Thanks for Nothing JKS Manufacturing - RESOLVED

Really surprised by this. Huge slap in the face being that these folks have been on the jkx and received years of free advertising from Eddie. I'm sure they are aware that digital media is a pretty big deal especially to someone who runs a website for a living! Unbelievable.
On the image they have it looks like they just cut the bottom out of the photo. They probably didn't even use photoshop. That kind of crap can be done with almost any photo editing app. It's kind of gross in my opinion. My wife is a graphic designer and this lazy theft kind of work takes our income away.

They can say what they want (JKS) but even if it was unintentional, it's still theft.

They did just cut it off how nice of them
My wife is about to graduate and you would be amazed how many companies steal student's work and give no credit or dispensation.

Plus a couple have been threatened with lawsuits for posting their work on their portfolios.

Lawsuits against the creator of an image, graphic, etc; that was stolen from them by a entity that has bigger pockets.

Sorry about the semi rant part, it just pisses me off when I see this kind of stuff.
Thanks for Nothing JKS Manufacturing

That very picture is how I learned the parts of steering. I had no idea what all of those parts were and when I searched google this photo came up so thank you Eddie
How could you and JKS steal my hard work!?

<Photo Removed>

But seriously, I can see them finding that online somewhere and posting what they found. It could have been a simple mistake, but a little more research on their end would help and would have been easy to find the mark

While I do think what you did was funny, I have removed your image as this is the internet and as it has been pointed out, something like it could very easily get reposted as an original and that would bring me back to square one. I hope you can be understanding of this.

Looks as though they deleted the post

To me that's just proof they did it on purpose. If it was an honest mistake they'd just fix and repost. Seems as though they'd rather just have no post than have Eddie's logo up there.

I just saw that. How completely lame of them. All I wanted was a little credit and they chose to just delete the image. They never even bothered to send me a real apology. Losing BIG respect for them :naw:

On the image they have it looks like they just cut the bottom out of the photo. They probably didn't even use photoshop. That kind of crap can be done with almost any photo editing app. It's kind of gross in my opinion. My wife is a graphic designer and this lazy theft kind of work takes our income away.

They can say what they want (JKS) but even if it was unintentional, it's still theft.

It's cropped for sure but if you look carefully, a little photoshopping had to be done to make it work. But, that's a moot point now. All I wanted was a little credit as it's images like these that I have been making and posting on the internet on my dime for almost 20 years that has brought me to where I am today. The fact that regular joes will rip me off is one thing but for a manufacturer to do it and behave in this manner is rather disturbing.

Quadratec has the same image with the logo off of it.

Wonderful :naw:
Got a link to it?

Here is the link.

Edit: They do give you credit but the water mark isn't in the picture.

LOL!! Thanks for the link. I like how they say "courtesy of" as if they got permission from me to post up my write-up and I like how the link they posted up isn't "clickable" (god forbid they give me any real traffic) and of course, I like how they are using a cropped image so that my logo isn't on it but hey, AT LEAST they did give me "some" credit. Thanks for nothing Quadratec :naw:
Yeah that image is all over the internet mainly in forums, most left your logo on. Quick Google image search shows page upon page.

Yeah that image is all over the internet mainly in forums, most left your logo on. Quick Google image search shows page upon page.

Like I said, it's not that people post up my image that I have issues with, it's that they remove my logo and don't give me any credit for it. And really, there's only so much I can do with regular joes but I do expect manufacturers and vendors to behave in a more professional manner especially when it comes to things like COPYRIGHTS. :rolleyes2:
i guess they'd rather just wash their hands and pretend it never happened. what a shame from the bigger companies.
Like I said, it's not that people post up my image that I have issues with, it's that they remove my logo and don't give me any credit for it. And really, there's only so much I can do with regular joes but I do expect manufacturers and vendors to behave in a more professional manner especially when it comes to things like COPYRIGHTS. :rolleyes2:

Sad part is this is rampant across the internet. Did a quick look on one of your writeups

and your picture is on Rocky selling spacers with of course no credit.

Sad part is it would cost a fortune to litigate and you probably wouldn't recoup your legal fees in return.
Why I saw this post I thought "Wow that looks just like Eddie's"!
Bad form JKS, bad form.

I did the same thing! Hopefully JKS will own up to their poor business decision and submit an apology and make things right. :grayno:
Yeah that image is all over the internet mainly in forums, most left your logo on. Quick Google image search shows page upon page.

It's fine for other individuals to post in forums as a reference or something of that nature. The issue with businesses is that Google images is NOT a free repository of royalty free photos. One cannot profit from another's work. Businesses should have professional staff that keeps up on these things. :grayno:
Wow, that just sucks. While I like the JKS products I have on my rig, one thing I cannot do is support a dishonest company. American companies with American made products are getting harder and harder to come by, and now there are some that just act like douche bags. I hope this gets resolved. If it doesn't, its enough for me to stop supporting them. :mad:
Sucks that they did that to you man. The only reason why I run their discos is because they were highly recommended by you. You would think that they would have a little more respect.
I actually have an image of yours I want to use (and you will get credit :beer:) but I will send it over to you and see if you have one with a watermark actually.

It is watermarked!!! :)

E-mail incoming.
E-mail sent just to touch base.
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