What's your view like at work?

Thanks man! Sometimes it is that way. Luckily you are still paid hourly if you don't reach as much commission in the month as you would earn for a normal hourly rate if that makes sense, so it's still safe. Mixing volume in with a few big deals is the secret to hitting all the bonuses. Let me know if you ever come down to SD county! Your coffee hit the spot on the trail Saturday (y)
Yeah definitely. We're talking about hitting Legoland later this year and we'll be in Carlsbad. Glad the coffee gave you the afternoon pick me up you needed.
This past Monday morning, after the weekend front hit and knocked the temps into single digits for the first time this winter. This is on the lower Tennessee River, a couple miles below Kentucky Dam, at my plant's river dock. The guys were short-handed, so I bundled up and got on the barge to take the lids off so we could load product. Didn't mind the cold as much as the frozen ropes, lol.IMG_7541.jpgIMG_7543.jpg
Thanks guys! Started at Chevy/GMC/Cadillac about 6 or 7 months ago but wanted to end up here ultimately, I knew I just had to wait until the timing was right and this time they had a spot and it also comes with a promotion. I should start by the end of this month.

Another thing that sold me on this spot - other than the fact the commissioned pay plan is more intriguing - was the fact they aren’t too fond of hidden dealer added equipment and accessories which is rare to find in California. Stoked to start soon.
Now, about those discounts lol
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