See Past the Koolaid - Who else got an open text solicitation?

Speaking of.... Time for a fill up
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I'll be right over to fill your glass, oh wait you might turn into a lush like me :cheesy:
So is that the Koolaid that yall all have been drinking?
Yup :dont_tell:
let me know man would love to come or at least could send up a wedding gift with Frank if you boat is full
There will be room for all my friends here on wayalife!
I wish Panda and I were closer geographically speaking. He does wonders cutting fenders from what I've seen. Lol. I keep putting mine off because I don't want to screw them up.

Thank you sir! Panda may be taking an east coast road trip next year :brows:
Thank you sir! Panda may be taking an east coast road trip next year :brows:

It would be awesome to meet you if you make it out East. I'm working on next year's end of summer run and would love you have some of you west coast folks make it out for it!
It would be awesome to meet you if you make it out East. I'm working on next year's end of summer run and would love you have some of you west coast folks make it out for it!

That would be awesome! I'll have our travel dates soon :thumb:
All I can say after reading this thread, sad how some people cant handle the internet, and I am glad I was never part of this invite.....yet I did get a lanyard a while back :thinking:
All of this is strange indeed. I had wondered what happened to those members as they used to be active and I never saw anything in particular that wold cause them to go away. I didn't feel the need to ask as I'm sure they had their reasons and to me they probably weren't important. As I see its their loss. This forum has always been a great community. Anyone with any humility, can take digs, dish out the digs, offer up advise, help someone out, and just all around participate seems to fit right in. Those people realize its the internet and anything can be said or anyone can act how they want and that's what fosters the sense of community and family if you will. I remember the first S&G I attended in March of 2012. I had just got my JKU and it only had a few hundred miles on it. I drove down to Anaheim all by myself to interact with a group of people I had never met in person. It wasn't too difficult feeling out the crowd and before long I was talking with several people like they were old friends. Frank happened to be one of them when he still had his 2 door. Then, I was really surprised when people wanted to go check out my bone stock rig when there were so many others to look at, but hey it was a brand new 12' and not many if any were there (Eddie drove Moby that night). I'm not sure how he does it but Eddie seems to remember everyone's name and always greets them. Fast forward 3 years I PM Eddie and let him know I'm passing through on my way home from Truckee. He not only invites me over but actually cuts his trip to run errands short so he'd be home to meet me then proceeds to give me a tour of Camp Wayalife (which as many of you know is his and Cindy's private residence). If that's not accommodating I'm not sure what else is...;). If it wasn't for him who's to say that most of us would have ever met (whether online or in person) and the friendships been formed. This is the reason that most veteran members quickly "jump" on the new guys who act out of line or break the rules. I see that as the unofficial test to see if they are a fit. If they own up and realize the errs of their ways they will most likely fit right in. If they get right on the defensive they should move along to one of the other "non-wayalife" jeep forums and they most likely are not a fit here. Lee has taken it to another level and actually took Eddie's advice (I'm not sure he relizes that with out Eddie he wouldn't have his own forum now...;)) and created his own forum. Unfortunately how I see it, its destined to fail when your hopes for members comes in the form of trying to persuade and coax long time members of Wayalife to join his. Most of those members are of sound mind and can think for themselves and will see right through his plan. To each his own, its his life and if that's what he wants to do to make him happy so be it. You won't find me there based on principle alone, let alone it seems to be filled with nothing but drama.

P.S.-Yes Frank its another long winded post...haha
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