
That "someone" would have to know the insurance carrier would they not? With the list of events the ensued its no wonder they opened a case.

It appears that after an investigation, all of the statements provided were plausible.

I have dealt with several confidential informants (CI"'s for short) and as an insurance company, pretty much anyone with inside information can call. From the sounds of it, the CI was not helpful. Insurance companies regularly rely on them, but also are cognizant of anyone who might not be relevant. Also, the financials are normally checked to see if there was motive.

As for the list of events, I am not so sure that indicated fraud. Usually you see cases in which the vehicle is burned to the ground and the insured is way behind on the payments or has some other profit motive. Having it vandalized like this is rare from a fraud perspective. The insured would have to go through great lengths just to mess up their own vehicle, and then to what end, they have a messed up vehicle that will never be the same again? There is little profit from that.
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