you would do the same thing. Or maybe you do have a vagina and asked my thread to be deleted so you can win. The internet may never know.
What I did wrong was accidentally post a contest having missed that in the rules. I apologized. THEN I apologized for being a bitch when one of your members made sexist remarks to me, and others followed with sexual derogatory remarks.

They, however, never apologized INCLUDING your sexist moderators.

So then leave! Nobody asked you to be here and nobody is making you stay.

Also, it wasn't Wayalife that deleted the thread. Moochie did apparently. So... exactly why is Wayalife jumping at me??? I'm confused....

No, I DELETED your self-serving thread but got busy and wasn't able to send a PM to explain why like I had intended. Of course, you got all pissed off and started this thread and Moochie just took the time to set the record straight.
When I get banned I'll be sure to let the rest of the awesome lady jeepers I know what forum to steer clear of unless they want to be insulted and treated like an object. :standing wave:
When I get banned I'll be sure to let the rest of the awesome lady jeepers I know what forum to steer clear of unless they want to be insulted and treated like an object. :standing wave:

There are other women on here. Your not the only one.

Why not just leave if you hate this place so much and feel like it's degrading? Why do you have to be banned?
Your forum will no doubt find success without very many women, but do you really think that will last as more and more women enter the sport, especially with awesome role models like Nicole Johnson making it ever more visible, and they get treated like shit? I guess you will find out.

Wow, so disappointing.
Your forum will no doubt find success without very many women, but do you really think that will last as more and more women enter the sport, especially with awesome role models like Nicole Johnson making it ever more visible? I guess you will find out.

Wow, so disappointing.

Nicole Johnson, I wheeled with her out in Vegas. She is pretty cool.



Actually showed her how to use the currie tire deflator. :thumb: She is used to using a rock.
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How was I disrespectful to you? I didn't say anything to you?

You started this thread on the open on forum and with all your BS remarks. Being that this is my forum, you were speaking to me directly.

So, you are ok with sexists attacking members with derogatory remarks? That's nice.

Clearly, you already believe what you want to believe and I have no intentions of trying to convince you of anything. Again, don't like this forum or how I choose to run it, don't have to stay.
When I get banned I'll be sure to let the rest of the awesome lady jeepers I know what forum to steer clear of unless they want to be insulted and treated like an object. :standing wave:

I hope that's a promise and not a threat. But really, why wait, just go and do it. :yup:
This really is a great forum, but to basically demand someone apologize for someone else's actions, and then still be upset and tear the the forum as a whole down because you didn't get the results you wanted is ridiculous. Your gonna have disagreements everywhere in life weather it be in real life or on the internet. Just need to let it roll off like a chunck of mud off your tire while wheeling or do you get upset when said chunk of mud lands on your hood.

2011 JKU 3.5 R.E. Longarm lift.
The same goes for the other disgusting pigs that decided to make comments about what is between my legs and being on my knees. And to think, a MODERATOR would act that way. Really respectful forum here!

Well now, since this is directed at me I will oblige and respond. You are exactly the type of woman who gives real women (Jeepers or not) a bad name. You make fun of other women, call a man a sexist pig for making a joke about dress sizes then, in the very next breath, gloat about the fact you can use your vagina to enter a contest to win thousands of dollars of free shit. You don't see the irony in that?

I didn't misquote your words; I didn't add words that weren't yours; I simply tried to show you that you were acting no differently than the very "bimbos" to whom you claim to be so superior. I said nothing about being on your knees. What I did say is that you, admittedly, were using what is between your neck and knees for personal gain. Isn't that exactly what a "bimbo" does?

IMHO, you are worse than those "bimbos". At least they are honest about the fact they are shaking what they got to earn a few bucks.

You tried to use this forum for your own personal gain. You did so by taking shots at other women whom you know nothing about. Then YOU became nasty when your thread got deleted. YOU came out of the gate taking shots at this forum's owners and mods through YOUR original post in this thread. YOU started this shit storm.

There are plenty of intelligent and wonderful women on this forum. Each is welcomed with open arms no matter what they look like or how much of a "real jeeper" they are (whatever that means).

The difference between those women and you is something you can't win from Poison Spyder...CLASS!
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Sorry I voted for this girl.<img src="http://wayalife.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=46837"/>
That's who I voted for! Lol
I might add that everyone who private messaged specifically mentioned that they didn't want to post publicly for fear of the massive flaming. What does THAT say? Y'all are out of control. Some way of life you have here.

Adam, keep up with the insults about my supposed appearance. You are only making my case.
I would like to see these messages lol why would people be scared! This is america. I can say what ever I want!
For the love of god, is this thread still going on? Look, LadyJeeper, I deleted your post because I don't like people using my forum to pimp themselves just so that they can win thousands of dollars in product. Pay for and start your own website to do that. Don't like it, don't let the door hit you in the ass as you leave. You try calling me out on my forum in this way again and I'll personally send you on your way.

As for those of you who don't like what you're seeing on this thread, DON'T READ IT. It's really that simple. Preaching at me to delete this thread or white wash it won't change the fact that there are still people here that you don't like. Don't like the way I run this forum, nobody is making you stay. I have more important things to do like go wheeling than to babysit a bunch of easily offended self-righteous Internet guys.

For anyone who cares, I'm attending the Jkx.
this thread is fun.

Regarding Nicole Johnson she is perfect! I would vote for her and I follow her on instagram!

Oh Eddie don't forget to post a lot of pictures! I want to sign up for next year!
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