I Tried The Jeep Thing And I Just Don't Get It

In the comments someone said he drives an LR3, so his "standards" are a bit higher than ours...

Wife and I went to an OHV park about a month ago, and saw an LR3 there. Parked. Off the side of the access road/trail that led to the trail heads. Did not move the 5 hours we were there, and I still cant figure out what it was doing there. No people around that I saw.
I wonder if he just took pics of the trash or went a step further and carried it out?:thinking:

I have been on a lot of dirt roads and trails and have never seen just one piece of trash. Their pictures show one PBR can and one folded half eaten bag of sunflower seeds. No other trash and a clean trail. I don't believe it. Not only that, the way the bag of seeds is shows that even if it were left on the trail it is neatly folded and clearly not something done on purpose.

Agreed. He planted the trash. I'd also bet that the PBR is from his ventures into being a hipster. Probably has a sweet fixie bike, a tight flanel shirt and some tight jeans to match. Maybe him and the Offroadvegan are pals?
Agreed. He planted the trash. I'd also bet that the PBR is from his ventures into being a hipster. Probably has a sweet fixie bike, a tight flanel shirt and some tight jeans to match. Maybe him and the Offroadvegan are pals?

Maybe they are one in the same person :O
...I'll bet even in heavily populated states, like California, that the trails aren't all that crowded.

Actually, on a weekend, the trails out in SoCal are crowded as hell. It's one of the many reasons why I got out of there.

I wonder if he just took pics of the trash or went a step further and carried it out?:thinking:

Funny, I was wondering the same thing.

I have been on a lot of dirt roads and trails and have never seen just one piece of trash. Their pictures show one PBR can and one folded half eaten bag of sunflower seeds. No other trash and a clean trail. I don't believe it. Not only that, the way the bag of seeds is shows that even if it were left on the trail it is neatly folded and clearly not something done on purpose.

The sad truth is, there are some trails in SoCal and even in the Phoenix area that have "a few" beer cans/bottles laying around here and there but that's a far cry from what this elitist is describing. Fortunately, a lot of these same trails are adopted by clubs that make it a point to clean them up instead of just complaining about it like this guy.
Actually, on a weekend, the trails out in SoCal are crowded as hell. It's one of the many reasons why I got out of there.

Funny, I was wondering the same thing.

The sad truth is, there are some trails in SoCal and even in the Phoenix area that have "a few" beer cans/bottles laying around here and there but that's a far cry from what this elitist is describing. Fortunately, a lot of these same trails are adopted by clubs that make it a point to clean them up instead of just complaining about it like this guy.

Exactly my point. It's never just one piece of trash. It's normally a grouping of trash by people who don't give a shit.
Overland Journal/ Expedition Portal knocks "jeeping"!

I thought this article was too funny not to post up. This is from the very popular overlanding website/magazine Expedition Portal and Overland Journal. This "overland" crowd is really something else!

It was one guy. I'm on EP quite often, and even their owner says that the JK is in a class of it's own when it comes to offroading. They only knock it for points because of the JK's low payload rating and low tow rating. They are slightly AEV fanboyish (mostly the brute) but this was an article written by one guy, and hey, at least he's honest.

To add to that, I personally, again, PERSONALLY, don't like bouncing around rocks for no reason, which is why I would never set "foot" into something like an offroad park. I only enjoy offroading with a destination ie, Moab, Death Valley, Montana, Colorado, etc.....with something to see, somewhere to get to, to enjoy the outdoors, to camp, fish, whatever. Going into a 2 acre area slamming around some rocks isn't fun for me.
So, true story. Over the Thanksgiving weekend, we were doing some "sightseeing" in our Jeeps across "dirt roads" in Death Valley and came across an "overlander" type but, to his credit, was at least driving JK. Of course, being that he was totally loaded up with a roof rack, snorkel, 2 full gas cans and 2 full size spares, his 4" lift made him look more like he only had 2" of lift. Thanks to all the extra weight from all crap he didn't need, he ended up breaking a bar pin on his passenger side rear shock due to it constantly bottoming it out. Of course, this was the one extra part that he didn't have with him. :crazyeyes:

I didn't piece it together at the time but, his shock dragging along is probably what we were so perplexed about on the CB as we saw where something had been drug along. This could have been a trail he wasn't on I can't remember exactly. I'm looking for a new CB by the way haha no more El Cheapo.
It was one guy. I'm on EP quite often, and even their owner says that the JK is in a class of it's own when it comes to offroading. They only knock it for points because of the JK's low payload rating and low tow rating. They are slightly AEV fanboyish (mostly the brute) but this was an article written by one guy, and hey, at least he's honest.

