Screw You WAYALIFE - We are NORCAL!

Y'all are getting off topic. This thread is about the thin skinned pussies that don't know how to act like courteous adults. :yup:

Oh yeah, sorry! I blame Eddie, he opened up the can of worms of an EPIC Wayalife gathering in MOAB!! That kinda goes along with the thread, since everyone has been blaming him for all of this. :crazyeyes:
I see now this effort is doomed but I now want to point out a few things that some people may not have heard or have purposely ignored. I will also try to connect the dots on information that has been debated before.

There are some people who think Rox Star is not a "Stand up Guy". These same people are highly offended when his "friends" and others, like me, who have only known him 3 days, come to his defense when he is so obviously not a "Stand up Guy."
Here is a point I believe has not been mentioned. Please read it carefully and keep it in mind if you respond.
Rox Star brought with him on this trip three 1.75 liter bottles of American Honey. One for each night to share with the entire group around the campfire.
Hey EVERYBODY, have you EVER been on a run where someone did this. Pretty cool, especially from someone who is so obviously not a "Stand up Guy"

When Rox Star's Jeep broke and Bobby and Ricky were ready to head out to meet Eddie, Rox Star gave one of the bottles to Bobby and asked Bobby to thank Eddie and Cindy profusely and hand him the bottle as a THANK YOU GIFT. Bobby mentioned this CLEARLY in his very well written explanation posted 5 or 6 days ago. No one responded to that portion of Bobby's post or even acknowledged there was a gift given or received. Even as of this very moment, Eddie, nor any of the people who seem to know for sure that Rox Star is not a "Stand up Guy" have acknowledged that a thank you gift was presented at the top of Cadillac Hill, probable at the exact moment that Eddie presented Bobby with the much needed and appreciated power steering pump.
Were there smiles and handshakes all around and then more smiles and handshakes all during and after Bobby welded the sway bar with the welder brought up by Eddie? I think so but i was not there. The welder brought by Eddie was very good thinking on his part and I am sure was much appreciated.
I heard that photos or video of the entire event were taken by Cindy. Knowing the outstanding production quality of all of your videos, maybe we will get a peek at the mysterious thank you gift someday.

Having watched numerous videos of WAL trail runs, and the evening parties afterwards, it seems like a 1.75 liter bottle of American Honey would be a perfect gift for Eddie for his birthday, Christmas, or as a thank you for an extra special favor. I bet some of the people reading this have given him the exact same gift. Did he acknowledge it or say thank you? I am sure he did, and most graciously.

Let's move forward two days.
Eddie has the "item" tucked away safely in his liquor cabinet when he reads the post from Overlander that starts off with these exact words "That was a Fucking Lame Ass thank you." Probably over 90% chance that Overlander was aware of the new item in Eddie's liquor cabinet as he wrote his post.

Eddie, you have asked this rhetorical question on this thread several times. And I quote you. "What could I have possibly done to prevent this."
I have a pretty good idea you may want to consider.
You could have and SHOULD have INSTANTLY posted that Overlander was way out of line with his profane, rude and incorrect post, and that you had received from Rox Star the perfect thank you gift, at the perfect location, with the perfect timing, perfect weather, and presented by Bobby and Ricky with a heartfelt thanks from Rox Star and the entire WAL group.

That might have helped a little.

A helpful tip for Overlander:
I see you were a little late signing up for this trip and were #2 on the waiting list. It is a shame you were stuck as #2 for over 6 months but unfortunately nobody cancelled. I hope that did not influence your attitude toward the group.
Guess you were beaten out by people from Oregon, Michigan and 3 Jeeps from SoCal. You need to be much quicker signing up since this WAL group with several members located near Sacramento do a lot of runs and are highly organized and post all of their upcoming trips very publicly and with no limitations on who comes or where they come from. The next great trip could have the roster completely filled with people from Florida, Maine, Washington or Texas.
They make their upcoming trips very easy to find. Just look under the upcoming trip section and hunt for NorCal. Makes it easy to find so you are not wasting time scrolling thru hundreds of interesting trips only to find that it is 2500 miles away.
Good luck in signing up and I am sure you will be welcomed with open arms just like I was.

Wait a second. I just heard there will no more NorCal trip
I wonder why that happened. DO YOU?

Your turn, Eddie

All facts..... and well said scottkathyrubi!!!
Seriously, most of you are a bunch of immature idiots.....
All facts..... and well said scottkathyrubi!!!

