Show Off Your Guns!

If someone has the mindset they cannot or will not take a life in defense of their lives or the lives of their loved ones with a firearm, they don't have the mindset to defend themselves or their loved ones with Jiu-Jitsu or other unarmed technique.

Taking a human life is abhorrent to the majority of people. But we don't defend ourselves to kill. We defend ourselves to survive. Killing your attacker is one horrible, possible outcome necessary to end an attack. For most it's better than suffering irreparable harm or loss of life to a loved one or yourself. If you'd rather suffer irreparable harm or loss of life than take the life of your attacker, that's your choice. I don't understand it, but I accept that it's your right.

Most people who carry are not scared. If most people who cary did so because they were scared and that was a bad combination, we'd have more occurrences of otherwise law abiding citizens acting out. Most people who carry are very cognizant of the burden of responsibility that rests on their shoulders. Otherwise, we'd have a lot more "Karens" flashing firearms about.

Not all jurisdictions allow the use of lethal force to defend property. Not all "castle doctrine" covers property outside the domicile. I believe some still require you to show you did everything possible to retreat before resorting to the use of lethal force.

For a reliable, durable shotgun, check out the Beretta 1301 Tactical. It's light, short and well vetted by guys who know fighting shotguns.
You’re delusional.

You know who doesn’t say on forums that if someone breaks into their house they would shoot them? People who have actually taken a life. People who do say they’ll shoot someone no problem are people who read too much on the internet.
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I'll just pass on these 3 Books/Audio Books recommended to me a couple years back by HighwayTrout. It was EXTREMELY Eye Opening and can help anyone that watches too many John Wick movies. We aren't as bad ass as we think we are.

On Combat - Lt. Col Dave Grossman
Assassination Generation - Lt. Col Dave Grossman
Principles of Personal Defense - Jeff Cooper
You’re delusional.
...and you are far out of your lane, pretending to be an expert on a life and death subject you clearly know nothing about. I'm not an expert either, but I've talked to and read the writings of people who are. Your BS doesn't stand up to what they teach. If the mindset that you might have to take a life defending yourself with a firearm is unacceptable, what makes you think taking a life defending yourself with Jui-Jitsu is?

You who doesn’t say on forums that if someone breaks into their house they would shoot them? People who have actually taken a life. People who do say they’ll shoot someone no problem are people who read too much on the internet.
I never said I could shoot someone breaking into my house without batting an eye. I find the idea of taking a human life abhorrent. I don't know if I could pull the trigger in that critical moment because I've never had to make that choice. However, I find the idea of letting someone harm or take the life of a loved one or myself even more abhorrent. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't act to save a life.

Someone in an earlier post said knowing when to not shot is the hard part. Actually, that's the easy part. People choose to not shoot all the time. The hard part is knowing when to start shooting. There is no "unshooting" once the bullets start flying and it will change your life forever.
...and you are far out of your lane, pretending to be an expert on a life and death subject you clearly know nothing about. I'm not an expert either, but I've talked to and read the writings of people who are. Your BS doesn't stand up to what they teach. If the mindset that you might have to take a life defending yourself with a firearm is unacceptable, what makes you think taking a life defending yourself with Jui-Jitsu is?

I never said I could shoot someone breaking into my house without batting an eye. I find the idea of taking a human life abhorrent. I don't know if I could pull the trigger in that critical moment because I've never had to make that choice. However, I find the idea of letting someone harm or take the life of a loved one or myself even more abhorrent. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't act to save a life.

Someone in an earlier post said knowing when to not shot is the hard part. Actually, that's the easy part. People choose to not shoot all the time. The hard part is knowing when to start shooting. There is no "unshooting" once the bullets start flying and it will change your life forever.
I never said “If the mindset that you might have to take a life defending yourself with a firearm is unacceptable.” You said that.

And yeah I’m out of my lane. Sure buddy. 👍🏻
Pretty simple for me if it were to come down to a life or death for me or my family I will shoot you. I’d choose to avoid all situations that would make me use a firearm.
in today’s world although slim I think the possibility has gotten more likely that you would need to use your firearm.
I never said “If the mindset that you might have to take a life defending yourself with a firearm is unacceptable.” You said that.

