Thanks for Nothing JKS Manufacturing - RESOLVED


Staff member
So today, I get several people telling me about a Facebook post in which JKS Manufacturing posted up a diagram that I made for TJ suspension components on my website. Of course, the photo they posted was photoshopped so that you couldn't see my logo anymore. Never even gave me any credit. You can see the post here.


Of course, you can see my original un-edited diagram here:

So, I posted up on their page regarding this matter and this is what they say...


Basically, a whole lot of nothing and they still haven't edited their post to at least give me credit. I honestly can't believe that I have been recommending their products for as long as I have. Since they don't give a hoot about me and my copyrighted images, I guess I won't be sending anymore business to them.
I never cease to be amazed by how stupid some people are. How hard is it for them to just give credit where credit is due? I wonder how they would feel if TF made an exact copy of a JKS product? In my mind, there is zero difference.
I never cease to be amazed by how stupid some people are. How hard is it for them to just give credit where credit is due? I wonder how they would feel if TF made an exact copy of a JKS product? In my mind, there is zero difference.

About the way I see it. Even if this were a simple mistake, it was one they COULD HAVE EASILY FIXED. The fact that they haven't and are just brushing it off made me lose a lot of respect for them.
Why is it so hard to give credit where credit is due?

Beats the hell out of me. What really burns me is that I BOUGHT THEIR DISCONNECTS for my TJ and took special care to make sure their LOGO was showing prominently when I took this pic and made it into a diagram. Not that I had to but I chose to - you would think the least they could do is KEEP MY LOGO ON the image when they posted it up on their Facebook page as their own. :naw:
If you compare the two pictures the watermark does not appear to be in the version they posted. So I may believe them when the say it was a "mistake", however the fact they do not fix this " mistake" and give credit where it's due is even worse imo
I don't understand his comment about the Image we received had no water mark? Should you really be posting random images to a business page or site? I would think you would want to stay away from doing such things as not to step on any toes and piss other companies off for fear of getting sued. I mean if you make and sell products for jeeps for a living how hard would it have been to find one of their own jeeps and take a picture and do something similar in their own way?!
If you compare the two pictures the watermark does not appear to be in the version they posted. So I may believe them when the say it was a "mistake", however the fact they do not fix this " mistake" and give credit where it's due is even worse imo

It's not in their version because the version they have, my logo has been edited out. All I wanted was for them to give me credit and they still haven't done even that. :naw:

I don't understand his comment about the Image we received had no water mark? Should you really be posting random images to a business page or site? I would think you would want to stay away from doing such things as not to step on any toes and piss other companies off for fear of getting sued. I mean if you make and sell products for jeeps for a living how hard would it have been to find one of their own jeeps and take a picture and do something similar in their own way?!

I don't understand it either. I mean, I totally get that people post up photos all the time and more times than not, won't give us credit and that's why we go through great lengths to watermark or include our logo on EVERYTHING. What really bothers me about this is that my logo was EDITED OUT and they posted up my image as if it were theirs. When confronted, they could have just edited their post to say who the image belonged to but just gave a stupid response about how it was some kind of mistake and that's it. :naw:
Really odd that they would be that disrespectful after you pointed out the mistake and not repost the photo with the logo as you asked them or remove it altogether?
Thanks for Nothing JKS Manufacturing

Looks as though they deleted the post

To me that's just proof they did it on purpose. If it was an honest mistake they'd just fix and repost. Seems as though they'd rather just have no post than have Eddie's logo up there.
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On the image they have it looks like they just cut the bottom out of the photo. They probably didn't even use photoshop. That kind of crap can be done with almost any photo editing app. It's kind of gross in my opinion. My wife is a graphic designer and this lazy theft kind of work takes our income away.

They can say what they want (JKS) but even if it was unintentional, it's still theft.
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