Jeep Club problems....


New member
Wanted to get everybody's feedback if they are a member of a local jeep club and
how their dynamic is?

I have jumped between a few clubs local to the area over the past couple years and
it seems nobody ever commits to a wheeling trip but if there is a car show or some
beach drive everybody and their momma shows up.

I know I'm on the east coast and the parks are limited but cmon, people still
build Jeeps to go wheeling still right?

Rant Over/

...Any good Jeep Clubs in NC?
Wanted to get everybody's feedback if they are a member of a local jeep club and
how their dynamic is?

I have jumped between a few clubs local to the area over the past couple years and
it seems nobody ever commits to a wheeling trip but if there is a car show or some
beach drive everybody and their momma shows up.

I know I'm on the east coast and the parks are limited but cmon, people still
build Jeeps to go wheeling still right?

Rant Over/

...Any good Jeep Clubs in NC?

I'm a member of Wayalife. Haven't done any meetupsp but sure love the online community here. And yes people here build Jeeps and go wheeling. There are also wheeling/meetups on here for wheeling in certain areas.
You post 2 to 3 times a year. If you were more active and paid attention to threads, there is at least one ride a month on the east coast. Hell, you just missed a ride at Windrock. Bonedaddy is organizing a ride in June for father's day in FL and the northern guys usually post up a Rausch Creek ride pretty regularly. :thinking:
You post 2 to 3 times a year. If you were more active and paid attention to threads, there is at least one ride a month on the east coast. Hell, you just missed a ride at Windrock. Bonedaddy is organizing a ride in June for father's day in FL and the northern guys usually post up a Rausch Creek ride pretty regularly. :thinking:

I dont post alot here just because of the wealth of information I come across just from searching the board a bunch. I wanted to go to Windrock but already committed to a camping trip with the family.

I was just hoping that some local jeep people would be as devoted as the spread of the wayalife members.
Wanted to get everybody's feedback if they are a member of a local jeep club and
how their dynamic is?

I have jumped between a few clubs local to the area over the past couple years and
it seems nobody ever commits to a wheeling trip but if there is a car show or some
beach drive everybody and their momma shows up.

I know I'm on the east coast and the parks are limited but cmon, people still
build Jeeps to go wheeling still right?

Rant Over/

...Any good Jeep Clubs in NC?

A "Jeep" club is just that, a Jeep club, and a lot of Jeep clubs do a lot of events other than actual "offroading", and there is nothing wrong with that. The only requirement to join a local Jeep club in my area is that you own a Jeep, it can be a two wheel drive Jeep Liberty, as long as it is a Jeep it doesn't matter. They do a lot of events, car shows, parades, easter hunts, ect...... and offroading events.

Sounds to me like you are in search of an "offroading" club instead of a "Jeep" club.
A couple ideas is to get the club you are already part of more involved. or propose a few ideas, a "trail committee" etc. There are always events going on in this area, and at a minimum a trail clean up every month (it does not have to be an off-road only trail). Suggest a calendar with some planned dates the club members can look forward to (i.e start with a planned big run or overnighter event) and go from there.

Good luck!
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I belong to a 4 Wheel Drive Club and at first it was great, I got to learn how to drive my YJ off road and I learned a lot about trails in our area but lately it seems to me that it is always the same people leading the same runs. I have tried to plan some runs and got no response so it kind of discouraged me.

3 years ago I got my TJ and I joined a new (then) Facebook off-road group and it is like night a day, all we want to do is go wheeling, anytime, anywhere.

Like others have said, be more active here and keep an eye on the runs in your area, that and see if you can find any Facebook 4X4 groups in your neck of the world.
Wanted to get everybody's feedback if they are a member of a local jeep club and
how their dynamic is?

I have jumped between a few clubs local to the area over the past couple years and
it seems nobody ever commits to a wheeling trip but if there is a car show or some
beach drive everybody and their momma shows up.

I know I'm on the east coast and the parks are limited but cmon, people still
build Jeeps to go wheeling still right?

Rant Over/

...Any good Jeep Clubs in NC?

I live pretty close to you. Why don't you post up a 'feeler' thread here and see what kind of response it gets? Upcoming Trips and Events

If you give people enough notice and you're willing to put in a little work to organize the event and create groups of people with similar abilities, you'll get some good feedback. If I were you I'd start with a Uwharrie run or something close by. Once you get one run under your belt try one a little further out. Don't be too ambitious on the size either. Target 10 rigs to begin with and you might get 5-6.
I dont post alot here just because of the wealth of information I come across just from searching the board a bunch. I wanted to go to Windrock but already committed to a camping trip with the family.