Funny, I don't recall seeing you on top of Cadillac Hill. Now that I think about it, I don't recall seeing you anywhere around my house to know what I was doing when all the stupidness you were a part of was taking place. And yet, you and your buddy Scott seem to have all the "facts". Well, being that you guys are the authority on truth, I guess I'll have to defer to your wisdom and insight.


Seriously, most of you are a bunch of immature idiots.....

Yes, please do go and move on.....

Seriously, most of you guys are just way too mature and intelligent for us anyway. :crazyeyes:
I can't believe how this went bad so fast. All I can say is I've only known Eddie and Cindy to be very nice people and I think people sometimes take them for granted. I spent 10 days with them at the start of the year. The only thing I paid for was myself. They received no money for leading us all that time or for setting up hotels and other activities. While we we on that trip we had several rigs break down and Eddie busted his ass to keep the group together and moving along. Just my opinion
:cheesy: Welcome back norcalians (and maybe a few from other areas)!! Thanks to the "get well crippledpetey thread", I see that a number of you have decided to resurface and become active on the forum again. Nice!

Now, here's the part where I'm going to give my 2¢ and quite possibly, offend a few of you.

I know a lot of you norcalians don't like Adam/OverlanderJK and really, that's okay by me. For sure, he is an asshole but to me, he is one of the most honest guys I have ever met and that's why I'm proud to call him a close personal friend. That asshole will always tell it exactly like it is and while that often ends up getting most peoples panties in a bunch, I personally find it to be a breath of fresh air. Adam is also one of the most loyal friends that I have and I won't lie, I really appreciate the fact that he would get offended for me and enough so that he'd go to bat for me the way he did. And, in spite of the all the stupidness HE may have started, I personally am glad that he did what he did. As rude as he might have been in calling out your friend Rox Star, he was RIGHT to do so or at least, in my opinion. And, for all of you who were quick to defend Rox Star and attack him, YOU WERE WRONG to do so or at least, in my opinion. In fact, this really needs to be extended to ALL my friends who came to my defense and YOU attacked in a pathetic attempt to defend a guy who ACCUSED ME of orchestrating all the stupidness and for giving me a big FU thanks for nothing.

With that said, there have been a few of you who've been in contact with me since all this started and have civilly been talking to me about it. To you, I'm grateful for that and you guys are okay in my book. But, for the rest of you who chose to use all this as an opportunity to pick up your torches and burn my friends for standing up for me and ultimately BLAME ME for all the stupidness that you've brought onto yourselves, I'd be grateful if you just left WAYALIFE. You are no longer welcome here. I should also add that for those of you who were too much of a coward to stand with YOUR friends while they did all the fighting and instead, you just quietly stood back and removed your decals from your Jeep, I'd be grateful if you left as well. Cowards like you aren't welcome here either.

Please note, this is NOT open to discussion and I don't want to know what you think or even care.

Thank you,
Eddie :cool:
You mean the dipshits that acted holier than thou THEN fucking disappeared and returned like nothing ever happened? NO WAY.
:cheesy: Welcome back norcalians (and maybe a few from other areas)!! Thanks to the "get well crippledpetey thread", I see that a number of you have decided to resurface and become active on the forum again. Nice!

Now, here's the part where I'm going to give my 2¢ and quite possibly, offend a few of you.

I know a lot of you norcalians don't like Adam/OverlanderJK and really, that's okay by me. For sure, he is an asshole but to me, he is one of the most honest guys I have ever met and that's why I'm proud to call him a close personal friend. That asshole will always tell it exactly like it is and while that often ends up getting most peoples panties in a bunch, I personally find it to be a breath of fresh air. Adam is also one of the most loyal friends that I have and I won't lie, I really appreciate the fact that he would get offended for me and enough so that he'd go to bat for me the way he did. And, in spite of the all the stupidness HE may have started, I personally am glad that he did what he did. As rude as he might have been in calling out your friend Rox Star, he was RIGHT to do so or at least, in my opinion. And, for all of you who were quick to defend Rox Star and attack him, YOU WERE WRONG to do so or at least, in my opinion. In fact, this really needs to be extended to ALL my friends who came to my defense and YOU attacked in a pathetic attempt to defend a guy who ACCUSED ME of orchestrating all the stupidness and for giving me a big FU thanks for nothing.