To add to that, I personally, again, PERSONALLY, don't like bouncing around rocks for no reason, which is why I would never set "foot" into something like an offroad park. I only enjoy offroading with a destination ie, Moab, Death Valley, Montana, Colorado, etc.....with something to see, somewhere to get to, to enjoy the outdoors, to camp, fish, whatever. Going into a 2 acre area slamming around some rocks isn't fun for me.

What about the Rubicon trail? Too many rocks?
It was one guy. I'm on EP quite often, and even their owner says that the JK is in a class of it's own when it comes to offroading. They only knock it for points because of the JK's low payload rating and low tow rating. They are slightly AEV fanboyish (mostly the brute) but this was an article written by one guy, and hey, at least he's honest.

To add to that, I personally, again, PERSONALLY, don't like bouncing around rocks for no reason, which is why I would never set "foot" into something like an offroad park. I only enjoy offroading with a destination ie, Moab, Death Valley, Montana, Colorado, etc.....with something to see, somewhere to get to, to enjoy the outdoors, to camp, fish, whatever. Going into a 2 acre area slamming around some rocks isn't fun for me.

But, that's just the thing. Out here in the west, we don't have small "off road parks" that are measured in acres and a lot of great destinations require you to bounce around on rocks for mile after mile and that includes Moab, Death Valley and Colorado. If you want to see the Confluence of the Colorado and Green Rivers, you have to bounce around on rocks to get there. If you want to see the Striped Butte in Death Valley, you have to bounce around on rocks to get there. If you want to see the Holy Cross ghost town site in Colorado, you have to really bounce around on rocks to get there. Out in this guy's neck of the woods, there are some amazingly hard core trails that will take you out to some beautiful ghost towns and petroglyphs but I can assure you that his overlanding rig will not be able to get him there. I literally could go on and on and my point to all this is that my rig, Moby, is built up the way he is just so that I CAN go and see and enjoy all these places - NOT so that I can go bouncing around on rocks in some small 2 acre off road park.
But, that's just the thing. Out here in the west, we don't have small "off road parks" that are measured in acres and a lot of great destinations require you to bounce around on rocks for mile after mile and that includes Moab, Death Valley and Colorado. If you want to see the Confluence of the Colorado and Green Rivers, you have to bounce around on rocks to get there. If you want to see the Striped Butte in Death Valley, you have to bounce around on rocks to get there. If you want to see the Holy Cross ghost town site in Colorado, you have to really bounce around on rocks to get there. Out in this guy's neck of the woods, there are some amazingly hard core trails that will take you out to some beautiful ghost towns and petroglyphs but I can assure you that his overlanding rig will not be able to get him there. I literally could go on and on and my point to all this is that my rig, Moby, is built up the way he is just so that I CAN go and see and enjoy all these places - NOT so that I can go bouncing around on rocks in some small 2 acre off road park.

Exactly...my point was this was one guy that wrote the article, and he's clearly a f***ing idiot. If I lived out west, and was handed a brand new brute to bounce around in, you better believe I'd be crawling every damn cave west of the Mississippi. This jackass didn't do ANY of that...he didn't go to some beautiful Alpine lake to camp and fish. he didn't explore old mining towns. He took a few rocky roads to take pics of some trash, and said "he's not into jeeping" as if Jeeping is driving on dirt roads looking at trash. The JK is the ultimate overlander because it can take you where almost no other SUV can and show you things you wouldn't otherwise get to see. Sure other SUVs can be modded to get to these destinations, but stock for stock, I'd say the JK and the G wagon are the only two in the US market that can get you to the forgotten corners.

To sum up....I enjoy reading people's travel reports on EP....some of them are truly inspiring, just like your WOL trip reports and movies inspire me to travel the US, some of the guys over there post some incredible stuff from around the world. I don't know Scott Brady, nor do I have any skin in their game, but I admit, I enjoy the site, but the article was written by some guy.....who's an imbecile.

I think this guy deserves the biggest facepalm in internet history.
It was one guy. I'm on EP quite often, and even their owner says that the JK is in a class of it's own when it comes to offroading. They only knock it for points because of the JK's low payload rating and low tow rating. They are slightly AEV fanboyish (mostly the brute) but this was an article written by one guy, and hey, at least he's honest.

To add to that, I personally, again, PERSONALLY, don't like bouncing around rocks for no reason, which is why I would never set "foot" into something like an offroad park. I only enjoy offroading with a destination ie, Moab, Death Valley, Montana, Colorado, etc.....with something to see, somewhere to get to, to enjoy the outdoors, to camp, fish, whatever. Going into a 2 acre area slamming around some rocks isn't fun for me.