I was just hoping that some local jeep people would be as devoted as the spread of the wayalife members.

Jeepdad posted that he'll be at Windrock this weekend. If you can do that, maybe post in his thread.
I would be glad to meet you and do some riding . I will be at windrock sat the 21 doing some green and blue trails may do a black sons wanting me to spot him up 15 and wife is wanting to see the flats also will be doing a trip to huricane creek on a week day in a week or two will post it in trips when i get a date .
I will put something together for hopefully the end of June since work has me traveling for the next couple of weeks.

I think this thread has cleared up a couple things that I am looking for a offroading club and not a Jeep club... I
figured the two went things hand & hand.
Wayalife is a great "club" of friends. We post trip to off road together, suds and grubs, wrenching parties, and whatever else comes to mind. Hell its free as well unlike some of those clubs out there that require memberships. As mentioned post a thread for an upcoming trip you want to take and the like.
I don't belong to any of the local clubs around me. I have went wheeling with some of them but for the most part I really don't care to be in their clubs. There seems to be a lot of BS drama in most of them. I bought my jeep to go wheeling and while I haven't done much of anything in mine, there are a lot of mall crawlers in these clubs that hit some dirt roads every know and then and call it wheeling. Most of the JKs in these clubs are the worst of all the jeeps, its like they feel that they spent all this money on their jeeps so they dont want to mess them up. Dont get me wrong, they do some wheeling events through the year but for the most part, its a bunch of meet and greats and car shows, parades, etc. I dont mind those either, but I like wheeling too.

They also have their own "groups" and I get it, I mean I have a handful of friends that are like my family. But Ive volunteered my help and tools to fix stuff and they acted like I was only doing that to be better than them or to fit in. F that, I do it because Ive been there when nobody helped me and I had to figure crap out on my own. So if I can, I help people. However, there is also only so much I will do for free and as long as the owner of the vehicle is getting dirty with me, then my free help will go far. Ive worked on some of these group members vehicles for free just because I'm a nice guy. But when it becomes expected or I get blamed for problems I didn't create, then my attitude changes about the situation. Guess this relates back to my life in general. Ive only ever had a few true friends, the ones who were more like family. My good buddy has a key to my house, knows the code for the alarm system, the garage door, knows where my tool box key is and is more than welcome to help himself. I also have the same for his place. We both respect each others stuff though. Guess that's why we've been friends for 20 plus years. Id rather have a few dollars than a couple hundred pennies.

Ive never met anybody from the forum as of yet. I keep trying to but other stuff gets in the way and it just hasn't been good timing. I know that will change sometime and I'll get out and wheel with some of these people. I think for the most part almost everybody on here are good people and I cant wait to meet some.
I dont post alot here just because of the wealth of information I come across just from searching the board a bunch. I wanted to go to Windrock but already committed to a camping trip with the family.

I was just hoping that some local jeep people would be as devoted as the spread of the wayalife members.

We're going to be doing a HUGE run at the end of August at Windrock. You should try to make it. The thread is in the Upcoming Events section. If you have any trouble locating it, let me know.

Like others have said, if you're wanting to go wheeling sometime, post it up. You'll be surprised how many people will have interest. I started last years End of Summer event at Uwharrie with the thought of there being about 20 rigs and ended up close to 50! Don't get me wrong, putting together an event that size takes some serious work. Honestly, you'll be surprised how many WAL members there are close to you that would be up for wheeling.
Over the past 30+ years I've belonged to a couple clubs. It seems that the best clubs are the ones that have been established for 20-30 years. Clubs that have requirements to join ( minimum number of runs and minimum number of meetings attended), clubs that have leadership in place ( president, vp, treasurer...) clubs that require dues...

Clubs with structure and require you to participate tend to attract people of the same ilk. This is the type of club you want to participate in, clubs that are active, clubs that are involved in land use issues, clubs that welcome families with the next generation of wheelers.

I have a few clubs in my area that really aren't clubs per se, they are just a group of people interested in going off road when they get a chance. They aren't interested in being committed to anything, they just want to find someone to wheel with on their schedule. These I don't recommend.

Have you tried going to United Four Wheel Drive Association's website to see which clubs are listed for your state? Might be a good starting point for you.
I'm In Winston not far from you and I dont belong to a particular club but Jeepers United has a couple guys wheeling in NC at least every weekend. If all else fails just hit me up and I'm always down for a day trip.
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