Magazine Product Reviews - Does Anyone Even Care?

And I suppose that's were you and I disagree. Forums are FILLED with opinions from regular joe blows but they can be dissected and discussed by people who've had actual first hand experience using the products in question. Magazine try to come across as some kind of an authority when in fact, they're just in the business of selling advertisements. This is the reason why they ONLY publish reviews of products made by manufacturers who advertise in their journals. This is why you will never hear a scathing but honest review of anything, EVER. As I said from the beginning, I used to subscribe and buy magazines all the time back when they were the only source of information but today, I find the content within them to be outdated and of little use. Of course, that's just me. If you find what they have to say useful, I guess they're doing you a service.

And it's been my experience that the articles they publish regarding things like installation write-up to be woefully inadequate. They lack detail, they lack quality photo and of things I really need to see and they lack the kind of interaction and help from others who've installed the same products. But again, that just been my experience.

This is 100% true. I work in advertising. Not in print, but in digital and in the finance category. So not apples to apples. My company (advertiser) agrees to paid display media campaigns with a website, in order for that website to promote our content which is white labeled on their site. We do this with WSJ, Forbes, CNBC, Yahoo Finance, etc...same exact thing happens with these parts manufacturers and magazines. It's just the way of business. Just don't be fooled by those articles...they're essentially "Advertorials" is what I like to call them...trying to persuade you to buy their product in a content oriented user experience.
By all means, please give me an example of where you learned something of relevance that you could ONLY find in a magazine.

Not exactly. What I said is that you will NEVER see a scathing BUT honest review in a magazine - there is a difference and the absence of it should be concerning to you and others. Or at least, in my opinion.

I never said there was relevant information that could ONLY be found in magazines. The format of a magazine can give you good information in a brief write up, I find that useful.

I don't think the owner of any media outlet will be writing "scathing BUT honest" reviews of their sponsors, that just isn't how businesses operate if they want to stay in business. I've seen articles written giving both pros & cons of products, scathing? No, but balanced yes. Again, just my opinion....
I never said there was relevant information that could ONLY be found in magazines.

And that is the reason why they are now IRRELEVANT.

The format of a magazine can give you good information in a brief write up, I find that useful.

LOL!! You are literally the ONLY guy I've ever met who could say they find the "brief" write-ups in a magazine to be "useful". Certainly, if more people thought like you, I wouldn't be where I am today. But hey, to each their own I guess.

I don't think the owner of any media outlet will be writing "scathing BUT honest" reviews of their sponsors, that just isn't how businesses operate if they want to stay in business.

And that's my point! Magazines are in the BUSINESS of SELLING ADS and that is the reason why they ONLY write reviews for products that are made by manufacturers who ADVERTISE in their journal. It is also the reason why they would NEVER write a scathing but honest review as to do so would essentially be biting the hand that feeds them. In other words, you only get to see and read what THEY want you to see and read.

I've seen articles written giving both pros & cons of products, scathing? No, but balanced yes. Again, just my opinion....

LOL - yes, they do try to be politically correct and try not to offend their advertisers. That being said, I don't know how giving a pro review to something like a China made winch could be considered "balanced" especially when I've seen them fail time and time again but then, you are entitled to your opinion.
Rarely do I find a write up or article in a mag that I cant easily find more about on the internet.
I dont buy any magazines anymore but I remember seeing a how to article somewhere about doing a gear install that was actually pretty good and was very detailed.

Granted now you can just go search youtube and I think the day of the print magazines and newspapers and what not is going to be dead before long.
And that is the reason why they are now IRRELEVANT.

LOL!! You are literally the ONLY guy I've ever met who could say they find the "brief" write-ups in a magazine to be "useful". Certainly, if more people thought like you, I wouldn't be where I am today. But hey, to each their own I guess.