With that said, there have been a few of you who've been in contact with me since all this started and have civilly been talking to me about it. To you, I'm grateful for that and you guys are okay in my book. But, for the rest of you who chose to use all this as an opportunity to pick up your torches and burn my friends for standing up for me and ultimately BLAME ME for all the stupidness that you've brought onto yourselves, I'd be grateful if you just left WAYALIFE. You are no longer welcome here. I should also add that for those of you who were too much of a coward to stand with YOUR friends while they did all the fighting and instead, you just quietly stood back and removed your decals from your Jeep, I'd be grateful if you left as well. Cowards like you aren't welcome here either.

Please note, this is NOT open to discussion and I don't want to know what you think or even care.

Thank you,
Eddie :cool:

You mean the dipshits that acted holier than thou THEN fucking disappeared and returned like nothing ever happened? NO WAY.

Really need like buttons on here.
I don't know who all did what. And who may have contacted whom via PMs etc. I will say this. Eddie is a close friend and I go as he goes. This is his forum, first and foremost, and I'm happy to call him a friend and thankful to him for all the friends my wife and I and our kids have made here.

It doesn't look like a blanket "exit" statement being made by Eddie. So if you are cleared with wayolife, then you are clear with me.

This isn't the first time I've seen this and won't be the last, I'm sure, but I will always have my friends backs here, however I can.

Eddie, it honestly sucks that you are somehow in the middle of all this. I'm sure you'd rather be doing 101 other things.
Get well soon Jason! When you and petey are both healed up, you'll have to come up and show off that horsepower!

You know David, I think you've overstayed your welcome here. As you've said, some of the people who were getting called out are personal friends of yours and I get why you felt the need to defend them but I shared what was said to me VERBATIM and the most you could say is that it was "a little weak". You then disappeared... until now. :rolleyes2:

Well, I'm hear to say that I don't like the people you choose to call your friend and I'm thinking that it might be best for everyone if you spent more time with them and not on here.
:cheesy: Welcome back norcalians (and maybe a few from other areas)!! Thanks to the "get well crippledpetey thread", I see that a number of you have decided to resurface and become active on the forum again. Nice!

Now, here's the part where I'm going to give my 2¢ and quite possibly, offend a few of you.

I know a lot of you norcalians don't like Adam/OverlanderJK and really, that's okay by me. For sure, he is an asshole but to me, he is one of the most honest guys I have ever met and that's why I'm proud to call him a close personal friend. That asshole will always tell it exactly like it is and while that often ends up getting most peoples panties in a bunch, I personally find it to be a breath of fresh air. Adam is also one of the most loyal friends that I have and I won't lie, I really appreciate the fact that he would get offended for me and enough so that he'd go to bat for me the way he did. And, in spite of the all the stupidness HE may have started, I personally am glad that he did what he did. As rude as he might have been in calling out your friend Rox Star, he was RIGHT to do so or at least, in my opinion. And, for all of you who were quick to defend Rox Star and attack him, YOU WERE WRONG to do so or at least, in my opinion. In fact, this really needs to be extended to ALL my friends who came to my defense and YOU attacked in a pathetic attempt to defend a guy who ACCUSED ME of orchestrating all the stupidness and for giving me a big FU thanks for nothing.

With that said, there have been a few of you who've been in contact with me since all this started and have civilly been talking to me about it. To you, I'm grateful for that and you guys are okay in my book. But, for the rest of you who chose to use all this as an opportunity to pick up your torches and burn my friends for standing up for me and ultimately BLAME ME for all the stupidness that you've brought onto yourselves, I'd be grateful if you just left WAYALIFE. You are no longer welcome here. I should also add that for those of you who were too much of a coward to stand with YOUR friends while they did all the fighting and instead, you just quietly stood back and removed your decals from your Jeep, I'd be grateful if you left as well. Cowards like you aren't welcome here either.

Please note, this is NOT open to discussion and I don't want to know what you think or even care.

Thank you,
Eddie :cool:

Quoting for reference. I don't want this post getting lost.
We Aren't WAYALIFE - We are NORCAL!

Bunch of nonsense going on lately, if this dude (RockTurd) was such a stand up guy he would of posted from the get go and defended himself instead of others doing it for him. I think it's crazy Eddie was put in the middle when all he did was take time out of his day to do something nice for a fellow Jeeper.
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