Passing on the Savings to You👍


Staff member
WooHoo!! Being that I ship a lot of parts like our popular ACC BAR through UPS, I just got the following email from them. And, as you will see, the new five-year labor agreement that they made with their hardworking U.S. Teamsters will reward you with an average 5.9% to 6.3% net increase in shipping costs.

Screenshot 2023-11-08 115552.png

It's just so awesome how that works (y)
Isn't this one of the companies during the scamdemic that raised their rates because so many people were buying online versus going to stores?

Isn't this one of the companies that have boasted record profits through the scamdemic and during the current inflationary period?

So now, that they got hit by the actual people that do the work, they want to pass that on so it doesn't cut into their new elevated profit margin........

Neat 😐
This is why I love unions (sarcastic font). Just one of the reasons inflation and outsourcing is what it is today. The stupid writer's and actors unions were trying to get CA to pass a bill which would have entitled their "members" to unemployment. They willingly walked of of their job and realized afterward that they didn't get paid and wanted the state to pay them to stay off of work while their union "negotiated". If you willingly quit your job your not entitled to unemployment why should these jackwads who still have a job but are refusing to work get it? So fucking stupid.
Well, maybe their hardworking team will do a better job of not losing my packages or destroying them with their gentile hands now that they're charging us more to pay them more 🤪
Now that would require them to actually give you something in return… we all know how good UPS is at handling returns.
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