And that's my point! Magazines are in the BUSINESS of SELLING ADS and that is the reason why they ONLY write reviews for products that are made by manufacturers who ADVERTISE in their journal. It is also the reason why they would NEVER write a scathing but honest review as to do so would essentially be biting the hand that feeds them. In other words, you only get to see and read what THEY want you to see and read.

LOL - yes, they do try to be politically correct and try not to offend their advertisers. That being said, I don't know how giving a pro review to something like a China made winch could be considered "balanced" especially when I've seen them fail time and time again but then, you are entitled to your opinion.

Just because information can be obtained from multiple sources doesn't make one source irrelevant.

As for my appreciation of a brief write up, I don't have a lot of hours to spend online reading forums. If I read an article about let's say a new onboard air system that has more features than my current system and I think I may want to upgrade, then I'd go directly to the manufacturers website for more info. If I'm still interested, I may go searching for folks who have it and read about their experience. That's just how I roll...

And just like magazines limit what they review, the only info you get on a forum is limited to what people choose to share. Everyone has a preference for getting info, some prefer short and sweet, others enjoy getting every last opinion.

As for giving a pro review to a China made winch you've seen fail time and time again, I cannot answer to that because I don't know which winch or have I read the review. I can say despite seeing rave reviews for Warn Powerplant winches on the forums and magazines I have 2 close friends that have had nothing but problems with them. Do our personal experiences negate all other reviews and opinions? I Don't think so, it is quite possible the majority of other customers are content with their product. Would I buy a Warn Powerplant or recommend one? Not after seeing the problems my friends have had....
Just because information can be obtained from multiple sources doesn't make one source irrelevant.

LOL!! But the whole point of this thread was to question if anyone even cares about a "great review" that was published in a magazine. Apparently, you are the ONLY one here that does. :crazyeyes:

As for my appreciation of a brief write up, I don't have a lot of hours to spend online reading forums. If I read an article about let's say a new onboard air system that has more features than my current system and I think I may want to upgrade, then I'd go directly to the manufacturers website for more info. If I'm still interested, I may go searching for folks who have it and read about their experience. That's just how I roll...

Clearly, that's how YOU roll. :thumb:

And just like magazines limit what they review, the only info you get on a forum is limited to what people choose to share.

LOL!! You're kidding yourself if you really think that's an apples to apples comparison but hey, you're clearly the kind of guy that chooses to believe what he wants to believe and really, that's all good by me. :yup:

Everyone has a preference for getting info, some prefer short and sweet, others enjoy getting every last opinion.

You're absolutely right. Some people prefer to trust a one sided and dated review from a single source like a magazine while others come to a place like this, to see what others have done and ask questions about the products they're interested in and how they've held out in the long run. It's just a matter of preference.

As for giving a pro review to a China made winch you've seen fail time and time again, I cannot answer to that because I don't know which winch or have I read the review. I can say despite seeing rave reviews for Warn Powerplant winches on the forums and magazines I have 2 close friends that have had nothing but problems with them. Do our personal experiences negate all other reviews and opinions? I Don't think so, it is quite possible the majority of other customers are content with their product. Would I buy a Warn Powerplant or recommend one? Not after seeing the problems my friends have had....

The China made winch was ENGO and it was a “Best Value” winner (because every advertiser in a magazine is a winner of something) in the FOUR WHEELER multi-winch shootout. Might have been back in July of 2011 if I recall correctly. Of course, unlike that one sided and dated review, on a forum like this, people get to hear CURRENT information regarding something like a WARN PowerPlant and how they've held up over the years. Much like you, I know several people who've had a lot of problems with theirs and even though the two I own have held up exceptionally well over the last 9 years, I too might not recommend one and based on what I've seen. Imagine that.

With all that said, I am the one who asked if anyone even cares about magazine reviews and I think you've made it quite clear that they do to you.
I can't remember the last time I picked up a magazine. I always felt that the articles in them were biased. Honestly I prefer the first hand accounts on various products that can be found right here on WAYALIFE. :thumbup:
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