And yeah I’m out of my lane. Sure buddy. 👍🏻
Of course, you didn't say that. It's an edited version of what I posted.

You posted
I'm more of a realist and know that the chances of me firing on another human are about 0.0001%. The people who think they can shoot another human point blank are mostly delusional. So hunting and target shooting.

Then you go on to suggest a Ju-jitsu classes is the better alternative.
I think a lot of people carry because they are scared. That’s not a good combination. Self defense or jiu-jitsu classes would probably be the better investment. Chances of you running into someone with a gun is a lot smaller than someone just looking to steal and fight.
If someone doesn't have the mindset to defend themselves by firing on another human with a firearm, they aren't going to have the mindset to fight with the brutality needed when going hands on.

Then you come up with this gem
I’m not saying people shouldn’t carry. I’m saying if you get a weapon for the sole purpose of thinking you need it to defend yourself, it ain’t gonna work out.
It's a false premise disguising the "Gotcha" of "...need it (a firearm) to defend yourself..." to support your claim " ain't gonna work out." The reality is, many people who use firearms for the sole purpose of self defense are very knowledgeable and well trained.

Not only are you out of your lane, you doubled down and crossed into oncoming traffic.
I've talked to a bunch of guides that carry in's rather difficult to get off more than one or two rounds with a .44, and most dislike practicing with that weapon. Many rather carry a 10mm or .45 with hard cast bullets. Bears are also not my primary concern (I carry bear spray, which is far more effective bear deterrent than a handgun)...I'm more concerned with low lifes wanting to take my jeep from me, hence a 12 ga Benelli with a combo of double aught & slugs...and carry the .45 (not concealed)..
to get back on your OP, I'd be curious to know what you end up with.
Of course, you didn't say that. It's an edited version of what I posted.

You posted

Then you go on to suggest a Ju-jitsu classes is the better alternative.

If someone doesn't have the mindset to defend themselves by firing on another human with a firearm, they aren't going to have the mindset to fight with the brutality needed when going hands on.

Then you come up with this gem

It's a false premise disguising the "Gotcha" of "...need it (a firearm) to defend yourself..." to support your claim " ain't gonna work out." The reality is, many people who use firearms for the sole purpose of self defense are very knowledgeable and well trained.

Not only are you out of your lane, you doubled down and crossed into oncoming traffic.
What makes you so much of an expert? That fact that you can multi quote in one post? Or the fact that you run on and on with your drivel?
Then you go on to suggest a Ju-jitsu classes is the better alternative

If someone doesn't have the mindset to defend themselves by firing on another human with a firearm, they aren't going to have the mindset to fight with the brutality needed when going hands on.
That’s EXACTLY what it does.
to get back on your OP, I'd be curious to know what you end up with.
I'm going to check out an HK45 & SIG P220 .45...Benelli M4 12 ga...I have shot the P220 before, fit and recoil felt good in my hands. Having been around a gazillion brown bears in AK over the years, I wouldn't even bring a gun to fish...they are so focused on eating salmon. However, a single grizzly in the backcountry of ID, MT or WY would be a different story...and I would be more worried in camp while cooking food. Having a shotgun in the backcountry has a dual can use it to hunt food if necessary (carry a box of #6's)...
I'm going to check out an HK45 & SIG P220 .45...Benelli M4 12 ga...I have shot the P220 before, fit and recoil felt good in my hands. Having been around a gazillion brown bears in AK over the years, I wouldn't even bring a gun to fish...they are so focused on eating salmon. However, a single grizzly in the backcountry of ID, MT or WY would be a different story...and I would be more worried in camp while cooking food. Having a shotgun in the backcountry has a dual can use it to hunt food if necessary (carry a box of #6's)...
I have my eye on a good high caliber lever action rifle for a truck/camping gun. They are reliable, powerful, easy to use even in the brush, and you don’t have the concerns with the patchwork of capacity laws out there.
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