I read that site often enough to know what goes on. That being said, if I run the hardest, most rock filled trail out there, my destination is the end of the trail. That's good enough for me.
What a wanker the author is. I consider myself an overlander, but I'm not a fancy pants guy. I really enjoy doing week long camping trips seeing some of the great scenic views around the nation, but I also like the challenges and pushing my comfort level. I'm sad this guy wrote this article like this; sounds like he thinks he has it all figured it more than the next guy.
I read that site often enough to know what goes on. That being said, if I run the hardest, most rock filled trail out there, my destination is the end of the trail. That's good enough for me.

And that is perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with that. I had this convo with one of my friends a while back.....and basically, my barometer was this....if I put you in the passenger seat, and ran a trail with you....would you still have fun? What this guy did isn't fun. Driving down black bear pass or the rubicon as a passenger IS fun. I totally understand that some people don't enjoy rockcrawling. It's slow, jarring, things break, it's expensive, etc.....but what this guy did is straight up stupid. He had an awesome opportunity to take SOMEONE ELSE's nicely done Jeep, and go explore somewhere his LR3 couldn't dream of getting, and the best photo he got was a can of PBR. Sucks to be him.
And that is perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with that. I had this convo with one of my friends a while back.....and basically, my barometer was this....if I put you in the passenger seat, and ran a trail with you....would you still have fun? What this guy did isn't fun. Driving down black bear pass or the rubicon as a passenger IS fun. I totally understand that some people don't enjoy rockcrawling. It's slow, jarring, things break, it's expensive, etc.....but what this guy did is straight up stupid. He had an awesome opportunity to take SOMEONE ELSE's nicely done Jeep, and go explore somewhere his LR3 couldn't dream of getting, and the best photo he got was a can of PBR. Sucks to be him.

Disagree. Black bear pass would not be fun as a passenger or a driver!

Exactly...my point was this was one guy that wrote the article, and he's clearly a f***ing idiot. If I lived out west, and was handed a brand new brute to bounce around in, you better believe I'd be crawling every damn cave west of the Mississippi. This jackass didn't do ANY of that...he didn't go to some beautiful Alpine lake to camp and fish. he didn't explore old mining towns. He took a few rocky roads to take pics of some trash, and said "he's not into jeeping" as if Jeeping is driving on dirt roads looking at trash. The JK is the ultimate overlander because it can take you where almost no other SUV can and show you things you wouldn't otherwise get to see. Sure other SUVs can be modded to get to these destinations, but stock for stock, I'd say the JK and the G wagon are the only two in the US market that can get you to the forgotten corners.

To sum up....I enjoy reading people's travel reports on EP....some of them are truly inspiring, just like your WOL trip reports and movies inspire me to travel the US, some of the guys over there post some incredible stuff from around the world. I don't know Scott Brady, nor do I have any skin in their game, but I admit, I enjoy the site, but the article was written by some guy.....who's an imbecile.

I think this guy deserves the biggest facepalm in internet history.

Yeah, I know someone like you gets it. I just find that most self-proclaimed "overlanders" out there are just so god damned self-righteous and annoying. I can assure you that I have personally traveled more miles and have seen more amazing places in Moby than a guy like this could hope to in his lifetime in his overlanding rig. And yet, EVERY SINGLE TIME I meet a guy like him, they've always gotta go on and on about how much they know and how prepared they are and how a Jeep like mine is just so impractical. :crazyeyes:
Blah, blah, blah…

The biggest atrocity this khaki clothed coffee shop warrior committed was not posting pics of the hot blonde he allegedly went wheeling with. :yup:

Makes me wonder what his name was? :idontknow:
Yeah, I know someone like you gets it. I just find that most self-proclaimed "overlanders" out there are just so god damned self-righteous and annoying. I can assure you that I have personally traveled more miles and have seen more amazing places in Moby than a guy like this could hope to in his lifetime in his overlanding rig. And yet, EVERY SINGLE TIME I meet a guy like him, they've always gotta go on and on about how much they know and how prepared they are and how a Jeep like mine is just so impractical. :crazyeyes:

Because you don't have cargo shorts with 56 zips and a combination highquality leather wrapped stool softner and pencil sharpener means you aren't practical or prepared. :cheesy: Listen, everyone needs self-validation. This guy wants to call himself an overlander because he has a land rover that he sometimes drives to the local boat launch and he catches a 10" trout....good for him. If someone is living in a dream world, it's best not to wake em. Keep on doing what you're doing, we all enjoy it an appreciate it, and if you ever come up on an overlander with "everything" just ask him if he has a spare bar pin. :D
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