Random Internet Shit you've come across

I've seen that. I remember learning about Nazi Germany in school and always questioning how one man could easily convince society that the Jews were an enemy. It never made sense. After the last two years, it makes perfect sense. The powers that be that control media and government and continually perpetuate that one part of society is a threat to the other and stupid and naive people just buy it and stupid people easily assume that there is an enemy among them, and stupid people will do whatever is necessary to do what they're told even if it means segregating or extinguishing people different than them. There is no logic, truth, nor science involved. It is merely fear and robotic behavior to allow the official narrative to continue. Here we are in 2022 (14 days later after flattening the curve from 2 years ago,) and I look at my country and fellow Americans and sadly there are so many brainwashed pussies who don't care about thinking for themselves and just do what they're told. True freedom is non-existent to those that do not think for themselves nor ask questions about the official narrative.

United States? I remember when that was the case. We were united in freedom regardless of the stupid simple shit we argue about. Slowly over the decades, the puppet masters have divided us. The foundation should be freedom from government. But now, it is whether or not you are vaccinated or not against the kung flu. And if you are aren't, then you aren't doing your part (even though you can still get it and spread it). Where are the leaders? They're all bought and paid for.
The sad part is that people never learn. This can happen over & over, because people can’t believe they’d fall for something like that.
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